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Herger with Northern Californians

Prepare for the Digital TV transition on February 17, 2009

I recently had the privilege of meeting with two incredible Northern California troops who are receiving treatment at Walter Reed Army Medical Center here in our nation’s capital.  Air Force Sgt. Chris Frost of Chico (pictured left) and Army Spc. David Mayer of Redding (pictured left center, next to his father Glenn) received amputee wounds in Iraq earlier this year.  Sgt. Frost and Spc. Mayer were both in good spirits even as they deal with their life-altering injuries.  Sgt. Frost is continuing to serve our nation in the U.S. Air Force, while Spc. Mayer plans to soon make the transition into serving our nation’s intelligence community.  I was inspired by their remarkable courage and uplifting spirit.  It is because of the service and sacrifices of people like Sgt. Frost and Spc. Mayer that we live in a nation that is free, prosperous, and secure.


Click here to see additional photos of Congressman Herger with people from the District.

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