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My Views on the Issues

War on Terror

I believe our nation’s ongoing missions in Afghanistan and Iraq are central to the war against radical jihadists.  Al Qaeda leaders themselves clearly understand the importance of these missions in fulfilling their vision of international terror.  While some may question our decision to confront Saddam Hussein’s regime, or argue that we have made mistakes in carrying out both missions, I believe it is clear that the future stability of Afghanistan and Iraq will impact our national security interests.  As such, rather than focusing on the past, I believe our nation’s policies must be forward-thinking by focusing on succeeding in these missions and strengthening our security.

There’s no question that our mission in Iraq, in particular, has seen serious challenges.  The deadly cycle of sectarian violence in 2006 and early 2007 was especially difficult.  But rather than sticking to an inadequate battle plan, our nation changed commanders and strategies.  The results of General David Petraeus’ counter-insurgency plan have been remarkable.  Sectarian violence, civilian fatalities, and U.S. casualties have all fallen significantly.  Regions in Iraq once considered unwinnable terrorist sanctuaries are now among the country’s most secure.  And Iraq’s government has passed important measures aimed at reconciling the Iraqi people and creating a more stable nation.  These developments are tenuous and work remains in developing a stronger government that can meet the needs of Iraqis.  But I believe success is possible. 

The establishment of a stable Afghanistan and Iraq would represent major successes in the war against jihadists, and be the best way to honor the men and women of our armed forces who have made great sacrifices in these missions.  In Afghanistan, our commanders (along with NATO) are adapting to conditions on the ground and implementing a strategy to defeat the Taliban and al Qaeda, and to further strengthen the current pro-U.S. government.  Likewise, Iraq’s current government is an important U.S. ally.  Its collapse would create a massive power vacuum that al Qaeda and Iranian-backed extremists would seek to fill.  A premature withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq could severely undermine our security interests in the region.  For this reason, I will continue to support General Petraeus’ battle-tested recommendations and strategy, and will work to ensure that all U.S. servicemembers have the resources and equipment they need to successfully perform their missions.

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