For Immediate Release:
APRIL 17, 2007
CONTACT: Darin Thacker
(202) 225-3076
Herger Reflects on Americans' Tax Burden

(Washington, DC) - Congressman Wally Herger today marked "Tax Day," the deadline to file tax returns, by discussing the benefits of the tax relief passed since 2001 and expressing deep concern that the Democrat budget passed three weeks ago would result in the largest tax increase in American history.  Herger made the following comment regarding the tax burden on the American people:

 "Tax Day reminds the American people that the government takes too much of their money," Herger stated.  "According to the nonpartisan Tax Foundation, California taxpayers worked until May 5 last year just to pay their taxes.  While most taxpayer money goes toward essential government responsibilities, such as national defense, billions and billions of dollars are spent on unnecessary and unsustainable government programs.  Too many in Washington apparently believe that they can spend taxpayer money more effectively than taxpayers themselves.  A glimpse at Washington spending demonstrates otherwise.     

 "The good news on this Tax Day is that over one trillion dollars has been returned to the American people since 2001," continued Herger.  "With my strong support, Congress reduced the unfair marriage penalty, doubled the child tax credit, phased out the 'death tax,' lowered the marginal rates on all taxpayers, and cut rates on investment income.  American families and small businesses have put much of this extra money back into our economy, helping to spur economic growth.  Over 7.5 million new jobs have been created since 2003, and the national unemployment rate has fallen to a very low 4.4 percent.  A strong economy has generated surging tax revenues, helping to push deficits far below their anticipated levels."

 Herger concluded, "Regrettably, however, the majority party's recently passed budget does not envision making this tax relief permanent.  Their budget would result in an unprecedented tax hike on American families, seniors, and small businesses.  A blueprint of higher taxes and untouched entitlement spending spells bad news for American taxpayers and our nation's economy."

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