For Immediate Release:
June 11, 2008
CONTACT: Matt Lavoie
(202) 225-3076
Herger Backs Effort to Allow
More American Energy Production

(Washington, DC) - Congressman Wally Herger (CA-02) today signed a special petition to require the House of Representatives to debate and vote on H.R. 3089, the No More Excuses Energy Act.  The legislation would authorize the exploration of domestic energy reserves currently off-limits in the Outer Continental Shelf and a small portion of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge in Alaska.  The legislation also contains incentives to encourage the expansion of America's refining capacity and use of nuclear power.  The effort, formally known as a discharge petition, requires the signatures of a majority of the House (218 members) to ensure consideration on the House floor.  Herger issued the following statement regarding his support for the petition and greater domestic energy production:

“As gas prices reach a new record level on just about a daily basis, many Northern Californians are finding it difficult to pay their bills and are adjusting their summer vacation plans.  Coupled with escalating food prices, Americans families and small businesses across our nation are facing an assault on their family budgets unmatched in recent years.  These rising costs could have a truly devastating impact on our local and national economy. 

“Legislation has been introduced that would lift America's self-imposed embargo on domestic energy production.  The American people deserve an open debate and an up-or-down vote on this proposal by their representative in Congress.  Although there are not any overnight solutions to lower gas prices, there are real steps Congress can take to ensure a more affordable energy future and greater energy independence for our nation.   The Democratic leadership has perpetuated their high-priced energy policy long enough.  I urge Democratic members to join me in signing this petition.  If they don’t, $4 gasoline may soon resemble the 'good ol' days.'"

***To listen to Congressman Herger’s radio actuality, click here.***

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