For Immediate Release:
June 26, 2008
CONTACT: Matt Lavoie
(202) 225-3076
Herger Applauds Supreme Court Decision Upholding Individual Gun Ownership Rights

(Washington, DC) - Congressman Wally Herger issued the following statement today after the Supreme Court rejected the District of Columbia’s ban on handguns and declared that the Second Amendment of the Constitution protects an individual right to own a firearm:
“The Supreme Court’s decision to protect gun ownership rights is a victory for individual liberty in our nation.  The Court correctly concluded that the architects of our Constitution designed the Second Amendment to guarantee that all Americans have the right to own a gun for protection and for hunting and other recreational activities. 

“The deeply restrictive DC gun ban violated this fundamental right by keeping virtually any firearm out of the hands of law-abiding citizens.  And at the end of the day, it provided nothing of substance to address crime in our nation’s capital.  I’m very pleased that our nation’s highest court got this historic decision right.”

***To listen to Congressman Herger’s radio actuality, click here.***

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