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MC Frontalot's new record is 3 bucks, today only on AmazonMP3 :
My 3.3v rail on my ps is reading at 3.18v. I think that means I have to buy a new one at some point... meh.
Finished moving stuff from the apt to the duplex. Down in Belmont for good now. I'll miss the convenience but not the noise and sketch.
Trying a vietnamese place near the house. Seems nice so far.
RT @kmakice: Hmmm. What to get the pregnant woman who has a social network researcher for a husband?
Great newsweek piece on what the bible really says about marriage.
Acquired a spare laptop to load xp on for a little selenium runner.
Borland is here @rupture giving an Agile Testing presentation.
Downloading a free, legit copy of CS4.
Mango & sticky sweet rice = YUM.
Dinner at Basil Thai then back home to pack more.
Laptop keeps crashing think ram might be bad go go memtest!
@lizhenry it's been pretty much doomed since he took over as director; sad times.


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