Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center

Insects and Related Arthropods of North America

Insects and Related Arthropods | Lepidoptera | Butterflies | Dragonflies


This Web site provides access to site-specific lists of insects that occur at various parks, refuges, and management units within North America. The lists were authored, compiled and contributed to this Web site by various professional and amateur lepidopterists.

Each separate list follows the order of the most recent catalogue or listing of common names which is cited at the end of the list. Authors' and compilers' names are provided, along with their current affiliations, mailing addresses, e-mail addresses, and the date of the list. A list of references in standard format is included with each list. The list may be simply a list or a publication that includes a list. The list may give further information on the distribution of the insects within the unit, for example by district, locality, wilderness area, and so on.

Any party who wishes to add a contribution to the site should e-mail it to Dr. Paul Opler at The method of documentation, whether by observation, photography, or collection, should be documented. The place or places where voucher specimens are deposited should be given also. If by observation or photography, the location of documentation for unexpected or out-of-range species should be presented. Observation is not an acceptable means for documentation of moths, nor is photography suitable for the vast majority of moth species. For moths, persons who identified the specimens should be acknowledged.

Contributors are encouraged to add information relevant to the conservation and/or management of particular species. Following a brief review by Dr. Opler, the list, if suitable, will be forwarded to Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center for addition to the site.

Many of our public land managers are anxious to have fauna and flora inventories of their lands. Such inventories should be documented by the deposition of specimens in institutional collections such as university collections or public museums. In some instances, experts in a particular group may make a local park list by observation with photographs serving to document rare or difficult-to-identify species.

It should be noted that persons should not collect specimens on public lands without first determining if permission or collecting permits are required. National Park Service units usually require a scientific collecting permit; other Federal lands such as Fish and Wildlife Service units often require a special use permit, and some state parks require permits while others do not. Regardless, personnel at public land management agencies and offices always appreciate being informed of any research activities taking place on their lands.

Insects and Related Arthropods | Lepidoptera | Butterflies | Dragonflies

This resource should be cited as:
Opler, Paul A. (Coordinator)  1999.  Insects and Related Arthropods of North 
     America.  Jamestown, ND: Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center Online. 
     (Version 26JUN2002).

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