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@levarburton Dude! I was just too shy. Come on the show tomorrow! We'd love your CES perspective. I'll DM info.
@kdf_amar The Tech Guy is on XM 158 - Saturday and Sundays live from 2-5p Eastern, repeated from 8-11p, and again on Wednesday.
All the CES coverage sounds the same: "the N3-78 from Convair features 60 watt fringe charging with heads-up TZL monitoring." Who cares?
Windows Weekly 89: Tripod, The Beta
@corgan Please be my guest - the Wiki is there for all TWiT community members to play with.
Sorry - Danish Kringles. My pastry lexicon is a little rusty.
And Kevin Capwell sent us two delish Danish Kugel from Wisconsin. It's Christmas all over again. Looks like I picked a bad year to diet.
Wow - Barry our one-week volunteer from a couple of months ago just sent us a giant box from Zabar's with Babkah and Rugelach. How nice!
@zerojay I slink off alone all the time. Just last night I was looking for a Macworld party but had to go home alone and broken hearted.
@risn3rdday Panasonic Lumix LX3 - my fave point and shoot. The first digital camera Jennifer could live with. Excellent lens, wide-angle.
Security Now 178: Listener Feedback 57
Daily Giz Wiz 740: Yashica KC600 Digtal Camera
Thanks to @CraigSyverson for creating the Keynote '09 slides for me. He's really amazing.
I survived the keynote! Quite a few people gathered around afterwards - which is usually a good sign. When it goes poorly I slink off alone.
Leo Laporte - The Tech Guy 524
net@night 82: Fly The Friendly Skies
Working on tomorrow's keynote. in San Francisco, CA
It sure is quiet around here. I think everyone went home.
Daily Giz Wiz 739: Coby MP-305
@thegame87 Exactly. Last year our prfit margins were 50%. This year might be a little slower though. We're spending more, making less.


Jack Dorsey Biz Stone Evan Williams Philip Kaplan Rael Dornfest Jason Goldman Josh Kopelman Maggie Mason Buzz Andersen Noah danah boyd Brian Walsh sean bonner Xeni Jardin Ross Manton Reece Om Malik Narendra Dave McClure Nick Douglas Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt Brian Oberkirch Scott Beale Dave Morin Dave Winer Jason Calacanis lane becker Michael Sippey EFF Dan Cederholm Derek Powazek joshua schachter Matthew Bischoff Sutha Kamal Caterina
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