Congresswoman Jane harman - Press Release


April 7, 2006



~ Changes Affect Capitol Hill and District Office ~


WASHINGTON D.C. -- U.S. Rep. Jane Harman (D-Venice) today announced several staff changes in her Washington, D.C. and District offices, including a new Deputy Chief of Staff and District Director.

Marc Carrel is Harman's new Deputy Chief of Staff. An attorney, veteran of California politics and a familiar face in Sacramento, Carrel has held senior positions in the State Assembly and Senate as well as the in offices of the Assembly Speaker, the Lieutenant Governor and Secretary of State. Carrel also worked on Harman's 1998 campaign for governor. Based in El Segundo, Carrel's policy responsibilities will also involve spending substantial time in Harman's Washington, D.C. office.

Said Harman, "Marc's expertise and political savvy are a perfect fit for the office. He will help integrate strategy initiatives in my California and Washington offices, and add the state perspective."

Chad Molnar, the Congresswoman's longtime Wilmington and San Pedro Field Representative and Deputy District Director, has been promoted to District Director. Current District Director Alison Friedman is leaving April 7 to pursue other interests.

"There is no one more deserving than Chad to step into the role of District Director," said Harman. "He has become well-known and well-liked in the District for his effectiveness, dedication and friendly manner. Alison has added real value on issues including reproductive rights, airport modernization and port security - and she remains a friend and constituent."

Longest-serving Field Representative Rhey Lee is also moving on to do local political work. Noted Harman, "Rhey has been the most dedicated and loyal of staffers. She will be sorely missed."

In Washington, Harman's Legislative Correspondent Spencer Robinson will now be wearing a second hat, that of Legislative Aide. "In addition to his current duties, it was time for Spencer to gain more direct legislative experience. He will be a valuable addition to my legislative staff," said the Congresswoman.

Former House Homeland Security Committee intern Hank Greenberg has been hired as a Legislative Aide. A recent Yale graduate, he will work on a variety of legislative and appropriations issues.


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