The Virtual Office of Congresswoman Jane Harman


Lawmaker says ongoing chaos in Pakistan could unleash unprecedented attacks worldwide

November 6, 2007

Washington, D.C. Rep. Jane Harman (D-Venice), Chair of the Homeland Security Subcommittee on Intelligence & Terrorism Risk Assessment, returned this morning from her 18th trip to the Middle East as a member of Congress.  She was in Israel and Palestine over the weekend as part of the Saban Center’s 2007 Forum.  While there, Harman met with the Israeli, Palestinian and Jordanian leadership as well as Secretary of State Rice and former British Prime Minister Tony Blair.

Said Harman: “Events in Pakistan were the back-drop to conversations about the upcoming Annapolis Conference and the threat of a nuclear Iran.  Chaos in Pakistan emboldens al Qaida and Taliban leaders hiding in the FATA, and could unleash unprecedented attacks in neighboring Afghanistan and targets worldwide.

“Taliban fighters are reported to have moved into Kandahar and are clashing with Afghan and NATO forces.  Al Qaida is establishing beachheads throughout North Africa and, just this weekend, called for jihad against the leaders of Libya, Tunisia, Algeria and Morocco.  And Westerners are believed to be training in camps in Pakistan’s tribal regions.

“All of this requires firm signals by the Bush Administration – not the mixed messages of the past two days.  President Musharraf must be told to revoke martial law, release the thousands of Pakistanis imprisoned in recent days, restore freedom of the press, relinquish his military position, and proceed with democratic reforms.  American military and economic aid should be suspended until he does so. 

“It is clear to me that President Musharraf’s chances of political survival are extremely dim unless he does these things.

“The US needs to help stabilize Pakistan.  But we must do so consistent with our values and Musharraf’s own promises to democratize.  Doing otherwise further weakens him – and our standing in the world. 

“I urge President Bush to clarify his position, and to enlist leaders in the region to support a democratic Pakistan.” 
