Congresswoman Jane harman - Press Release


July 26, 2006



Manhattan Beach Residents Take Final Evacuee Ship to Leave the Embattled Country


WASHINGTON D.C. -- Congresswoman Jane Harman today celebrated the safe evacuation of four Manhattan Beach siblings, Miriam, Marwa, Abraham, and Zeina Zein from Lebanon today.  The Zeins, aged 15 to 21, were visiting family in Tyre, Lebanon when the violence erupted. After fleeing Tyre, one of the hardest hit areas, they fled to a mountainous region of the country.  While there, relatives in California reached out to various community leaders for help, including Congresswoman Harman's office.

Within a day, the Congresswoman contacted the American Ambassador in Beirut to help facilitate their evacuation from Lebanon.  The Zeins were able to successfully board the final ship ferrying American evacuees from Lebanon.

"The entire community is very pleased and relieved that their neighbors were evacuated.  The most important job a Member of Congress has is to assist her constituents, and I can't think of anything more important than helping these four young people. I know we all hope the violence in Lebanon ends soon and that Hezbollah's ability to terrorize the Lebanese government and its neighbors is ended," Harman said.

"Needless to say we are extremely grateful to have them out of harm's way. We are grateful for the contribution Congresswoman Harman made in this situation and we don't know what we would have done without her efforts. Her help was essential to bringing them home and for that we are thankful.  The fact that these kids are coming back home is the best news we've heard so far," said Rania Zein, the Zein's aunt.


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