Congresswoman Jane harman - Press Release


January 18, 2007




WASHINGTON D.C. -- Rep. Jane Harman (D-Venice) today was named Chair of the Homeland Security Committee's Intelligence, Information Sharing and Terrorism Risk Assessment Subcommittee.  The subcommittee has jurisdiction over domestic intelligence issues, information-sharing, threat and vulnerability assessments, and oversight of the Secret Service, among other issues.

"I'm delighted to be chairing a subcommittee that is so vital to securing the homeland.  As we have seen in Britain, Spain and elsewhere, homegrown terror is increasing, not diminishing. Understanding and disrupting threats from homegrown terrorists and embedded cells will be central to the subcommittee's agenda," said Harman.  "Another focus will be strengthening the information sharing environment between DHS and state and local agencies.  I hosted a visit last year by DHS Secretary Chertoff to Los Angeles' new Joint Regional Intelligence Center, a model for fusing federal and local intelligence resources and personnel that is being replicated around the country."  Harman added, "The Los Angeles region is home to some of America's top terrorist targets, and I will apply the knowledge and experience gained as the Ranking Member on the House Intelligence Committee to keeping our communities safe."

Harman will also be a member of the Border, Maritime, and Global Counterterrorism subcommittee, chaired by Rep. Loretta Sanchez. The subcommittee has jurisdiction over implementation of the SAFE Port Act which Harman co-authored with Rep. Dan Lungren (R-Gold River).  "Protecting the LA/Long Beach port complex and adjacent neighborhoods is a top priority of mine.  If properly implemented and fully funded, the new law will make a big difference.  I will be paying close attention," said Harman.


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