Title 30--Mineral Resources



TEXT PDF206.10 Information collection.
TEXT PDF206.50 Purpose and scope.
TEXT PDF206.51 Definitions.
TEXT PDF206.52 Valuation standards.
TEXT PDF206.53 Point of royalty settlement.
TEXT PDF206.54 Transportation allowances--general.
TEXT PDF206.55 Determination of transportation allowances.
TEXT PDF206.100 What is the purpose of this subpart?
TEXT PDF206.101 What definitions apply to this subpart?
TEXT PDF206.102 How do I calculate royalty value for oil that I or my affiliate sell(s) under an arm's-length contract?
TEXT PDF206.103 How do I value oil that is not sold under an arm's-length contract?
TEXT PDF206.104 What index price publications are acceptable to MMS?
TEXT PDF206.105 What records must I keep to support my calculations of value under this subpart?
TEXT PDF206.106 What are my responsibilities to place production into marketable condition and to market production?
TEXT PDF206.107 How do I request a value determination?
TEXT PDF206.108 Does MMS protect information I provide?
TEXT PDF206.109 When may I take a transportation allowance in determining value?
TEXT PDF206.110 How do I determine a transportation allowance under an arm's-length transportation contract?
TEXT PDF206.111 How do I determine a transportation allowance under a non-arm's-length transportation arrangement?
TEXT PDF206.112 What adjustments and transportation allowances apply when I value oil using index pricing?
TEXT PDF206.113 How will MMS identify market centers?
TEXT PDF206.114 What are my reporting requirements under an arm's-length transportation contract?
TEXT PDF206.115 What are my reporting requirements under a non-arm's-length transportation arrangement?
TEXT PDF206.116 What interest and assessments apply if I improperly report a transportation allowance?
TEXT PDF206.117 What reporting adjustments must I make for transportation allowances?
TEXT PDF206.118 Are actual or theoretical losses permitted as part of a transportation allowance?
TEXT PDF206.119 How are royalty quantity and quality determined?
TEXT PDF206.120 How are operating allowances determined?
TEXT PDF206.121 Is there any grace period for reporting and paying royalties after this subpart becomes effective?
TEXT PDF206.150 Purpose and scope.
TEXT PDF206.151 Definitions.
TEXT PDF206.152 Valuation standards--unprocessed gas.
TEXT PDF206.153 Valuation standards--processed gas.
TEXT PDF206.154 Determination of quantities and qualities for computing royalties.
TEXT PDF206.155 Accounting for comparison.
TEXT PDF206.156 Transportation allowances--general.
TEXT PDF206.157 Determination of transportation allowances.
TEXT PDF206.158 Processing allowances--general.
TEXT PDF206.159 Determination of processing allowances.
TEXT PDF206.160 Operating allowances.
TEXT PDF206.170 What does this subpart contain?
TEXT PDF206.171 What definitions apply to this subpart?
TEXT PDF206.172 How do I value gas produced from leases in an index zone?
TEXT PDF206.173 How do I calculate the alternative methodology for dual accounting?
TEXT PDF206.174 How do I value gas production when an index-based method cannot be used?
TEXT PDF206.175 How do I determine quantities and qualities of production for computing royalties?
TEXT PDF206.176 How do I perform accounting for comparison?
TEXT PDF206.177 What general requirements regarding transportation allowances apply to me?
TEXT PDF206.178 How do I determine a transportation allowance?
TEXT PDF206.179 What general requirements regarding processing allowances apply to me?
TEXT PDF206.180 How do I determine an actual processing allowance?
TEXT PDF206.181 How do I establish processing costs for dual accounting purposes when I do not process the gas?
TEXT PDF206.250 Purpose and scope.
TEXT PDF206.251 Definitions.
TEXT PDF206.252 Information collection.
TEXT PDF206.253 Coal subject to royalties--general provisions.
TEXT PDF206.254 Quality and quantity measurement standards for reporting and paying royalties.
TEXT PDF206.255 Point of royalty determination.
TEXT PDF206.256 Valuation standards for cents-per-ton leases.
TEXT PDF206.257 Valuation standards for ad valorem leases.
TEXT PDF206.258 Washing allowances--general.
TEXT PDF206.259 Determination of washing allowances.
TEXT PDF206.260 Allocation of washed coal.
TEXT PDF206.261 Transportation allowances--general.
TEXT PDF206.262 Determination of transportation allowances.
TEXT PDF206.264 In-situ and surface gasification and liquefaction operations.
TEXT PDF206.265 Value enhancement of marketable coal.
TEXT PDF206.301 Value basis for royalty computation.
TEXT PDF206.350 Purpose and scope.
TEXT PDF206.351 Definitions.
TEXT PDF206.352 Valuation standards for electrical generation.
TEXT PDF206.353 Determination of transmission deductions.
TEXT PDF206.354 Determination of generating deductions.
TEXT PDF206.355 Valuation standards for direct utilization.
TEXT PDF206.356 Valuation standards for byproducts.
TEXT PDF206.357 Byproduct transportation allowances--general.
TEXT PDF206.358 Determination of byproduct transportation allowances.
TEXT PDF206.450 Purpose and scope.
TEXT PDF206.451 Definitions.
TEXT PDF206.452 Coal subject to royalties--general provisions.
TEXT PDF206.453 Quality and quantity measurement standards for reporting and paying royalties.
TEXT PDF206.454 Point of royalty determination.
TEXT PDF206.455 Valuation standards for cents-per-ton leases.
TEXT PDF206.456 Valuation standards for ad valorem leases.
TEXT PDF206.457 Washing allowances--general.
TEXT PDF206.458 Determination of washing allowances.
TEXT PDF206.459 Allocation of washed coal.
TEXT PDF206.460 Transportation allowances--general.
TEXT PDF206.461 Determination of transportation allowances.
TEXT PDF206.463 In-situ and surface gasification and liquefaction operations.
TEXT PDF206.464 Value enhancement of marketable coal.

