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» Discussing Support for the Financial Recovery Plan on ABC, October 02, 2007
I think more and more of the public is getting the sense, hey, maybe this is necessary and it affects me...
» the Children’s Health and Medicare Protection “CHAMP” Act, August 01, 2007
...it is unacceptable and, indeed, immoral that millions of children in the wealthiest nation on the face of the earth do not have health insurance...
» Statement on Lobbying Reform Bill, July 31, 2007
...today with this Honest Leadership and Open Government Act of 2007, we have a simple, straightforward purpose, to continue to restore public confidence in the legislative process...
» Statement on the Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, July 31, 2007
...most importantly Lilly Ledbetter was paid less than all of her male counterparts -- all of her male counterparts, even those who had less seniority...
» On WUSA 9 News Discussing the ADA Act of 2007, July 25, 2007
...legislation to restore the full promise of the Americans with Disabilities Act, on the 17th anniversary of the passage of that landmark civil rights legislation...
» Web Video on Fiscal Responsibility, July 25, 2007
Video to illustrate Republican hypocrisy on fiscal responsibility, and what Democrats are doing to address the issue. YouTube link - Music Credits
» On Fox News "Your World with Neil Cavuto", July 12, 2007
discussing Iraq and the economy....
» Statement on Responsible Redeployment from Iraq Act, July 12, 2007
...more than 3,600 brave service men and women have been killed in action. More than 26,000 others have been maimed and injured. The American taxpayer has spent $450 billion on this war...
» Statement on the College Cost Reduction Act, July 11, 2007
...this legislation will provide the single largest investment in college financial aid...since the G.I. bill was funded in 1944...
» On CNN's American Morning, June 13, 2007
Discussing the House Appropriation Bills...
» Statement on the House Passing Stem Cell Bill, June 07, 2007
...this legislation would increase the number of embryonic stem cell lines for federally funded research...
» Statement on Chesapeake Bay Initiative Act, June 05, 2007
Congratulate john sarbanes, to say how proud we are, as i know he is as well, of the extraordinary service given to our state by his father, senator paul sarbanes, the original author of this legislation, and to thank him for carrying this torch forward on behalf of the resource that is priceless...
» Statement on the Iraq Supplemental, May 24, 2007
...I also know that the members on our side of the aisle, regardless of how we vote on these amendments, are united in our collective judgment at the President's policies are failing after four years of repeated misjudgments in Iraq by this Administration...
» Statement on Iraq Accountability Appropriations Act, May 11, 2007
...we fully funded the troops, in fact we gave more money for the fight against terrorism. We want to see success...
» Statement on the Homeland Security Authorization Act, May 09, 2007
...yesterday's arrest of six men, who apparently were plotting to attacks and kill soldiers at Fort Dicks in New Jersey is a stark reminder that we cannot and must not let down our guard...
» Statement on the Hate Crimes Prevention Act, May 03, 2007
...this will be one of the serious votes that we cast during this session. This will be a vote on whether or not we will allow bigotry to manifest itself in hate and result in violence...
» Majority Leader Hoyer Statement on the President’s Veto of the Iraq Accountability Act, May 02, 2007
...I wonder what the President was doing standing in front of that sign saying, mission accomplished, on an aircraft carrier with taxpayers dollars? Let me suggest to you that he was politically posturing, trying to take credit for a great victory that occurred four years ago. No one in America believes that the mission has been accomplished...
» On Hardball Discussing Bush's Veto of the of the Iraq Accountability Act, May 01, 2007
On Hardball with Chris Matthews ...
» Floor Statement on the Crisis in Darfur, April 25, 2007
...when I determined that I was going to take a delegation overseas as my first trip as Majority Leader of this House, I thought that I wanted to go to someplace where it was important that we tell the world that we thought they ought to be paying attention to...
» On the Passing of Congresswoman Juanita Millender-McDonald, April 24, 2007
...a dedicated public servant who worked tirelessly on behalf of her constituents in California's 37th Congressional District...
» The Crisis in Darfur, April 23, 2007
Leader Hoyer reflects on recently leading a Bipartisan Congressional Delegation to Sudan...
» Discussing Financial Matters on Bloomberg, April 18, 2007
as well as Iraq, sub-prime Mortgages, and executive pay....
» On MSNBC Discussing the Virginia Tech Tragedy and the Iraq War Supplemental, April 18, 2007
Majority Leader Hoyer along with Republican Whip Blunt on MSNBC...
» Statement on Passing the Budget, March 29, 2007
...I have a great granddaughter. And I'm very concerned about all of those children, whose taxes you have raised almost every year you have been in charge that i have been here, starting in 1981. And you raise their taxes by not paying for what you buy...
» Statement on Iraq Supplemental Appropriations Bill, March 23, 2007
....after the loss of more than 3,200 American soldiers and more than 24,000 injured, and after the expenditure of more than $400 billion dollars....


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