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» Statement on the District of Columbia, House Voting Rights Act, March 22, 2007
...the District of Columbia, House Voting Rights Act is designed to do one thing - enfranchise Americans fully with a voting Representative in the House of Representatives...
» On CNN Discussing the 4th Anniversary of War in Iraq, March 19, 2007
on Wolf Blizer's "The Situation Room"...
» Statement on 4th Anniversary of War in Iraq, March 19, 2007
...more than 3,200 American soldiers have given the ultimate measure of sacrifice and more than 24,000 have been injured. The American taxpayers have spent more than $400 billion on this war and the President has asked for an additional $245 billion, including $100 billion wartime supplemental spending bill that will be considered on the floor later this week...
» Statement on the Accountability in Contracting Act, March 15, 2007
...the new Democratic Majority's commitment to change the way business is done in Washington, to restore accountability for government practices and Congressional oversight and to reach bipartisan consensus when possible...
» Statement on Clean Water State Revolving Fund, March 09, 2007
...the fact is a clean, safe water supply is vital in communities both large and small, rural and urban, all across this nation...
» Hoyer on the Employee Free Choice Act, March 01, 2007
this bipartisan legislation, Employee Free Choice Act, is about establishing fairness in the workplace....
» Majority Leader Hoyer on the Iraq Resolution, February 14, 2007
...the Bipartisan Resolution before us asks that Members one straightforward question be answered -- do you approve of the President's proposal to deploy more than 20,000 additional troops in Iraq or do you not? ....
» Leader Hoyer on MSNBC's, February 13, 2007
Hoyer talks with Chris Matthews on Iraq...
» Majority Leader Hoyer on NBC's "Meet the Press", February 12, 2007
Majority Leader Hoyer along with Minority Leader Boehner discuss Iraq and Congress...
» Leader Hoyer Responds to Bush's State of the Union, January 23, 2007
on Washington DC's Fox 5...
» Leader Hoyer Responds to Bush's State of the Union, January 23, 2007
on Fox News Channel...
» Hoyer Statement on CLEAN Energy Act, January 18, 2007
...renewable energy, alternative fuels, conservation and efficiency programs are underutilized in our effort to wean our nation off our dependency on foreign oil...
» Hoyer Statement on Making College More Affordable, January 17, 2007
...campaigned on the fact that we would do certain things. One of those was to try to bring down college costs as they escalate throughout this country...
» Hoyer on Medicare Prescription Drug Price Negotiation Act, January 12, 2007
...bipartisan legislation aimed at cutting prescription drug prices for millions of seniors and individuals with disabilitieses. I can't believe there's anybody opposed to that objective...
» Leader Hoyer Responds to Bush's Call For More Troops in Iraq, January 10, 2007
Hoyer on CNN's "The Situation Room" with Wolf Blitzer
» Majority Leader Hoyer on Raising the Minimum Wage, January 10, 2007
...I believe it will pass this house today with broad bipartisan support, as the 9/11 bill did yesterday...
» Leader Hoyer on Enacting the 9/11 Commission Recommendations, January 09, 2007
Mr. Speaker, it is no mere coincidence that this legislation – which will implement recommendations of the bipartisan 9/11 Commission – is designated as House Resolution Number One in this new Congress....
» Majority Leader Hoyer on Fox News Discussing the Democrats' 100 Hour Agenda, January 04, 2007
Hoyer goes over the 6 for '06...
» Leader Hoyer on MSNBC's Hardball on the New Democratic Congress, January 03, 2007
Majority Leader Hoyer is the guest of Chris Matthews...
» Leader Hoyer on the Democrats First 100 Hour Agenda on ABC News, January 03, 2007
the Democrats agenda as they take control of Congress...
» Hoyer on his Election as Majority Leader on CNN's "The Situation Room", November 16, 2006
Wolf Blitzer interviews the new House Majority Leader....
» Hoyer on MSNBC's "Hardball" on Being Elected the House Majority Leader, November 16, 2006
Chris Matthews interviews the new House Majority Leader...
» Hoyer on MSNBC on the New Democratic Majority and the Leadership Election, November 09, 2006
Democratic Whip Hoyer discusses being invited to the White House, and the priorities of the new Democratic Majority...
» Whip Hoyer on MSNBC's "Hardball" with Chris Matthews, October 05, 2006
Hoyer on the Foley scandal, and the Republican's lack of accountability...
» Steny Hoyer, Charles Rangel, and Dick Armey on CNBC's "Kudlow & Company", September 22, 2006
discussing the need for bi-partisanship in Congress, the Democratic economic plan, Hugo Chavez, and other issues...


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