
Bills Reviewed by CBO in 2007 That Contained Mandates as Defined in UMRA

This appendix lists legislation reviewed by the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) in 2007 that would impose federal mandates, regardless of whether the estimated costs of those mandates would be higher or lower than the thresholds established in the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act and regardless of whether the legislation was enacted.

Table B-1 lists in numerical order bills that CBO identified as containing intergovernmental mandates. If a particular bill was considered by more than one committee, the various versions of that bill are included. Table B-2 provides the same information for bills reviewed by CBO with private-sector mandates.

Table B-1.  

Bills Reviewed by CBO in 2007 That Contained Intergovernmental Mandates

Bill (Committee)


Title of Legislation


Description of Mandate






Bills Containing Intergovernmental Mandates with Costs Above the Statutory Threshold


H.R. 2


Fair Minimum Wage Act of 2007


Requires employers, including state, local, and tribal governments, to pay a higher minimum wage






H.R. 1401


Surface Transportation and Rail Security Act of 2007


Requires all public transit and rail carriers to train workers and submit reports to DHS (authorizations would cover most, if not all, of the required actions);preempts state laws governing whistle-blowers






H.R. 3046


Social Security Number Privacy and Identity Theft Prevention Act of 2007


Limits the authority of state and local governments to sell, display, and use Social Security numbers; preempts state laws governing the protection of Social Security numbers






H.R. 3678


Internet Tax Freedom Act Amendments Act of 2007


Prohibits state taxation of Internet access






S. 910


Healthy Families Act


Requires state, local, and tribal governments to provide their employees with paid leave if they miss work because they are sick, have a doctor’s appointment, or are caring for a sick family member






Bills Containing Intergovernmental Mandates Whose Costs Might or Might Not Exceed the Statutory Threshold

H.R. 518


International Solid Waste Importation and Management Act of 2007


Preempts state laws governing solid waste disposal and imposes new requirements on local waste facilities






H.R. 980


Public Safety Employer–Employee Cooperation Act of 2007


Preempts state authority to regulate the collective bargaining rights of state and local public safety employees






S.A. 1150 to S. 1348
(Letter dated May 23, 2007, to Senate Budget)


S.A. 1150, in the nature of a substitute for S. 1348, the Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act of 2007 (preliminary information)


Requires employers to verify the work eligibility of employees

Preempts state laws that require the use of a federal database of workers in a manner that conflicts with the provisions of new federal requirements

Prohibits certain nonimmigrants from being treated as independent contractors and prohibits the use of state contract laws in litigation against certain immigrants






S.A. 1150 to S. 1348


S.A. 1150, in the nature of a substitute for S. 1348, the Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act of 2007


Requires employers to verify the work eligibility of employees

Preempts state laws that require the use of a federal database of workers in a manner that conflicts with the provisions of new federal requirements

Prohibits certain nonimmigrants from being treated as independent contractors and prohibits the use of state contract laws in litigation against certain immigrants






Bills Containing Intergovernmental Mandates with Costs Below the Statutory Threshold

H.R. 1


Implementing Recommendations of the 9/11 Commission Act of 2007


Provides new subpoena power to two federal agencies; state, local, and tribal governments, if subpoenaed, would be required to provide testimony, documents, or evidence






H.R. 6
(Letter dated
December 5, 2007, to House Budget)


Energy Independence and Security Act


Preempts state energy laws and requires state hearings for the consideration of utility regulations






H.R. 6
(Letter dated
December 14, 2007, to Senate Budget)


Energy Independence and Security Act


Preempts state energy laws, requires state hearings for the consideration of utility regulations, and requires publicly owned pools to equip drains with antientrapment devices






H.R. 493
(Education and


Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act of 2007


Restricts the use of genetic information by state and local governments in employment practices and in the provision of health care for employees

Preempts state laws that govern the confidentiality of genetic information in some cases






H.R. 493
(Energy and


Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act of 2007


Restricts the use of genetic information by state and local governments in employment practices and in the provision of health care for employees

Preempts state laws that govern the confidentiality of genetic information in some cases

H.R. 493
(Ways and Means)


Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act of 2007


Restricts the use of genetic information by state and local governments in employment practices and in the provision of health care for employees

Preempts state laws that govern the confidentiality of genetic information in some cases






H.R. 698


Industrial Bank Holding Company Act of 2007


Preempts state laws that allow commercial entities to own industrial banks






H.R. 900


Puerto Rico Democracy Act of 2007


Requires Puerto Rico to hold a vote on its territorial status






H.R. 948


Social Security Number Protection Act of 2007


Preempts state laws governing Social Security numbers and imposes notification requirements on state attorneys general






H.R. 964


Securely Protect Yourself Against Cyber Trespass Act


Preempts state spyware laws






H.R. 1227


Gulf Coast Hurricane Housing Recovery Act of 2007


Preempts state laws governing occupancy and tenancy of public housing facilities






H.R. 1227
(As passed)


Gulf Coast Hurricane Housing Recovery Act of 2007


Preempts state laws governing occupancy and tenancy of public housing facilities






H.R. 1328


Indian Health Care Improvement Act Amendments of 2007


Preempts state licensing laws that apply to medical professionals who are licensed in one state but who provide services for tribal health programs in another state






H.R. 1424
(Education and Labor)


Paul Wellstone Mental Health and Addiction Equity Act of 2007


Preempts state laws governing mental health coverage






H.R. 1424
(Energy and Commerce)


Paul Wellstone Mental Health and Addiction Equity Act of 2007


Preempts state laws governing mental health coverage






H.R. 1424
(Ways and Means)


Paul Wellstone Mental Health and Addiction Equity Act of 2007


Preempts state laws governing mental health coverage






H.R. 1427


Federal Housing Finance Reform Act of 2007


Preempts state statute-of-limitation and contract laws






H.R. 1433
(Government Reform)


District of Columbia House Voting Rights Act of 2007


Preempts state laws in Utah that govern elections and requires an at-large election for a new Congressional seat






H.R. 1433


District of Columbia House Voting Rights Act of 2007


Preempts state laws in Utah that govern elections and requires an at-large election for a new Congressional seat






H.R. 1525


Internet Spyware (I-SPY) Prevention Act of 2007


Prohibits states from creating civil penalties that are tied to provisions of the new federal law governing spyware






H.R. 1585
(Armed Services)


National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2008


Increases the number of active-duty service members, thus increasing the cost of existing mandates






H.R. 1585
(As passed by the House)


National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2008


Increases the number of active-duty service members, thus increasing the cost of existing mandates






H.R. 1680


Secure Handling of Ammonium Nitrate Act of 2007


Preempts state regulation of ammonium nitrate if the regulations are less stringent than provisions of the bill






H.R. 1684


Department of Homeland Security Authorization Act of Fiscal Year 2008


Requires sponsors of international visitors and schools that have international students to ensure those visitors and students are active participants in programs and are observed once every 60 days






H.R. 1684
(As passed by the House)


Department of Homeland Security Authorization Act of Fiscal Year 2008


Prohibits employers from firing or demoting volunteer firefighters and emergency medical technicians under some circumstances






H.R. 1908


Patent Reform Act of 2007


Requires patent applicants to follow new application procedures and prohibits tax-planning methods from being patented






H.R. 2081


A bill to amend the District of Columbia Home Rule Act to increase the salary of the chief financial officer of the District of Columbia


Preempts (amends) the District of Columbia Code to increase the salary of the chief financial officer






H.R. 2082


Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2008


Extends authorization of an existing commission that has the power to subpoena information






H.R. 2095


Federal Railroad Safety Improvement Act of 2007


Requires railroads to comply with hours-of-service restrictions, make certifications, establish safety procedures, and submit reports

Preempts certain state laws governing railroad operations and safety






H.R. 2389


Small Energy Efficient Businesses Act


Preempts state laws that would limit the ability of the Small Business Administration to exercise its ownership rights in certain debentures issued by a renewable-fuel capital investment company






H.R. 2419


Farm, Nutrition, and Bioenergy Act of 2007


Preempts state laws restricting the transportation of meat and poultry inspected under a new program

Increases the stringency of conditions under the Food Stamp program






H.R. 2419
(As passed by the House)


Farm, Nutrition, and Bioenergy Act of 2007


Preempts state laws restricting the transportation of meat and poultry inspected under a new program

Increases the stringency of conditions for states administering the Food Stamp program






H.R. 2761


Terrorism Risk Insurance Revision and Extension Act of 2007


Preempts state insurance law and requires insurers to offer terrorism insurance and insured entities to pay surcharges






H.R. 2768


Supplemental Mine Improvement and New Emergency Response (S-MINER) Act of 2007


Preempts state laws and disciplinary standards for some attorneys






H.R. 2787


CJ’s Home Protection Act of 2007


Preempts state safety standards for manufactured homes






H.R. 2830
(Homeland Security)


Coast Guard Authorization Act of 2007


Imposes safety requirements on ferries and preempts state laws regulating ballast water






H.R. 2830


Coast Guard Authorization Act of 2007


Imposes safety requirements on ferries and preempts state laws regulating ballast water






H.R. 2830
(Transportation and Infrastructure)


Coast Guard Authorization Act of 2007


Imposes safety requirements on ferries and preempts state laws regulating ballast water






H.R. 2881


Federal Aviation Administration Reauthorization Act of 2007


Requires airport operators to submit contingency plans and gives the FAA access to state criminal history records






H.R. 2900


Food and Drug Administration Amendments of 2007


Preempts state and local laws that require the registration of clinical trials






H.R. 3079


Northern Mariana Islands Immigration, Security, and Labor Act


Preempts immigration laws of the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands and requires the commonwealth to enforce a cap on alien workers, provide information to DHS, and operate its refugee program according to federal guidelines






H.R. 3221


Renewable Energy and Conservation Tax Act of 2007


Preempts state and local laws governing debentures and requires state and local hearings for the consideration of utility regulations






H.R. 3403


911 Modernization and Public Safety Act of 2007


Prohibits fees on VoIP services that are higher than fees on other telecommunication services

Preempts state liability law






H.R. 3685


Employment Non-Discrimination Act of 2007


Prohibits employers from discriminating against employees and applicants based on sexual orientation; requires employers to post notices regarding such prohibitions






H.R. 3773


Responsible Electronic Surveillance That Is Overseen, Reviewed, and Effective (RESTORE) Act of 2007



Preempts state and local liability law

Authorizes federal law enforcement officers to compel providers of communication services to release information about customers and users






H.R. 3773


Responsible Electronic Surveillance That Is Overseen, Reviewed, and Effective (RESTORE) Act of 2007


Preempts state and local liability law

Authorizes federal law enforcement officers to compel providers of communication services to release information about customers and users






H.R. 3796


Early Warning and Health Care for Workers Affected by Globalization Act


Broadens an existing mandate that requires government employers to provide written notice of plant closings and mass layoffs; increases the number of government employers that must comply with this federal law






H.R. 3887


William Wilberforce Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2007


Requires state and local governments to provide access to law enforcement databases






H.R. 3915


Mortgage Reform and Anti-Predatory Lending Act of 2007


Preempts state law and imposes minimum standards for licenses issued by states to mortgage originators






H.R. 3920


Trade and Globalization Assistance Act of 2007


Requires state and local governments to comply with subpoenas for information






H.R. 3965


Mark-to-Market Extension and Enhancement Act of 2007


Preempts state laws governing how surplus funds are distributed from housing projects that receive assistance under the Mark-to-Market program






H.R. 4137


Higher Education Amendments of 2007


Requires certain institutions of higher education to submit reports and create task forces

Prohibits schools from receiving gifts from lenders or engaging in revenue-sharing agreements

Increases disclosure requirements for certain lenders

Requires publishers of textbooks to provide information

Requires publishers to offer materials separately






S. 4


Improving America’s Security Act of 2007


Authorizes the DHS privacy officer to subpoena information; state, local, and tribal governments, if subpoenaed, would be required to provide testimony, documents, or evidence






S. 84


Professional Boxing Amendments Act of 2007


Preempts state and tribal boxing commission authority and places reporting requirements on those entities






S. 184


Surface Transportation and Rail Security Act of 2007


Requires rail and motor carriers to comply with reporting requirements and security procedures; preempts certain state laws governing railroad operators and safety operations






S. 239


Notification of Risk to Personal Data Act of 2007


Preempts state laws that govern the treatment of personal information and places notification requirements on state attorneys general and insurance commissioners






S. 294


Passenger Rail Investment and Improvement Act of 2007


Requires rail carriers to comply with reporting requirements and security procedures and preempts certain state laws governing railroad safety and operations






S. 311


A bill to amend the Horse Protection Act to prohibit the shipping, transporting, moving, delivering, receiving, possessing, purchasing, selling, or donation of horses and other equines to be slaughtered for human consumption, and for other purposes


Prohibits the transport, sale, or donation of horses for the purpose of human consumption






S. 357


Ten-in-Ten Fuel Economy Act


Preempts state authority to implement consumer information laws or regulations on the fuel efficiency of tires






S. 358


Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act of 2007


Restricts the use of genetic information by state and local governments in employment practices and in the provision of health care to employees






S. 372
(Armed Services)


Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2007


Establishes an Inspector General of the Intelligence Community with the authority to subpoena information; state, local, and tribal governments, if subpoenaed, would be required to provide testimony, documents, or other evidence






S. 372


Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2007


Establishes an Inspector General of the Intelligence Community with the authority to subpoena information; state, local, and tribal governments, if subpoenaed, would be required to provide testimony, documents, or other evidence






S. 376


Law Enforcement Officers Safety Act of 2007


Expands an existing preemption of state and local laws that prohibit carrying concealed weapons






S. 381


Commission on Wartime Relocation and Internment of Latin Americans of Japanese Descent Act


Requires state, local, and tribal governments to respond to subpoenas and provide testimony, documents, or other evidence






S. 398


Indian Child Protection and Family Violence Prevention Act Amendments of 2007


Limits the authority of states to release information about abused children under certain circumstances; preempts state laws that govern background checks conducted by tribes






S. 428


Internet Protocol (IP)-Enabled Voice Communications and Public Safety Act of 2007


Prohibits fees on VoIP telecommunication services that are higher than fees on other telecommunication services; preempts state liability laws






S. 462


Shoshone–Paiute Tribes of the Duck Valley Reservation Water Rights Settlement Act


Requires the Shoshone–Paiute tribes to enact a water code governing tribal water rights






S. 495


Personal Data Privacy and Security Act of 2007


Preempts state laws on the treatment of personal information and imposes procedural requirements on state entities






S. 558


Mental Health Parity Act of 2007


Preempts state laws that govern the provision of mental health benefits in businesses with 50 or more employees

S. 595


Toxic Right-to-Know Protection Act


Increases federal reporting requirements on state and local governments following chemical releases






S. 613


Reconstruction and Stabilization Civilian Management Act of 2007


Preempts some state laws governing the liability of volunteers






S. 742


Ban Asbestos in America Act of 2007


Prohibits importing, manufacturing, and distributing asbestos






S. 763


Public Transportation Terrorism Prevention Act of 2007


Requires certain public transportation entities to participate in the Information Sharing and Analysis Center






S. 980


Ryan Haight Online Pharmacy Consumer Protection Act of 2007


Preempts state authority to regulate certain prescriptions for controlled substances






S. 1027


Prevent All Cigarette Trafficking (PACT) Act of 2007


Increases reporting requirements on tribal entities that sell cigarettes and preempts state, local, and tribal laws related to delivery sales






S. 1082


Prescription Drug User Fee Amendments of 2007


Preempts state and local laws that require the registration of clinical trials






S. 1178


Identity Theft Protection Act


Preempts state laws governing the protection of private information; places requirements on schools for protecting private information and notification requirements on state attorneys general






S. 1200


Indian Health Care Improvement Act Amendments of 2007


Preempts state licensing laws that apply to medical professionals who are licensed in one state but who provide services for tribal health programs in another state






S. 1300


Aviation Investment and Modernization Act of 2007


Requires state and local governments to comply with requests for information from the FAA






S. 1321


Energy Savings Act of 2007


Preempts state and local labeling laws and requires states to hold hearings to consider utility standards and regulations






S. 1347


A bill to amend the Omnibus Indian Advancement Act to modify the date as of which certain tribal land of the Lytton Rancheria of California is deemed to be held in trust and to provide for the conduct of certain activities on the land


Restricts the ability of the Lytton Band of Indians to expand a current facility and subjects the tribe to additional requirements under federal law

S. 1419


Renewable Fuels, Consumer Protection, and Energy Efficiency Act of 2007


Preempts state and local energy-efficiency laws and requires state hearings for the consideration of utility regulations






S. 1538
(Armed Services)


Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2008


Establishes an Inspector General of the Intelligence Community with the authority to subpoena information; state, local, and tribal governments, if subpoenaed, would be required to provide testimony, documents, or other evidence






S. 1538
(Select Committee on Intelligence)


Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2008


Establishes an Inspector General of the Intelligence Community with the authority to subpoena information; state, local, and tribal governments, if subpoenaed, would be required to provide testimony, documents, or other evidence






S. 1547
(Armed Services)


National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2008


Increases the number of active-duty service members, thus increasing the costs of existing mandates






S. 1547
(Select Committee on Intelligence)


National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2008


Increases the number of active-duty service members, thus increasing the costs of existing mandates






S. 1578


Ballast Water Management Act of 2007


Preempts state laws governing ballast water and imposes requirements on public vessels






S. 1580


Coral Reef Conservation Amendments Act of 2007


Requires entities to acquire permits for research on coral reefs






S. 1642


Higher Education Amendments of 2007


Preempts certain state contract laws relating to Perkins loans






S. 1693


Wired for Health Care Quality Act


Preempts state laws governing the use of health information






S. 1771


Virginia Graeme Baker Pool and Spa Safety Act


Preempts state and local laws governing swimming pool safety; requires local governments to purchase equipment or modify pools to comply with new federal standards






S. 1853


Community Broadband Act of 2007


Preempts state laws that ban the provision of broadband services by public entities






S. 1889


Railroad Safety Enhancement Act of 2007


Imposes requirements on commuter railroads and preempts certain state laws governing railroad safety and operations

S. 1892


Coast Guard Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2008


Requires public entities to respond to subpoenas and prohibits ports from charging escort fees






S. 2045


Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) Reform Act of 2007


Requires state and local governments to comply with whistle-blower protections






S. 2248


Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) Amendments Act of 2007


Prohibits state investigations of FISA requests; preempts legal rights of action; allows federal law enforcement to compel providers of communication services to release information about customers and users






S. 2248


Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) Amendments Act of 2007


Preempts legal rights of action and allows federal law enforcement to compel providers of communication services to release information about customers and users






S. 2284


Flood Insurance Reform and Modernization Act of 2007


Directs state regulatory agencies to require and state lenders to provide information on flood risk to more mortgage borrowers






S. 2285


Terrorism Risk Insurance Revision and Extension Act of 2007


Requires insurers to offer terrorism insurance and to pay certain surcharges

Preempts some state laws governing insurance






S. 2302


Food and Energy Security Act of 2007


Preempts state laws governing production contracts for livestock or poultry

Preempts state and local laws that require public disclosure of information under some circumstances

Increases the stringency of conditions of assistance under the Food Stamp program






S. ——


Private Student Loan Transparency and Improvement Act of 2007


Increases disclosure requirements for certain lenders and prohibits some lending practices and financial arrangements

S.A. 3500 to H.R. 2419


Food and Energy Security Act of 2007


Preempts state laws governing production contracts for livestock or poultry

Preempts state and local laws that require public disclosure of information under some circumstances

Increases the stringency of conditions of assistance for states administering the Food Stamp program

Source: Congressional Budget Office.

Notes: S.A. = Senate Amendment; FAA = Federal Aviation Administration; DHS = Department of Homeland Security; VoIP = Voice over Internet Protocol.

In 2007, the threshold for intergovernmental mandates, which is adjusted annually for inflation, was $66 million. Mandates whose costs exceeded the statutory threshold are shown in bold-faced type. In several cases, proposed legislation reviewed by CBO contained multiple mandates, some of which had costs exceeding the statutory threshold.

Table B-2.  

Bills Reviewed by CBO in 2007 That Contained Private-Sector Mandates



Title of Legislation


Description of Mandate

Bills Containing Private-Sector Mandates with Costs Above the Statutory Threshold

H.R. 1


Implementing Recommendations of the 9/11 Commission Act of 2007


Imposes new safety and inspection requirements on shipping containers entering the United States and on cargo transported on passenger aircraft operated by certain air carriers; requires entities in the private sector, if subpoenaed, to provide testimony, documents, or other evidence; prohibits certain business transactions with foreign persons, companies, or countries






H.R. 2


Fair Minimum Wage Act of 2007


Requires employers to pay a higher minimum wage






H.R. 6
(Letter dated December 5, 2007, to House Budget)


Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007


Sets new CAFE standards; increases the renewable-fuel standard; establishes energy-efficiency standards for appliances and lighting; requires certain electric utilities to meet specified targets for electricity generated from renewable-energy resources; requires information to be provided to consumers; other energy-related mandates






H.R. 6
(Letter dated December 14, 2007, to Senate Budget)


Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007


Sets new CAFE standards; increases the renewable-fuel standard; establishes energy-efficiency standards for appliances and lighting; requires commercial pool and spa drain covers to conform to certain antientrapment standards; requires public pools and spas to install antientrapment devices; requires information to be provided to consumers; other energy-related mandates






H.R. 1401


Rail and Public Transportation Security Act of 2007


Requires private rail carriers and commercial bus carriers to conduct vulnerability assessments and implement security plans, provide security training for their employees, conduct additional checks for employees of high-risk providers, and provide whistle-blower protections for their employees






H.R. 1424 (Education and Labor)


Paul Wellstone Mental Health and Addiction Equity Act of 2007


Prohibits insurers from imposing treatment limitations or financial requirements for mental health benefits that differ from those placed on medical and surgical benefits






H.R. 1424
(Energy and Commerce)


Paul Wellstone Mental Health and Addiction Equity Act of 2007


Prohibits insurers from imposing treatment l imitations or financial requirements for mental health benefits that differ from those placed on medical and surgical benefits


H.R. 1424
(Ways and Means)


Paul Wellstone Mental Health and Addiction Equity Act of 2007


Prohibits insurers from imposing treatment limitations or financial requirements for mental health benefits that differ from those placed on medical and surgical benefits






H.R. 1427


Federal Housing Finance Reform Act of 2007


Requires Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to contribute to a new affordable-housing fund; requires the housing-related GSEs to comply with new requirements






H.R. 1908


Patent Reform Act of 2007


Requires certain patent applicants to provide a search report, analysis, and other information relevant to receiving a patent; prohibits tax-planning methods from being patented






H.R. 2095


Federal Railroad Safety Improvement Act of 2007


Requires rail carriers to install certain safety systems for tracks, ensure that rail used in track repairs is free of internal defects, and meet a specific minimum annual service failure rate; requires railroads to comply with hours-of-service restrictions, certification and training requirements, safety procedures, and reporting requirements






H.R. 2768


Supplemental Mine Improvement and New Emergency Response (S-MINER) Act of 2007


Requires operators of underground mines to install conveyor belts that meet flame-resistance standards, provide a specific postaccident communication and tracking system, monitor behind certain mine seals using a continuous-monitoring device, equip each miner with a personal dust monitor, and install an atmospheric monitoring system; requires operators to meet with other safety and environmental requirements, reporting requirements, and notification requirements






H.R. 2776


Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation Tax Act of 2007


Denies the tax deduction for income attributable to domestic production of oil, natural gas, or primary products thereof; clarifies the determination of foreign oil and gas extraction incomea






H.R. 2830 (Homeland Security)


Coast Guard Authorization Act of 2007


Requires certain vessels equipped to carry ballast water and manufacturers of such vessels to comply with treatment requirements for that water; requires owners and operators of commercial vessels to carry survival craft; requires owners and operators of passenger vessels and commercial fishing vessels to follow safety requirements; imposes new requirements on businesses and employees in the maritime industry


H.R. 2830 (Judiciary)


Coast Guard Authorization Act of 2007


Requires certain vessels equipped to carry ballast water and manufacturers of such vessels to comply with treatment requirements for that water; requires owners and operators of commercial vessels to carry survival craft; requires owners and operators of passenger vessels and commercial fishing vessels to follow safety requirements; imposes new requirements on businesses and employees in the maritime industry






H.R. 2830 (Transportation and Infrastructure)


Coast Guard Authorization Act of 2007


Requires certain vessels equipped to carry ballast water and manufacturers of such vessels to comply with treatment requirements for that water; requires owners and operators of commercial vessels to carry survival craft; requires owners and operators of passenger vessels and commercial fishing vessels to follow safety requirements; imposes new requirements on businesses and employees in the maritime industry






H.R. 2881


Federal Aviation Administration Reauthorization Act of 2007


Prohibits the operation of certain aircraft not in compliance with low-noise criteria; revises the schedule of fees for certain services and activities of the FAA; imposes requirements on air carriers related to airline service






H.R. 2900


Food and Drug Administration Amendments of 2007


Requires manufacturers of prescription drugs and medical devices to pay user fees to the FDA; renews the Secretary’s ability to award brand-name drug manufacturers six months of market exclusivity for the completion of FDA-requested pediatric studies; requires manufacturers to conduct studies and to submit information to the FDA






H.R. 3058


Public Land Communities Transition Assistance Act of 2007


Imposes new "conservation of resources" fees on producing and nonproducing oil and gas leases on the Outer Continental Shelf






H.R. 3162


Children’s Health and Medicare Protection Act of 2007


Increases the federal excise tax on tobacco products; extends the number of months that Medicare would be a secondary payer for patients with end-stage renal disease; places further restrictions on the types of plans that Medigap issuers could sell to Medicare beneficiaries

H.R. 3221


New Direction for Energy Independence, National Security, and Consumer Protection Act


Denies the tax deduction for income attributable to domestic production of oil, natural gas, or primary products thereofa; clarifies the determination of foreign oil and gas extraction incomea; establishes energy-efficiency standards for appliances and other products; imposes a fee on nonproducing federal onshore oil, gas, and coal leases; requires certain electric utilities to meet specified targets for electricity generated from renewable energy resources






H.R. 3539


Airport and Airway Trust Fund Financing Act of 2007


Increases the tax on noncommercial aviation-grade kerosene (jet fuel)a






H.R. 3648


Mortgage Forgiveness Debt Relief Act of 2007


Reduces the exclusion for capital gains on principal residences for nonqualified usea






H.R. 3688


United States–Peru Trade Promotion Agreement Implementation Act


Extends customs user fees; imposes record-keeping requirements on exporters






H.R. 3920


Trade and Globalization Assistance Act of 2007


Delays implementation of worldwide allocation of interest expensea; extends the Federal Unemployment Tax Act surtax on employers; phases out the health coverage tax credita






H.R. 3996


Temporary Tax Relief Act of 2007


Limits the applicability of the exclusion of gains on the sale of a principal residence; requires that income of partners for performing investment management services be treated as ordinary income; delays implementation of worldwide allocation of interest expense until 2018; requires that brokers report customers’ basis in securities transactionsa






S. 349


Small Business Work Opportunity Act of 2007


Accelerates the effective date for the application of the American Jobs Creation Act leasing provision that applies loss limitation to leases with foreign entities regardless of when the lease was entered into; accelerates the tax treatment of corporate inversion transactionsa






S. 357


Ten-in-Ten Fuel Economy Act


Sets new CAFE standards; imposes new safety standards and labeling requirements on manufacturers of vehicles; imposes new requirements related to consumer information on manufacturers and retailers of motor vehicle tires; prohibits certain pricing practices during a declared energy emergency

S. 558


Mental Health Parity Act of 2007


Prohibits group health plans and group health insurance issuers from imposing treatment limitations or financial requirements for mental health benefits that differ from those placed on medical and surgical benefits






S. 694


Cameron Gulbransen Kids Transportation Safety Act of 2007


Requires automobiles to have reversible power windows and to comply with a rearward visibility performance standard; requires automobiles with automatic transmissions to have an antirollaway system






S. 910


Healthy Families Act


Requires most private-sector employers to provide employees with paid leave for an illness or to care for an ill family member; requires employers to post notices about the availability of such benefits and to implement procedures for safeguarding certain health information






S. 1082


Prescription Drug User Fee Amendments of 2007


Requires manufacturers of prescription drugs and medical devices to pay user fees to the FDA; renews the Secretary’s ability to award brand-name drug manufacturers six months of market exclusivity for the completion of FDA-requested pediatric studies; requires manufacturers to conduct studies and to submit information to the FDA






S. 1300


Aviation Investment and Modernization Act of 2007


Imposes a new surcharge on flights in airspace controlled by the FAA; prohibits the operation of certain aircraft not in compliance with low-noise criteria; imposes new requirements on helicopters used in emergency medical service and on air carriers related to airline service and cabin crews






S. 1321


Energy Savings Act of 2007


Increases the renewable-fuel standard; increases the energy-efficiency standards for various commercial and residential appliances and products; issues new energy-efficiency and motor-fuel-labeling requirements






S. 1348, S.A. 1150


S.A. 1150, in the nature of a substitute for S. 1348, the Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act of 2007


Requires employers petitioning for H-1B visa workers to pay a supplemental fee of $3,500 per temporary worker; requires certain employers to verify the work eligibility of employees; places additional requirements on employers seeking to employ nonimmigrant temporary foreign workers

S. 1348, S.A. 1150 (Letter dated May 23, 2007, to Senate Budget)


S.A. 1150, in the nature of a substitute for S. 1348, the Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act of 2007 (preliminary information)


Requires employers petitioning for H-1B visa workers to pay a supplemental fee of $3,500 per temporary worker; requires certain employers to verify the work eligibility of employees; places additional requirements on employers seeking to employ nonimmigrant temporary foreign workers






S. 1419


Renewable Fuels, Consumer Protection, and Energy Efficiency Act of 2007


Increases the renewable-fuel standard; sets new CAFE standards; increases energy-efficiency standards for various commercial and residential appliances and products; issues new energy-efficiency and motor-fuel-labeling requirements; imposes new safety standards and labeling requirements on manufacturers of those vehicles; imposes new requirements related to consumer information on manufacturers and retailers of motor vehicle tires; prohibits certain pricing practices during a declared energy emergency






S. 1578


Ballast Water Management Act of 2007


Requires manufacturers and owners of vessels equipped to carry ballast water to comply with treatment requirements for that water; requires owners and operators of those vessels to keep a ballast water record book; requires private-sector entities, if subpoenaed, to provide information to an investigation related to ballast water requirements






S. 2045


Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) Reform Act of 2007


Imposes requirements related to consumer product safety; mandates third-party testing and certification; bans certain lead-containing products; mandates industry standards for several children’s productsb






S. 2113


United States–Peru Trade Promotion Agreement Implementation Act


Extends customs user fees; imposes record-keeping requirements on exporters






S. 2223


Habitat and Land Conservation Act of 2007


Accelerates the effective date for the application of the American Jobs Creation Act leasing provision that applies loss limitation to leases with foreign entities regardless of when the lease was entered intoa






S. 2242


Heartland, Habitat, Harvest, and Horticulture Act of 2007


Accelerates the effective date for the application of the leasing provision of the American Jobs Creation Act that applies loss limitation to leases with foreign entities regardless of when the lease was entered intoa; clarifies the economic substance doctrine and related penaltiesa; extends the temporary tariff on ethanol and limits refunds of that duty

S. 2345


American Infrastructure Investment and Improvement Act of 2007


Increases the tax on noncommercial aviation-grade kerosene; increases the international arrival and departure tax and indexes it for inflation; increases the excise tax rate per barrel of oil for the Oil Spill Liability Trust Fund; imposes tax on finished gasoline upon removal from the refinerya








Children’s Health Insurance Program Reauthorization Act of 2007 (as provided to CBO by the Committee on Finance on July 26, 2007)


Increases the excise tax rate on cigarettes and other tobacco productsa






Bills Containing Private-Sector Mandates Whose Costs Might or Might Not Exceed the Statutory Threshold

H.R. 275


Global Online Freedom Act of 2007


Prohibits U.S. businesses that host Internet content in countries that restrict the use of the Internet from cooperating with the governments of those sources to block certain Web sites and online content and from providing those countries with the personal information of certain Internet users






H.R. 518


International Solid Waste Importation and Management Act of 2007


Imposes requirements on companies involved in the importation, exportation, and disposal of solid waste






H.R. 698


Industrial Bank Holding Company Act of 2007


Subjects industrial bank holding companies to a new regulatory framework; prohibits commercial firms from acquiring or establishing an industrial bank and limits activities of certain existing commercial firms with industrial banks; prohibits foreign banks from acquiring an industrial bank without approval from federal banking authorities






H.R. 948


Social Security Number Protection Act of 2007


Prohibits the use of Social Security numbers in certain activities and prohibits the purchase or sale of Social Security numbers






H.R. 964


Securely Protect Yourself Against Cyber Trespass Act


Places requirements on persons who operate information collection programs and eliminates any existing private right of action under the state laws preempted by the bill






H.R. 1497


Legal Timber Protection Act


Prohibits entities from importing illegally harvested timber or timber products






H.R. 2347


Iran Sanctions Enabling Act of 2007


Provides liability protection for fiduciaries and other responsible parties of employee benefit plans eliminating an existing right of action


H.R. 2693


Popcorn Workers Lung Disease Prevention Act


Requires facilities that use, handle, or produce diacetyl to comply with new worker safety standards






H.R. 3046


Social Security Number Privacy and Identity Theft Prevention Act of 2007


Prohibits the use of Social Security numbers for certain activities and prohibits the purchase or sale of Social Security numbers






H.R. 3079


Northern Mariana Islands Immigration, Security, and Labor Act


Reduces the number of permits issued to employers in the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands for temporary alien workers; requires some aliens to exit the country before their visas expire






H.R. 3403


911 Modernization and Public Safety Act of 2007


Eliminates an existing right to seek compensation for injury caused by negligent acts; requires entities that own 911 components to allow VoIP providers to transmit emergency 911 services over their networks






H.R. 3773 (Intelligence)


Responsible Electronic Surveillance That Is Overseen, Reviewed, and Effective (RESTORE) Act of 2007


Requires certain entities to assist the government with electronic surveillance






H.R. 3773 (Judiciary)


Responsible Electronic Surveillance That Is Overseen, Reviewed, and Effective (RESTORE) Act of 2007


Requires certain entities to assist the government with electronic surveillance






H.R. 3890


Block Burmese JADE (Junta’s Anti-Democratic Efforts) Act of 2007


Extends and expands the one-year ban on imports from Burma






H.R. 3915


Mortgage Reform and Anti-Predatory Lending Act of 2007


Imposes mandates on the mortgage finance industry by creating a licensing and registration system for mortgage loan originators, setting new mortgage origination standards, and establishing requirements for high-cost mortgages






S. 184


Surface Transportation and Rail Security Act of 2007


Requires rail and motor carriers to comply with certain security procedures and reporting requirements






S. 239


Notification of Risk to Personal Data Act of 2007


Requires entities to notify individuals and other entities if a security breach occurs in which sensitive personally identifiable information is compromised; requires consumer reporting agencies to include a fraud alert in a consumer’s file if requested by a consumer

S. 294


Passenger Rail Investment and Improvement Act of 2007


Requires Amtrak to make reforms related to financial reporting; requires rail carriers to train certain workers in security procedures and grants whistle-blower protections to their employees; places new requirements on carriers that transport high-hazard materials






S. 428


Internet Protocol (IP)-Enabled Voice Communications and Public Safety Act of 2007


Eliminates an existing right to seek compensation for injury caused by negligent acts; requires entities that own 911 components to allow VoIP providers to transmit emergency 911 services over their networks






S. 495


Personal Data Privacy and Security Act of 2007


Requires businesses that use or maintain sensitive personally identifiable information to implement data security programs to prevent identity theft and to notify U.S. residents in the event of a security breach; requires data brokers to provide individuals with their personally identifiable information if requested and to change the information if it is incorrect; requires any entity taking an adverse action against an individual on the basis of information maintained by a data broker to notify the individual of that action






S. 509


Aviation Security Improvement Act


Requires DHS to establish a system to screen all cargo transported on passenger aircraft, which could impose mandates on entities that send cargo on passenger aircraft or certain air carriers






S. 772


Railroad Antitrust Enforcement Act of 2007


Subjects railroad carriers to certain antitrust statutes






S. 1178


Identity Theft Prevention Act


Requires credit-reporting agencies and other entities that handle sensitive personal information to implement a security program and to notify the Federal Trade Commission and all consumer reporting agencies in the case of a security breach; restricts the use of Social Security numbers






S. 1769


Same Number Act of 2007


Requires providers of voice services to make number portability available in accordance with requirements prescribed by the FCC and to submit reports to the FCC






S. 1771


Virginia Graeme Baker Pool and Spa Safety Act


Requires public pools and spas to install equipment to comply with new federal standards; requires all commercial swimming pool and spa drain covers to meet certain antientrapment standards

S. 1889


Railroad Safety Enhancement Act of 2007


Requires railroads to limit the number of hours worked by employees, certify and train employees, carry out safety procedures, and report information






S. 1892


Coast Guard Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2008


Imposes new requirements on owners and operators of certain vessels and ports; requires private entities to respond to subpoenas






S. 2248 (Intelligence)


Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) Amendments Act of 2007


Requires certain communication service providers to assist the government with electronic surveillance






S. 2248 (Judiciary)


Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) Amendments Act of 2007


Requires certain communication service providers to assist the government with surveillance; provides for the dismissal of civil action against those electronic communication service providers






S. 2302


Food and Energy Security Act of 2007


Expands the country-of-origin labeling requirements; prohibits certain packers from owning livestock; requires certain processors, poultry dealers, and financial institutions to comply with reporting or inspection requirements; places requirements on poultry and livestock agreements






S.A. 3500 to H.R. 2419


Food and Energy Security Act of 2007
(Cost estimate for S.A. 3500, in the nature of a substitute for H.R. 2419)


Expands country-of-origin labeling requirements; prohibits certain packers from owning livestock; requires certain processors, poultry dealers, and financial institutions to comply with reporting or inspection requirements; places requirements on poultry and livestock agreements; extends the temporary duty on ethanol and limits refunds of that duty






S.J. Res. 16


A joint resolution approving the renewal of import restrictions contained in the Burmese Freedom and Democracy Act of 2003


Renews the ban on imports from Burma






Bills Containing Private-Sector Mandates with Costs Below the Statutory Threshold

H.R. 24


San Joaquin River Restoration Settlement Act


Imposes a mandate on private land owners if the Secretary of the Interior uses eminent domain to acquire property






H.R. 137


Animal Fighting Prohibition Enforcement Act of 2007


Prohibits the sale or purchase of sharp instruments for use with birds in animal-fighting ventures; prohibits any person from using certain forms of communication to promote animal-fighting ventures

H.R. 493 (Education and Labor)


Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act of 2007


Prohibits certain uses of genetic information






H.R. 493 (Energy and Commerce)


Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act of 2007


Prohibits certain uses of genetic information






H.R. 493
(Ways and Means)


Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act of 2007


Prohibits certain uses of genetic information






H.R. 513


National Heroes Credit Protection Act


Requires consumer reporting agencies to provide an explanation of military service deployment to each person requesting the credit score or consumer report of an eligible service member






H.R. 720


Water Quality Financing Act of 2007


Increases certain vessel tonnage duties on operators of vessels entering the United States






H.R. 800


Employee Free Choice Act of 2007


Requires employers to begin an initial agreement for collective bargaining no later than 10 days after receiving a request






H.R. 814


Children’s Gasoline Burn Prevention Act


Requires all portable gasoline containers manufactured or sold in the United States for use by consumers to meet child-resistance standards






H.R. 865


Copper Valley Native Allotment Resolution Act of 2007


Imposes a mandate on owners of certain Native allotments in Alaska by granting the Copper Valley Electric Association rights-of-way






H.R. 970


Dextromethorphan Distribution Act of 2007


Requires persons handling unfinished dextromethorphan to register with the Secretary of Health and Human Services






H.R. 976


Small Business Tax Relief Act


Denies certain dependents under the age of 24 (those who do not provide more than half of their own support with earned income) to use the lowest capital gains and dividend tax ratesa






H.R. 980


Public Safety Employer–Employee Cooperation Act of 2007


Requires public safety officers or other private-sector entities, if subpoenaed, to provide testimony and evidence; prohibits certain labor organizations from engaging in strikes

H.R. 984


Executive Branch Reform Act of 2007


Restricts lobbying activities of certain former executive branch officials






H.R. 1205


Coral Reef Conservation Amendments Act of 2007


Makes private-sector entities liable for damage to coral reefs within the jurisdiction of the United States






H.R. 1254 (Oversight and Government Reform)


Presidential Library Donation Reform Act of 2007


Imposes reporting requirements on Presidential Library fundraising organizations






H.R. 1254 (Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs)


Presidential Library Donation Reform Act of 2007


Imposes reporting requirements on Presidential Library fundraising organizations






H.R. 1255
(Oversight and Government Reform)


Presidential Records Act Amendments of 2007


Changes the procedure for or eliminates the ability of former Presidents, their designees, families, and former Vice Presidents to claim constitutionally based privileges related to the disclosure of Presidential or Vice Presidential records






H.R. 1255
(Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs)


Presidential Records Act Amendments of 2007


Changes the procedure for or eliminates the ability of former Presidents, their designees, families, and former Vice Presidents to claim constitutionally based privileges related to the disclosure of Presidential or Vice Presidential records






H.R. 1257


Shareholder Vote on Executive Compensation Act


Requires publicly traded companies that make certain proposals by proxy solicitation to allow a nonbinding vote by shareholders on certain executive compensation and to make certain disclosures related to such compensation






H.R. 1315


Veterans’ Benefits Improvement Act of 2007


Imposes mandates on mortgage collectors by extending protections under the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act






H.R. 1362


Accountability in Contracting Act


Restricts certain former federal officials from accepting compensation from a contractor if they participated substantially in awarding a contract to that contractor






H.R. 1400


Iran Counter-Proliferation Act of 2007


Requires sanctions on certain imports from and exports to Iran

H.R. 1441


Stop Arming Iran Act


Prohibits U.S. persons or entities that purchased F-14 parts legally from DoD from exporting the parts






H.R. 1534


Mercury Export Ban Act of 2007


Prohibits the export of elemental mercury






H.R. 1585
(Armed Services)


National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2008


Increases the number of active-duty service members, increasing the cost of an existing mandate; prohibits U.S. persons or entities that purchased F-14 parts legally from DoD from exporting the parts






H.R. 1585
(As passed by the House)


National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2008


Increases the number of active-duty service members, increasing the cost of an existing mandate; prohibits U.S. persons or entities that purchased F-14 parts legally from DoD from exporting the parts






H.R. 1595


Guam World War II Loyalty Recognition Act


Limits fees for representational services to not more than 1 percent of the amount that the claimant is paid






H.R. 1644


Re-Empowerment of Skilled and Professional Employees and Construction Tradesworkers (RESPECT) Act


Increases the number of employees covered by various provisions of the National Labor Relations Act






H.R. 1677


Taxpayer Protection Act of 2007


Limits the use of words, abbreviations, titles, or symbols associated with the Department of the Treasury






H.R. 1680


Secure Handling of Ammonium Nitrate Act of 2007


Imposes reporting and record-keeping requirements on owners of ammonium nitrate facilities and persons who handle ammonium nitrate






H.R. 1684
(Homeland Security)


Department of Homeland Security Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2008


Requires schools and sponsors of exchange visitors that accept international students to ensure those students are active participants in programs and are observed at least every 60 days; prohibits the use of specific words, initials, titles, or the insignia of DHS without written permission






H.R. 1684
(As passed by the House)


Department of Homeland Security Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2008


Prohibits employers from firing, demoting, or discriminating against emergency personnel providing services in certain emergencies or major disasters






H.R. 1699


Danny Keysar Child Product Safety Notification Act


Requires manufacturers of durable infant or toddler products to provide registration cards, maintain a database, and label their products

H.R. 1721


Virginia Graeme Baker Pool and Spa Safety Act


Requires public swimming pool and spa drain covers to meet certain antientrapment standards






H.R. 2082


Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2008


Extends authorization of an existing commission that has the power to subpoena information






H.R. 2262


Hardrock Mining and Reclamation Act of 2007


Imposes a royalty on production of hardrock minerals from existing mining claims






H.R. 2316


Honest Leadership and Open Government Act of 2007


Requires lobbyists and lobbying organizations to provide additional information in lobbying disclosure reports and to submit those reports electronically and more frequently






H.R. 2317


Lobbying Transparency Act of 2007


Requires registered lobbyists who bundle contributions to report them if multiple contributions in large sums are made and to send notices of intent to recipients of those contributions






H.R. 2337


Energy Policy Reform and Revitalization Act of 2007


Imposes a fee on nonproducing federal onshore oil, gas, and coal leases






H.R. 2419


Farm, Nutrition, and Bioenergy Act of 2007


Requires inspection of imported clementines and avocados






H.R. 2419
(As passed by the House)


Farm, Nutrition, and Bioenergy Act of 2007


Requires inspection of imported clementines and avocados; requires financial institutions to disclose financial records; prohibits the use of live animals for certain uses; prohibits certain persons from providing dogs or cats to research facilities






H.R. 2601


Do-Not-Call Registry Fee Extension Act of 2007


Permanently extends the authority of the FTC to charge for use of the Do-Not-Call list






H.R. 2761


Terrorism Risk Insurance Revision and Extension Act of 2007


Requires certain insurers to offer terrorism insurance; requires certain insurers and their policyholders to repay the federal government for the cost of assistance






H.R. 2787


CJ’s Home Protection Act of 2007


Requires manufacturers of manufactured housing to supply weather radios in all manufactured homes delivered for sale






H.R. 3096


Vietnam Human Rights Act of 2007


Prohibits an increase in sales to Vietnam (including exports of defense-related items) by the private sector under the Arms Export Controls Act

H.R. 3121


Flood Insurance Reform and Modernization Act of 2007


Requires mortgage lenders to notify customers that flood insurance is available to all homeowners






H.R. 3685


Employment Non-Discrimination Act of 2007


Prohibits employers from discriminating against any worker on the basis of sexual orientation in hiring, firing, pay, and other aspects of employment






H.R. 3796


Early Warning and Health Care for Workers Affected by Globalization Act


Requires additional private employers to notify their employees before closing a plant or taking a mass layoff action






H.R. 3887


William Wilberforce Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2007


Requires foreign labor contractors to register with the Department of Labor and to disclose information to workers about the employment opportunity in writing; requires employers to use only registered foreign labor contractors






H.R. 4137


Higher Education Amendments of 2007


Requires certain institutions of higher education to submit reports and to create a task force; requires publishers of college textbooks to provide certain information to universities and to make supplemental materials available for purchase; increases the disclosure requirements for certain lenders






S. 4


Improving America’s Security Act of 2007


Requires private-sector entities to provide information if subpoenaed by the privacy officer of DHS






S. 84


Professional Boxing Amendments Act of 2007


Requires individuals and organizations in the boxing industry to be licensed by the United States Boxing Commission and to comply with safety standards; requires standard clauses for contracts; requires the filing of reports; requires the boxing industry to provide information if subpoenaed by the commission






S. 221


Fair Contracts for Growers Act of 2007


Imposes requirements on arbitration regarding livestock or poultry contracts






S. 223


Senate Campaign Disclosure Parity Act


Requires candidates for the office of U.S. Senator and political committees and other organizations that support such candidates to file certain designations, statements, and reports electronically






S. 261


Animal Fighting Prohibition Enforcement Act of 2007


Prohibits the sale or purchase of sharp instruments for use with birds in animal-fighting ventures; prohibits any person from using certain forms of communication to promote animal-fighting ventures

S. 311


A bill to amend the Horse Protection Act to prohibit the shipping, transporting, moving, delivering, receiving, possessing, purchasing, selling, or donation of horses and other equines to be slaughtered for human consumption, and for other purposes


Prohibits the possession of an equine to be slaughtered for human consumption






S. 358


Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act of 2007


Prohibits the use of genetic information in employment practices and in the provision of health care






S. 372
(Armed Services)


Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2007


Requires private-sector entities to provide information if subpoenaed by the Inspector General of the Intelligence Community






S. 372 (Intelligence)


Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2007


Requires private-sector entities to provide information if subpoenaed by the Inspector General of the Intelligence Community






S. 381


Commission on Wartime Relocation and Internment of Latin Americans of Japanese Descent Act


Requires private-sector entities to provide testimony, documents, or other evidence if subpoenaed by the commission






S. 398


Indian Child Protection and Family Violence Prevention Act Amendments of 2007


Provides for local law enforcement and child protective services to perform forensic examinations of children without parental consent






S. 456


Gang Abatement and Prevention Act of 2007


Prohibits certain persons who have been convicted of misdemeanor gang-related offenses to buy, sell, transport, or possess firearms or ammunition






S. 595


Toxic Right-to-Know Protection Act


Increases reporting requirements for certain facilities following chemical releases






S. 742


Ban Asbestos in America Act of 2007


Prohibits the use of asbestos-containing materials and requires the disposal of such materials left unsold or not otherwise in the possession of an end user






S. 781


Do-Not-Call Registry Fee Extension Act of 2007


Permanently extends the authority of the FTC to charge for use of the Do-Not-Call list






S. 886


Presidential Records Act Amendments of 2007


Changes the procedure for or eliminates the ability of former Presidents, their designees, families, and former Vice Presidents to claim constitutionally based privileges related to the disclosure of Presidential or Vice Presidential records

S. 980


Ryan Haight Online Pharmacy Consumer Protection Act of 2007


Requires Internet pharmacies to register with the government, report the controlled substances dispensed, and require valid prescriptions for distributing controlled substances






S. 1027


Prevent All Cigarette Trafficking (PACT) Act of 2007


Imposes new reporting, packaging, and record-keeping requirements on delivery sales of tobacco; prohibits the sale of certain cigarettes that are not in full compliance with the terms of the tobacco settlement agreement






S. 1315


Veterans’ Benefits Enhancement Act of 2007


Allows service members to terminate or suspend cell phone contracts without paying penalty fees






S. 1492


Broadband Data Improvement Act


Requires broadband providers to report additional information to the FCC






S. 1498


Captive Primate Safety Act


Requires authorization for selling, possessing, or acquiring nonhuman primates in interstate or foreign commerce






S. 1538
(Armed Services)


Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2008


Requires private-sector entities to provide information if subpoenaed by the Inspector General of the Intelligence Community






S. 1538 (Intelligence)


Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2008


Requires private-sector entities to provide information if subpoenaed by the Inspector General of the Intelligence Community






S. 1547
(Armed Services)


National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2008


Increases the number of active-duty service members, increasing the cost of an existing mandate; prohibits U.S. persons or entities that purchased F-14 parts legally from DoD from exporting the parts






S. 1547 (Intelligence)


National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2008


Increases the number of active-duty service members, increasing the cost of an existing mandate; prohibits U.S. persons or entities that purchased F-14 parts legally from DoD from exporting the parts






S. 1580


Coral Reef Conservation Amendments Act of 2007


Makes private-sector entities liable for damage to coral reefs within the jurisdiction of the United States






S. 1607


Currency Exchange Rate Oversight Reform Act of 2007


Requires the Department of the Treasury to remedy certain undervalued currency by increasing duties on imported products

S. 1661


Travel Promotion Act of 2007


Requires members of the international travel and tourist industry to pay an assessment in the event of a referendum






S. 1965


Protecting Children in the 21st Century Act


Requires Internet service providers to report additional information on child pornography






S. 2087


Native American Omnibus Technical Corrections Act


Limits the right of certain individuals to bid on small fractional property interests at probate without the consent of the heirs






S. 2284


Flood Insurance Reform and Modernization Act of 2007


Requires certain mortgage lenders to provide information about flood insurance coverage and to deposit premiums and fees for flood insurance into escrow accounts on behalf of borrowers






S. 2285


Terrorism Risk Insurance Program Reauthorization Act of 2007


Requires certain insurers to offer terrorism insurance; requires certain insurers and their policyholders to repay the federal government for the cost of assistance








Private Student Loan Transparency and Improvement Act of 2007


Increases the disclosure requirements for certain lenders; prohibits certain exchanges between lenders and institutions of higher education and their employees

Source: Congressional Budget Office.

Notes: CAFE = corporate average fuel economy; GSE = government-sponsored enterprise; FAA = Federal Aviation Administration; FDA = Food and Drug Administration; S.A. = Senate Amendment; H-1B = visa granted to a skilled foreign worker admitted temporarily to the United States to work for a U.S. company; VoIP = Voice over Internet Protocol; DHS= Department of Homeland Security; FCC= Federal Communications Commission; DoD = Department of Defense; FTC = Federal Trade Commission.

In 2007, the threshold for private-sector mandates, which is adjusted annually for inflation, was $131 million. In several cases, proposed legislation reviewed by CBO contained multiple mandates, some of which had costs exceeding statutory thresholds. Mandates whose costs exceeded the statutory threshold are shown in bold-faced type.

a. The Joint Committee on Taxation examines legislative provisions that affect the tax code for federal mandates and estimates their costs. Such information is incorporated into CBO’s mandate statements.

b. The aggregate costs of all of the mandates in S. 2045 would exceed the threshold.

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