Title 21--Food and Drugs



TEXT PDF12.1 Scope.
TEXT PDF12.20 Initiation of a hearing involving the issuance, amendment, or revocation of a regulation.
TEXT PDF12.21 Initiation of a hearing involving the issuance, amendment, or revocation of an order.
TEXT PDF12.22 Filing objections and requests for a hearing on a regulation or order.
TEXT PDF12.23 Notice of filing of objections.
TEXT PDF12.24 Ruling on objections and requests for hearing.
TEXT PDF12.26 Modification or revocation of regulation or order.
TEXT PDF12.28 Denial of hearing in whole or in part.
TEXT PDF12.30 Judicial review after waiver of hearing on a regulation.
TEXT PDF12.32 Request for alternative form of hearing.
TEXT PDF12.35 Notice of hearing; stay of action.
TEXT PDF12.37 Effective date of a regulation.
TEXT PDF12.38 Effective date of an order.
TEXT PDF12.40 Appearance.
TEXT PDF12.45 Notice of participation.
TEXT PDF12.50 Advice on public participation in hearings.
TEXT PDF12.60 Presiding officer.
TEXT PDF12.62 Commencement of functions.
TEXT PDF12.70 Authority of presiding officer.
TEXT PDF12.75 Disqualification of presiding officer.
TEXT PDF12.78 Unavailability of presiding officer.
TEXT PDF12.80 Filing and service of submissions.
TEXT PDF12.82 Petition to participate in forma pauperis.
TEXT PDF12.83 Advisory opinions.
TEXT PDF12.85 Disclosure of data and information by the participants.
TEXT PDF12.87 Purpose; oral and written testimony; burden of proof.
TEXT PDF12.89 Participation of nonparties.
TEXT PDF12.90 Conduct at oral hearings or conferences.
TEXT PDF12.91 Time and place of prehearing conference.
TEXT PDF12.92 Prehearing conference procedure.
TEXT PDF12.93 Summary decisions.
TEXT PDF12.94 Receipt of evidence.
TEXT PDF12.95 Official notice.
TEXT PDF12.96 Briefs and arguments.
TEXT PDF12.97 Interlocutory appeal from ruling of presiding officer.
TEXT PDF12.98 Official transcript.
TEXT PDF12.99 Motions.
TEXT PDF12.100 Administrative record of a hearing.
TEXT PDF12.105 Examination of record.
TEXT PDF12.120 Initial decision.
TEXT PDF12.125 Appeal from or review of initial decision.
TEXT PDF12.130 Decision by Commissioner on appeal or review of initial decision.
TEXT PDF12.139 Reconsideration and stay of action.
TEXT PDF12.140 Review by the courts.
TEXT PDF12.159 Copies of petitions for judicial review.

