Title 9--Animals and Animal Products



TEXT PDF354.1 Definitions.
TEXT PDF354.2 Designation of official certificates, memoranda, marks, other identifications, and devices for purposes of the Agricultural Marketing Act.
TEXT PDF354.3 Administration.
TEXT PDF354.10 Inspection service.
TEXT PDF354.12 Eligibility.
TEXT PDF354.13 Supervision.
TEXT PDF354.14 Authority to waive provisions of 354.12.
TEXT PDF354.20 Licensed or authorized inspectors.
TEXT PDF354.21 Suspension of license; revocation.
TEXT PDF354.22 Surrender of license.
TEXT PDF354.23 Identification.
TEXT PDF354.24 Financial interest of inspectors.
TEXT PDF354.25 Political activity.
TEXT PDF354.26 Schedule of operation of official plants.
TEXT PDF354.30 Who may obtain inspection service.
TEXT PDF354.31 How application for service may be made; conditions of resident service.
TEXT PDF354.32 Filing of application.
TEXT PDF354.33 Authority of applicant.
TEXT PDF354.34 Application for inspection service in official plants; approval.
TEXT PDF354.35 Rejection of application.
TEXT PDF354.36 Withdrawal of application.
TEXT PDF354.38 Suspension of plant approval.
TEXT PDF354.45 Denial of service.
TEXT PDF354.46 Misrepresentation; deceptive or fraudulent acts or practices.
TEXT PDF354.47 Use of facsimile forms.
TEXT PDF354.48 Willful violation of the regulations.
TEXT PDF354.49 Interfering with an inspector or employee of Service.
TEXT PDF354.51 Miscellaneous.
TEXT PDF354.53 Other applicable regulations.
TEXT PDF354.60 Approval of official identification.
TEXT PDF354.62 Inspection mark with respect to product.
TEXT PDF354.63 Marking inspected products.
TEXT PDF354.64 Form of official identification.
TEXT PDF354.65 Form of inspection mark.
TEXT PDF354.70 Evidence of label approval.
TEXT PDF354.71 Affixing of official identification.
TEXT PDF354.72 Packaging.
TEXT PDF354.73 Retention labels.
TEXT PDF354.74 Prerequisites to inspection.
TEXT PDF354.75 Accessibility of products.
TEXT PDF354.76 Time of inspection in an official plant.
TEXT PDF354.90 Report of inspection work.
TEXT PDF354.91 Information to be furnished to inspectors.
TEXT PDF354.92 Reports of violation.
TEXT PDF354.100 Payment of fees and charges.
TEXT PDF354.101 On a fee basis.
TEXT PDF354.105 Fees for additional copies of inspection certificates.
TEXT PDF354.106 Travel expenses and other charges.
TEXT PDF354.107 Continuous inspection performed on a resident basis.
TEXT PDF354.109 Fees or charges for inspection service performed under cooperative agreement.
TEXT PDF354.110 Disposition of fees for inspection made under cooperative agreement.
TEXT PDF354.120 Manner of handling products in an official plant.
TEXT PDF354.121 Ante-mortem inspection.
TEXT PDF354.122 Condemnation on ante-mortem inspection.
TEXT PDF354.123 Segregation of suspects on ante-mortem inspection.
TEXT PDF354.124 Quarantine of diseased rabbits.
TEXT PDF354.125 Evisceration.
TEXT PDF354.126 Carcasses held for further examination.
TEXT PDF354.127 Condemnation and treatment of carcasses.
TEXT PDF354.128 Certification of carcasses.
TEXT PDF354.129 General.
TEXT PDF354.130 Diseases or conditions evident which require condemnation.
TEXT PDF354.131 Decomposition.
TEXT PDF354.132 Disposal of condemned carcasses and parts.
TEXT PDF354.133 Reinspection of edible products; ingredients.
TEXT PDF354.134 Appeal inspections; how made.
TEXT PDF354.140 Forms of inspection certificates.
TEXT PDF354.141 Issuance and disposition of rabbits inspection certificates.
TEXT PDF354.142 Food product inspection certificates; issuance and disposition.
TEXT PDF354.143 Export certificates; issuance and disposition.
TEXT PDF354.144 Advance information.
TEXT PDF354.160 General.
TEXT PDF354.161 Requirements as to manner of inspection.
TEXT PDF354.162 Determining compliance with 354.161.
TEXT PDF354.210 Minimum standards for sanitation, facilities, and operating procedures in official plants.
TEXT PDF354.220 Buildings.
TEXT PDF354.221 Rooms and compartments.
TEXT PDF354.222 Floors, walls, ceilings, etc.
TEXT PDF354.223 Drainage and plumbing.
TEXT PDF354.224 Water supply.
TEXT PDF354.225 Lavatory accommodations.
TEXT PDF354.226 Lighting and ventilation.
TEXT PDF354.230 Equipment and utensils.
TEXT PDF354.231 Accessibility.
TEXT PDF354.232 Restrictions on use.
TEXT PDF354.240 General.
TEXT PDF354.241 Cleaning of rooms and compartments.
TEXT PDF354.242 Cleaning of equipment and utensils.
TEXT PDF354.243 Operations and procedures.
TEXT PDF354.244 Temperatures and cooling and freezing procedures.
TEXT PDF354.245 Vermin.
TEXT PDF354.246 Exclusion of diseased persons.
TEXT PDF354.247 Table showing types of materials.
TEXT PDF354.248 Scope and applicability of rules of practice.

