Title 9--Animals and Animal Products



TEXT PDF327.1 Definitions; application of provisions.
TEXT PDF327.2 Eligibility of foreign countries for importation of products into the United States.
TEXT PDF327.3 No product to be imported without compliance with applicable regulations.
TEXT PDF327.4 Imported products; foreign certificates required.
TEXT PDF327.5 Importer to make application for inspection of products for entry; information required; ``streamlined'' inspection procedures for Canadian product.
TEXT PDF327.6 Products for importation; program inspection, time and place; application for approval of facilities as official import inspection establishment; refusal or withdrawal of approval; official numbers.
TEXT PDF327.7 Products for importation; movement prior to inspection; handling; bond; assistance.
TEXT PDF327.8 Import products; equipment and means of conveyance used in handling to be maintained in sanitary condition.
TEXT PDF327.9 Burlap wrapping for foreign meat.
TEXT PDF327.10 Samples; inspection of consignments; refusal of entry; marking.
TEXT PDF327.11 Receipts to importers for import product samples.
TEXT PDF327.12 Foreign canned or packaged products bearing trade labels; sampling and inspection.
TEXT PDF327.13 Foreign products offered for importation; reporting of findings to customs; handling of articles refused entry.
TEXT PDF327.14 Marking of products and labeling of immediate containers thereof for importation.
TEXT PDF327.15 Outside containers of foreign products; marking and labeling; application of official inspection legend.
TEXT PDF327.16 Small importations for importer's own consumption; requirements.
TEXT PDF327.17 Returned U.S. inspected and marked products.
TEXT PDF327.18 Products offered for entry and entered to be handled and transported as domestic; exception.
TEXT PDF327.19 Specimens for laboratory examination and similar purposes.
TEXT PDF327.20 Importation of foreign inedible fats.
TEXT PDF327.21 Inspection procedures for chilled fresh and frozen boneless manufacturing meat.
TEXT PDF327.23 Compliance procedure for cured pork products offered for entry.
TEXT PDF327.24 Appeals; how made.
TEXT PDF327.25 Disposition procedures for product condemned or ordered destroyed under import inspection.
TEXT PDF327.26 Official import inspection marks and devices.

