Title 18--Conservation of Power and Water Resources



TEXT PDF16.1 Applicability.
TEXT PDF16.2 Definitions.
TEXT PDF16.3 Public notice of projects under expiring licenses.
TEXT PDF16.4 Acceleration of a license expiration date.
TEXT PDF16.5 Site access for a competing applicant.
TEXT PDF16.6 Notification procedures under section 15 of the Federal Power Act.
TEXT PDF16.7 Information to be made available to the public at the time of notification of intent under section 15(b) of the Federal Power Act.
TEXT PDF16.8 Consultation requirements.
TEXT PDF16.9 Applications for new licenses and nonpower licenses for projects subject to sections 14 and 15 of the Federal Power Act.
TEXT PDF16.10 Information to be provided by an applicant for new license: Filing requirements.
TEXT PDF16.11 Nonpower licenses.
TEXT PDF16.12 Application for exemption from licensing by a licensee whose license is subject to sections 14 and 15 of the Federal Power Act.
TEXT PDF16.13 Standards and factors for issuing a new license.
TEXT PDF16.14 Departmental recommendation for takeover.
TEXT PDF16.15 Commission recommendation to Congress.
TEXT PDF16.16 Motion for stay by Federal department or agency.
TEXT PDF16.17 Procedures upon Congressional authorization of takeover.
TEXT PDF16.18 Annual licenses for projects subject to sections 14 and 15 of the Federal Power Act.
TEXT PDF16.19 Procedures for an existing licensee of a minor hydroelectric power project or of a minor part of a hydroelectric power project with a license not subject to sections 14 and 15 of the Federal Power Act.
TEXT PDF16.20 Applications for subsequent license for a project with an expiring license not subject to sections 14 and 15 of the Federal Power Act.
TEXT PDF16.21 Operation of projects with a minor or minor part license not subject to sections 14 and 15 of the Federal Power Act after expiration of a license.
TEXT PDF16.22 Application for an exemption by a licensee with a minor or minor part license for a project not subject to sections 14 and 15 of the Federal Power Act.
TEXT PDF16.23 Failure to file timely notices of intent.
TEXT PDF16.24 Prohibitions against filing applications for new license, nonpower license, exemption, or subsequent license.
TEXT PDF16.25 Disposition of a project for which no timely application is filed following a notice of intent to file.
TEXT PDF16.26 Disposition of a project for which no timely application is filed following a notice of intent not to file.
