Title 12--Banks and Banking



TEXT PDF747.0 Scope of part 747.
TEXT PDF747.1 Scope.
TEXT PDF747.2 Rules of construction.
TEXT PDF747.3 Definitions.
TEXT PDF747.4 Authority of the NCUA Board.
TEXT PDF747.5 Authority of the administrative law judge.
TEXT PDF747.6 Appearance and practice in adjudicatory proceedings.
TEXT PDF747.7 Good faith certification.
TEXT PDF747.8 Conflicts of interest.
TEXT PDF747.9 Ex parte communications.
TEXT PDF747.10 Filing of papers.
TEXT PDF747.11 Service of papers.
TEXT PDF747.12 Construction of time limits.
TEXT PDF747.13 Change of time limits.
TEXT PDF747.14 Witness fees and expenses.
TEXT PDF747.15 Opportunity for informal settlement.
TEXT PDF747.16 NCUA's right to conduct examination.
TEXT PDF747.17 Collateral attacks on adjudicatory proceeding.
TEXT PDF747.18 Commencement of proceeding and contents of notice.
TEXT PDF747.19 Answer.
TEXT PDF747.20 Amended pleadings.
TEXT PDF747.21 Failure to appear.
TEXT PDF747.22 Consolidation and severance of actions.
TEXT PDF747.23 Motions.
TEXT PDF747.24 Scope of document discovery.
TEXT PDF747.25 Request for document discovery from parties.
TEXT PDF747.26 Document subpoenas to nonparties.
TEXT PDF747.27 Deposition of witness unavailable for hearing.
TEXT PDF747.28 Interlocutory review.
TEXT PDF747.29 Summary disposition.
TEXT PDF747.30 Partial summary disposition.
TEXT PDF747.31 Scheduling and prehearing conferences.
TEXT PDF747.32 Prehearing submissions.
TEXT PDF747.33 Public hearings.
TEXT PDF747.34 Hearing subpoenas.
TEXT PDF747.35 Conduct of hearings.
TEXT PDF747.36 Evidence.
TEXT PDF747.37 Post-hearing filings.
TEXT PDF747.38 Recommended decision and filing of record.
TEXT PDF747.39 Exceptions to recommended decision.
TEXT PDF747.40 Review by the NCUA Board.
TEXT PDF747.41 Stays pending judicial review.
TEXT PDF747.100 Discovery limitations.
TEXT PDF747.201 Scope.
TEXT PDF747.202 Grounds for termination of insurance.
TEXT PDF747.203 Notice of charges.
TEXT PDF747.204 Notice of intention to terminate insured status.
TEXT PDF747.205 Order terminating insured status.
TEXT PDF747.206 Consent to termination of insured status.
TEXT PDF747.207 Notice of termination of insured status.
TEXT PDF747.208 Duties after termination.
TEXT PDF747.301 Scope.
TEXT PDF747.302 Rules of practice; remainder of board of directors.
TEXT PDF747.303 Notice of suspension or prohibition.
TEXT PDF747.304 Removal or permanent prohibition.
TEXT PDF747.305 Effectiveness of suspension or removal until completion of hearing.
TEXT PDF747.306 Notice of opportunity for hearing.
TEXT PDF747.307 Hearing.
TEXT PDF747.308 Waiver of hearing; failure to request hearing or review based on written submissions; failure to appear.
TEXT PDF747.309 Decision of the NCUA Board.
TEXT PDF747.310 Reconsideration by the NCUA Board.
TEXT PDF747.311 Relevant considerations.
TEXT PDF747.401 Scope.
TEXT PDF747.402 Grounds for suspension or revocation of charter and for involuntary liquidation.
TEXT PDF747.403 Notice of intent to suspend or revoke charter; notice of suspension.
TEXT PDF747.404 Notice of hearing.
TEXT PDF747.405 Issuance of order.
TEXT PDF747.406 Cancellation of charter.
TEXT PDF747.601 Purpose and scope.
TEXT PDF747.602 Eligibility of applicants.
TEXT PDF747.603 Prevailing party.
TEXT PDF747.604 Standards for award.
TEXT PDF747.605 Allowable fees and expenses.
TEXT PDF747.606 Contents of application.
TEXT PDF747.607 Statement of net worth.
TEXT PDF747.608 Documentation of fees and expenses.
TEXT PDF747.609 Filing and service of applications.
TEXT PDF747.610 Answer to application.
TEXT PDF747.611 Comments by other parties.
TEXT PDF747.612 Settlement.
TEXT PDF747.613 Further proceedings.
TEXT PDF747.614 Recommended decision.
TEXT PDF747.615 Decision of the NCUA Board.
TEXT PDF747.616 Payment of award.
TEXT PDF747.701 Applicability.
TEXT PDF747.702 Information obtained in investigations.
TEXT PDF747.703 Authority to conduct investigations.
TEXT PDF747.801 Applicability.
TEXT PDF747.802 Non-public formal investigative proceedings.
TEXT PDF747.803 Subpoenas.
TEXT PDF747.804 Oath; false statements.
TEXT PDF747.805 Self-incrimination; immunity.
TEXT PDF747.806 Transcripts.
TEXT PDF747.807 Rights of witnesses.
TEXT PDF747.901 Scope.
TEXT PDF747.902 Grounds for disapproval of notice.
TEXT PDF747.903 Procedures where notice of disapproval issued; reconsideration.
TEXT PDF747.904 Appeal.
TEXT PDF747.905 Judicial review.
TEXT PDF747.1001 Adjustment of civil money penalties by the rate of inflation.
TEXT PDF747.2001 Scope.
TEXT PDF747.2002 Review of orders imposing discretionary supervisory action.
TEXT PDF747.2003 Review of order reclassifying a credit union on safety and soundness criteria.
TEXT PDF747.2004 Review of order to dismiss a director or senior executive officer.
TEXT PDF747.2005 Enforcement of orders.
