Title 12--Banks and Banking



TEXT PDF602.1 Purpose and scope.
TEXT PDF602.2 Disclosing reports of examination.
TEXT PDF602.3 Definitions.
TEXT PDF602.4 How to make a request.
TEXT PDF602.5 FCA response to requests for records.
TEXT PDF602.6 FOIA exemptions.
TEXT PDF602.7 Confidential business information.
TEXT PDF602.8 Appeals.
TEXT PDF602.9 Current FOIA index.
TEXT PDF602.10 Definitions.
TEXT PDF602.11 Fees by type of requester.
TEXT PDF602.12 Fees.
TEXT PDF602.13 Fee waiver.
TEXT PDF602.14 Advance payments--notice.
TEXT PDF602.15 Interest on unpaid fees.
TEXT PDF602.16 Combining requests.
TEXT PDF602.17 Policy.
TEXT PDF602.18 Definitions.
TEXT PDF602.19 Request for testimony or production of documents.
TEXT PDF602.20 Testimony of FCA employees.
TEXT PDF602.21 Production of FCA documents.
TEXT PDF602.22 Fees.
TEXT PDF602.23 Responses to demands served on FCA employees.
TEXT PDF602.24 Responses to demands served on non-FCA employees or entities.
TEXT PDF602.25 General.
