Title 49--Transportation



TEXT PDF176.1 Purpose and scope.
TEXT PDF176.2 Definitions.
TEXT PDF176.3 Unacceptable hazardous materials shipments.
TEXT PDF176.4 Port security and safety regulations.
TEXT PDF176.5 Application to vessels.
TEXT PDF176.7 Documentation for vessel personnel.
TEXT PDF176.9 ``Order-Notify'' or ``C.O.D.'' shipments.
TEXT PDF176.11 Exceptions.
TEXT PDF176.13 Responsibility for compliance and training.
TEXT PDF176.15 Enforcement.
TEXT PDF176.18 Assignment and certification.
TEXT PDF176.24 Shipping papers.
TEXT PDF176.27 Certificate.
TEXT PDF176.30 Dangerous cargo manifest.
TEXT PDF176.31 Exemptions.
TEXT PDF176.36 Preservation of records.
TEXT PDF176.39 Inspection of cargo.
TEXT PDF176.45 Emergency situations.
TEXT PDF176.48 Situation requiring report.
TEXT PDF176.50 Acceptance of damaged or leaking packages.
TEXT PDF176.52 Rejections of shipments in violation.
TEXT PDF176.54 Repairs involving welding, burning, and power-actuated tools and appliances.
TEXT PDF176.57 Supervision of handling and stowage.
TEXT PDF176.58 Preparation of the vessel.
TEXT PDF176.60 ``No Smoking'' signs.
TEXT PDF176.63 Stowage locations.
TEXT PDF176.65 Alternative stowage procedures.
TEXT PDF176.69 General stowage requirements for hazardous materials.
TEXT PDF176.70 Stowage requirements for marine pollutants.
TEXT PDF176.72 Handling of break-bulk hazardous materials.
TEXT PDF176.74 On deck stowage of break-bulk hazardous materials.
TEXT PDF176.76 Transport vehicles, freight containers, and portable tanks containing hazardous materials.
TEXT PDF176.77 Stowage of barges containing hazardous materials on board barge-carrying vessels.
TEXT PDF176.78 Use of power-operated industrial trucks on board vessels.
TEXT PDF176.80 Applicability.
TEXT PDF176.83 Segregation.
TEXT PDF176.84 Other requirements for stowage and segregation for cargo vessels and passenger vessels.
TEXT PDF176.88 Applicability.
TEXT PDF176.89 Control of transport vehicles.
TEXT PDF176.90 Private automobiles.
TEXT PDF176.91 Motorboats.
TEXT PDF176.92 Cylinders laden in vehicles.
TEXT PDF176.93 Vehicles having refrigerating or heating equipment.
TEXT PDF176.95 Applicability.
TEXT PDF176.96 Materials of construction.
TEXT PDF176.97 Prohibition of dump scows.
TEXT PDF176.98 Stowage of hazardous materials on board barges.
TEXT PDF176.99 Permit requirements for certain hazardous materials.
TEXT PDF176.100 Permit for Divisions 1.1 and 1.2 (explosive) materials.
TEXT PDF176.102 Supervisory detail.
TEXT PDF176.104 Loading and unloading Class 1 (explosive) materials.
TEXT PDF176.108 Supervision of Class 1 (explosive) materials during loading, unloading, handling and stowage.
TEXT PDF176.112 Applicability.
TEXT PDF176.116 General stowage conditions for Class 1 (explosive) materials.
TEXT PDF176.118 Electrical requirement.
TEXT PDF176.120 Lightning protection.
TEXT PDF176.122 Stowage arrangements under deck.
TEXT PDF176.124 Ordinary stowage.
TEXT PDF176.128 Magazine stowage, general.
TEXT PDF176.130 Magazine stowage Type A.
TEXT PDF176.132 Magazine stowage Type B.
TEXT PDF176.133 Magazine stowage Type C.
TEXT PDF176.134 Vehicles.
TEXT PDF176.136 Special stowage.
TEXT PDF176.137 Portable magazine.
TEXT PDF176.138 Deck stowage.
TEXT PDF176.140 Segregation from other classes of hazardous materials.
TEXT PDF176.142 Hazardous materials of extreme flammability.
TEXT PDF176.144 Segregation of Class 1 (explosive) materials.
TEXT PDF176.145 Segregation in single hold vessels.
TEXT PDF176.146 Segregation from non-hazardous materials.
TEXT PDF176.148 Artificial lighting.
TEXT PDF176.150 Radio and radar.
TEXT PDF176.154 Fueling (bunkering).
TEXT PDF176.156 Defective packages.
TEXT PDF176.160 Protection against weather.
TEXT PDF176.162 Security.
TEXT PDF176.164 Fire precautions and firefighting.
TEXT PDF176.166 Transport of Class 1 (explosive) materials on passenger vessels.
TEXT PDF176.168 Transport of Class 1 (explosive) materials in vehicle spaces.
TEXT PDF176.170 Transport of Class 1 (explosive) materials in freight containers.
TEXT PDF176.172 Structural serviceability of freight containers and vehicles carrying Class 1 (explosive) materials on ships.
TEXT PDF176.174 Transport of Class 1 (explosive) materials in shipborne barges.
TEXT PDF176.176 Signals.
TEXT PDF176.178 Mooring lines.
TEXT PDF176.180 Watchkeeping.
TEXT PDF176.182 Conditions for handling on board ship.
TEXT PDF176.184 Class 1 (explosive) materials of Compatibility Group L.
TEXT PDF176.190 Departure of vessel.
TEXT PDF176.192 Cargo handling equipment for freight containers carrying Class 1 (explosive) materials.
TEXT PDF176.194 Stowage of Class 1 (explosive) materials on magazine vessels.
TEXT PDF176.200 General stowage requirements.
TEXT PDF176.205 Under deck stowage requirements.
TEXT PDF176.210 On deck stowage requirements.
TEXT PDF176.220 Smoking or open flame and posting of warning signs.
TEXT PDF176.225 Stowage of chlorine.
TEXT PDF176.230 Stowage of Division 2.1 (flammable gas) materials.
TEXT PDF176.305 General stowage requirements.
TEXT PDF176.315 Fire protection requirements.
TEXT PDF176.320 Use of hand flashlights.
TEXT PDF176.325 Smoking or open flame and posting of warning signs.
TEXT PDF176.340 Combustible liquids in portable tanks.
TEXT PDF176.400 Stowage of Division 1.5, Class 4 (flammable solids) and Class 5 (oxidizers and organic peroxides) materials.
TEXT PDF176.405 Stowage of charcoal.
TEXT PDF176.410 Division 1.5 materials, ammonium nitrate and ammonium nitrate mixtures.
TEXT PDF176.415 Permit requirements for Division 1.5, ammonium nitrates, and certain ammonium nitrate fertilizers.
TEXT PDF176.600 General stowage requirements.
TEXT PDF176.605 Care following leakage or sifting of Division 2.3 (poisonous gas) and Division 6.1 (poisonous) materials.
TEXT PDF176.700 General stowage requirements.
TEXT PDF176.704 Requirements relating to transport indices and criticality safety indices.
TEXT PDF176.708 Segregation distances.
TEXT PDF176.710 Care following leakage or sifting of radioactive materials.
TEXT PDF176.715 Contamination control.
TEXT PDF176.720 Requirements for carriage of INF cargo in international transportation.
TEXT PDF176.800 General stowage requirements.
TEXT PDF176.805 On deck stowage.
TEXT PDF176.900 Packaging and stowage of cotton and vegetable fibers; general.
TEXT PDF176.901 Stowage of cotton or vegetable fibers with rosin or pitch.
TEXT PDF176.903 Stowage of cotton or vegetable fibers with coal.
TEXT PDF176.905 Motor vehicles or mechanical equipment powered by internal combustion engines.

