Title 21--Food and Drugs



TEXT PDF14.1 Scope.
TEXT PDF14.5 Purpose of proceedings before an advisory committee.
TEXT PDF14.7 Administrative remedies.
TEXT PDF14.10 Applicability to Congress.
TEXT PDF14.15 Committees working under a contract with FDA.
TEXT PDF14.20 Notice of hearing before an advisory committee.
TEXT PDF14.22 Meetings of an advisory committee.
TEXT PDF14.25 Portions of advisory committee meetings.
TEXT PDF14.27 Determination to close portions of advisory committee meetings.
TEXT PDF14.29 Conduct of a hearing before an advisory committee.
TEXT PDF14.30 Chairman of an advisory committee.
TEXT PDF14.31 Consultation by an advisory committee with other persons.
TEXT PDF14.33 Compilation of materials for members of an advisory committee.
TEXT PDF14.35 Written submissions to an advisory committee.
TEXT PDF14.39 Additional rules for a particular advisory committee.
TEXT PDF14.40 Establishment and renewal of advisory committees.
TEXT PDF14.55 Termination of advisory committees.
TEXT PDF14.60 Minutes and reports of advisory committee meetings.
TEXT PDF14.61 Transcripts of advisory committee meetings.
TEXT PDF14.65 Public inquiries and requests for advisory committee records.
TEXT PDF14.70 Administrative record of a public hearing before an advisory committee.
TEXT PDF14.75 Examination of administrative record and other advisory committee records.
TEXT PDF14.80 Qualifications for members of standing policy and technical advisory committees.
TEXT PDF14.82 Nominations of voting members of standing advisory committees.
TEXT PDF14.84 Nominations and selection of nonvoting members of standing technical advisory committees.
TEXT PDF14.86 Rights and responsibilities of nonvoting members of advisory committees.
TEXT PDF14.90 Ad hoc advisory committee members.
TEXT PDF14.95 Compensation of advisory committee members.
TEXT PDF14.100 List of standing advisory committees.
TEXT PDF14.120 Establishment of the Technical Electronic Product Radiation Safety Standards Committee (TEPRSSC).
TEXT PDF14.122 Functions of TEPRSSC.
TEXT PDF14.125 Procedures of TEPRSSC.
TEXT PDF14.127 Membership of TEPRSSC.
TEXT PDF14.130 Conduct of TEPRSSC meeting; availability of TEPRSSC records.
TEXT PDF14.140 Establishment of a color additive advisory committee.
TEXT PDF14.142 Functions of a color additive advisory committee.
TEXT PDF14.145 Procedures of a color additive advisory committee.
TEXT PDF14.147 Membership of a color additive advisory committee.
TEXT PDF14.155 Fees and compensation pertaining to a color additive advisory committee.
TEXT PDF14.160 Establishment of standing technical advisory committees for human prescription drugs.
TEXT PDF14.171 Utilization of an advisory committee on the initiative of FDA.
TEXT PDF14.172 Utilization of an advisory committee at the request of an interested person.
TEXT PDF14.174 Advice and recommendations in writing.

