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2:02 pm - Tebow returning for senior season as Fla. QB

2:02 pm - Tebow returning for senior season as Fla. QB

1:55 pm - Senate boosts wilderness protection across US

1:54 pm - Price of gas up nearly 12 cents after long slide

1:49 pm - Rights group: Israel uses white phosphorus in Gaza

1:41 pm - Groin sidelines Chargers' Tomlinson vs. Steelers

1:29 pm - In Obama, many see an end to baby boomer era

11:46 am - City Lights: How much official trivia can state have?

7:21 am - Snow, rain in the Billings area forecast

7:21 am - Avalanches trap skier, snowmobilers; 1 man injured

Guardsmen show who's best soldier

Five members of the Montana Army National Guard got the chance Saturday to prove they were among Montana's best when they took part in the annual soldier- and noncommissioned-officer-of-the-year competitions.

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3rd time a charm on river access?

HELENA - You have to go back six years to find a legislative session where lawmakers didn't squabble about bridge access.

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Students new to snow - and ski team

JACKSON - The flashcards were Bill Neal's idea.

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Seattle Pacific runs away from MSUB women

There is little room for error when playing nationally ranked Seattle Pacific University.

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Winter along the river

Quiet reigns along the Yellowstone River near Billings and Laurel as it cuts through snow-covered banks.

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Listen to the Montana state love song by composer Jerry McGowan of Alberton.
A pregnant Ballantine teen places her baby up for adoption.
View images of the Yellowstone River in winter.
Listen to a voice mail regarding the pending performance awards to Brad Johnson's appointees.
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Yellowstone County Commissioners last week sent a letter to City Administrator Tina Volek asking her to beef up security in t...

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