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OH: Don't try to tell me about 80s rock, I was listening to Def Leppard when the drummer still had both his arms.
Top 5 things I call my cat: 1. Destructobot, 2. Monstah, 3. Snugglebum, 4. Feisty McFeisterson, 5. Khaaaaan! None of these are his name.
So far, my best birthday present is from Netflix. Streaming to my Mac? How thoughtful!
Heard a rustling noise, looked up and the cat was at the top of the Christmas tree, chewing on the tiptop branch. Tree is still standing.
@rachel I'm honored. Still trying to figure out how to make a living with the foods of my ancestors.
@Specklet Happy Birthday! Have a whiskey for me.
Thanks @nicole and @amylola! It's beginning to smell a lot like Christmas...
Where exactly does one go to buy a Christmas tree in SF?
Mom and grandma both retired with investments plummeting + brother out of work = no presents under the tree this year. Bah humbug.
It's true what they say about the invigorating effects of several days away from the working world. Too bad it's offset by this cold. Urgh.
Spending my post-Thanksgiving afternoon teaching mom about shopping on Favorites now bookmarked on her computer. What?
OH: "Billy Squier is Canadian, which makes him a poseur with a 'u'." "No, it makes him a poseur with an 'eh'."
Wow, salesforce completely OUT. Even their marketing site is down. You can almost hear the money getting flushed down the drain.
Looking forward to the seven blissful hours with a CD player but no phone or email tomorrow, even though I'll be sitting in holiday traffic.
It's about this time of year when I abandon all pretense and start kicking back shots of molasses with a candied ginger chaser.
@brianoberkirch I'm going to need your opinion on Yats' po boys next time you're in SF:
RT @laughingsquid what could you possibility be doing right now that is better than watching a cat ride a Roomba
So, apparently my cat is twittering now...
And here I was logging in to tweet that the Guardian is reporting Hillary will take the Secretary of State job: