Title 29--Labor



TEXT PDF779.0 Purpose of interpretative bulletin.
TEXT PDF779.1 General scope of the Act.
TEXT PDF779.2 Previous and new coverage.
TEXT PDF779.3 Pay standards for employees subject to previous coverage of the Act.
TEXT PDF779.4 Pay standards for newly covered employment.
TEXT PDF779.5 Matters discussed in this part.
TEXT PDF779.6 Matters discussed in other interpretative bulletins.
TEXT PDF779.7 Significance of official interpretations.
TEXT PDF779.8 Basic support for interpretations.
TEXT PDF779.9 Reliance on interpretations.
TEXT PDF779.10 Interpretations made, continued, and superseded by this part.
TEXT PDF779.11 General statement.
TEXT PDF779.12 Commerce.
TEXT PDF779.13 Production.
TEXT PDF779.14 Goods.
TEXT PDF779.15 Sale and resale.
TEXT PDF779.16 State.
TEXT PDF779.17 Wage and wage payments to tipped employees.
TEXT PDF779.18 Regular rate.
TEXT PDF779.19 Employer, employee, and employ.
TEXT PDF779.20 Person.
TEXT PDF779.21 Enterprise.
TEXT PDF779.22 Enterprise engaged in commerce or in the production of goods for commerce.
TEXT PDF779.23 Establishment.
TEXT PDF779.24 Retail or service establishment.
TEXT PDF779.100 Basic coverage in general.
TEXT PDF779.101 Guiding principles for applying coverage and exemption provisions.
TEXT PDF779.102 Scope of this subpart.
TEXT PDF779.103 Employees ``engaged in commerce.''
TEXT PDF779.104 Employees ``engaged in the production of goods for commerce.''
TEXT PDF779.105 Employees engaged in activities ``closely related'' and ``directly essential'' to the production of goods for commerce.
TEXT PDF779.106 Employees employed by an independent employer.
TEXT PDF779.107 Goods defined.
TEXT PDF779.108 Goods produced for commerce.
TEXT PDF779.109 Amount of activities which constitute engaging in commerce or in the production of goods for commerce.
TEXT PDF779.110 Employees in retailing whose activities may bring them under the Act.
TEXT PDF779.111 Buyers and their assistants.
TEXT PDF779.112 Office employees.
TEXT PDF779.113 Warehouse and stock room employees.
TEXT PDF779.114 Transportation employees.
TEXT PDF779.115 Watchmen and guards.
TEXT PDF779.116 Custodial and maintenance employees.
TEXT PDF779.117 Salesmen and sales clerks.
TEXT PDF779.118 Employees providing central services for multi-unit organizations.
TEXT PDF779.119 Exempt occupations.
TEXT PDF779.200 Coverage expanded by 1961 and 1966 amendments.
TEXT PDF779.201 The place of the term ``enterprise'' in the Act.
TEXT PDF779.202 Basic concepts of definition.
TEXT PDF779.203 Distinction between ``enterprise,'' ``establishment,'' and ``employer.''
TEXT PDF779.204 Common types of ``enterprise.''
TEXT PDF779.205 Enterprise must consist of ``related activities.''
TEXT PDF779.206 What are ``related activities.''
TEXT PDF779.207 Related activities in retail operations.
TEXT PDF779.208 Auxiliary activities which are ``related activities.''
TEXT PDF779.209 Vertical activities which are ``related activities.''
TEXT PDF779.210 Other activities which may be part of the enterprise.
TEXT PDF779.211 Status of activities which are not ``related.''
TEXT PDF779.212 Enterprise must consist of related activities performed for a ``common business purpose.''
TEXT PDF779.213 What is a common business purpose.
TEXT PDF779.214 ``Business'' purpose.
TEXT PDF779.215 General scope of terms.
TEXT PDF779.216 Statutory construction of the terms.
TEXT PDF779.217 ``Unified operation'' defined.
TEXT PDF779.218 Methods to accomplish ``unified operation.''
TEXT PDF779.219 Unified operation may be achieved without common control or common ownership.
TEXT PDF779.220 Unified operation may exist as to separately owned or controlled activities which are related.
TEXT PDF779.221 ``Common control'' defined.
TEXT PDF779.222 Ownership as factor.
TEXT PDF779.223 Control where ownership vested in individual or single organization.
TEXT PDF779.224 Common control in other cases.
TEXT PDF779.225 Leased departments.
TEXT PDF779.226 Exception for an independently owned retail or service establishment under certain franchise and other arrangements.
TEXT PDF779.227 Conditions which must be met for exception.
TEXT PDF779.228 Types of arrangements contemplated by exception.
TEXT PDF779.229 Other arrangements.
TEXT PDF779.230 Franchise and other arrangements.
TEXT PDF779.231 Franchise arrangements which do not create a larger enterprise.
TEXT PDF779.232 Franchise or other arrangements which create a larger enterprise.
TEXT PDF779.233 Independent contractors performing work ``for'' an enterprise.
TEXT PDF779.234 Establishments whose only regular employees are the owner or members of his immediate family.
TEXT PDF779.235 Other ``enterprises.''
TEXT PDF779.236 In general.
TEXT PDF779.237 Enterprise engaged in commerce or in the production of goods for commerce.
TEXT PDF779.238 Engagement in described activities determined on annual basis.
TEXT PDF779.239 Meaning of ``engaged in commerce or in the production of goods for commerce.''
TEXT PDF779.240 Employees ``handling *** or otherwise working on goods.''
TEXT PDF779.241 Selling.
TEXT PDF779.242 Goods that ``have been moved in'' commerce.
TEXT PDF779.243 Goods that have been ``produced for commerce by any person.''
TEXT PDF779.244 ``Covered enterprises'' of interest to retailers of goods or services.
TEXT PDF779.245 Conditions for coverage of retail or service enterprises.
TEXT PDF779.246 Inflow test under section 3(s)(1) of the Act prior to 1966 amendments.
TEXT PDF779.247 ``Goods'' defined.
TEXT PDF779.248 Purchase or receive ``goods for resale.''
TEXT PDF779.249 Goods which move or have moved across State lines.
TEXT PDF779.250 Goods that have not lost their out-of-State identity.
TEXT PDF779.251 Goods that have lost their out-of-State identity.
TEXT PDF779.252 Not in deliveries from the reselling establishment.
TEXT PDF779.253 What is included in computing the total annual inflow volume.
TEXT PDF779.254 Summary of coverage and exemptions prior to and following the 1966 amendments.
TEXT PDF779.255 Meaning of ``gasoline service establishment.''
TEXT PDF779.256 Conditions for enterprise coverage of gasoline service establishments.
TEXT PDF779.257 Exemption applicable to gasoline service establishments under the prior Act.
TEXT PDF779.258 Sales made or business done.
TEXT PDF779.259 What is included in annual gross volume.
TEXT PDF779.260 Trade-in allowances.
TEXT PDF779.261 Statutory provision.
TEXT PDF779.262 Excise taxes at the retail level.
TEXT PDF779.263 Excise taxes not at the retail level.
TEXT PDF779.264 Excise taxes separately stated.
TEXT PDF779.265 Basis for making computations.
TEXT PDF779.266 Methods of computing annual volume of sales or business.
TEXT PDF779.267 Fluctuations in annual gross volume affecting enterprise coverage and establishment exemptions.
TEXT PDF779.268 Grace period of 1 month for computation.
TEXT PDF779.269 Computations for a new business.
TEXT PDF779.300 Purpose of subpart.
TEXT PDF779.301 Statutory provisions.
TEXT PDF779.302 Exemptions depend on character of establishment.
TEXT PDF779.303 ``Establishment'' defined; distinguished from ``enterprise'' and ``business.''
TEXT PDF779.304 Illustrations of a single establishment.
TEXT PDF779.305 Separate establishments on the same premises.
TEXT PDF779.306 Leased departments not separate establishments.
TEXT PDF779.307 Meaning and scope of ``employed by'' and ``employee of.''
TEXT PDF779.308 Employed within scope of exempt business.
TEXT PDF779.309 Employed ``in'' but not ``by.''
TEXT PDF779.310 Employees of employers operating multi-unit businesses.
TEXT PDF779.311 Employees working in more than one establishment of same employer.
TEXT PDF779.312 ``Retail or service establishment'', defined in section 13(a)(2).
TEXT PDF779.313 Requirements summarized.
TEXT PDF779.314 ``Goods'' and ``services'' defined.
TEXT PDF779.315 Traditional local retail or service establishments.
TEXT PDF779.316 Establishments outside ``retail concept'' not within statutory definition; lack first requirement.
TEXT PDF779.317 Partial list of establishments lacking ``retail concept.''
TEXT PDF779.318 Characteristics and examples of retail or service establishments.
TEXT PDF779.319 A retail or service establishment must be open to general public.
TEXT PDF779.320 Partial list of establishments whose sales or service may be recognized as retail.
TEXT PDF779.321 Inapplicability of ``retail concept'' to some types of sales or services of an eligible establishment.
TEXT PDF779.322 Second requirement for qualifying as a ``retail or service establishment.''
TEXT PDF779.323 Particular industry.
TEXT PDF779.324 Recognition ``in.''
TEXT PDF779.325 Functions of the Secretary and the courts.
TEXT PDF779.326 Sources of information.
TEXT PDF779.327 Wholesale sales.
TEXT PDF779.328 Retail and wholesale distinguished.
TEXT PDF779.329 Effect of type of customer and type of goods or services.
TEXT PDF779.330 Third requirement for qualifying as a ``retail or service establishment.''
TEXT PDF779.331 Meaning of sales ``for resale.''
TEXT PDF779.332 Resale of goods in an altered form or as parts or ingredients of other goods or services.
TEXT PDF779.333 Goods sold for use as raw materials in other products.
TEXT PDF779.334 Sales of services for resale.
TEXT PDF779.335 Sales of building materials for residential or farm building construction.
TEXT PDF779.336 Sales of building materials for commercial property construction.
TEXT PDF779.337 Requirements of exemption summarized.
TEXT PDF779.338 Effect of 1961 and 1966 amendments.
TEXT PDF779.339 More than 50 percent intrastate sales required.
TEXT PDF779.340 Out-of-State customers.
TEXT PDF779.341 Sales ``made within the State'' and ``engagement in commerce'' distinguished.
TEXT PDF779.342 Methods of computing annual volume of sales.
TEXT PDF779.343 Combinations of exemptions.
TEXT PDF779.345 Exemption provided in section 13(a)(4).
TEXT PDF779.346 Requirements for exemption summarized.
TEXT PDF779.347 Exemption limited to ``recognized retail establishment''; factories not exempt.
TEXT PDF779.348 Goods must be made at the establishment which sells them.
TEXT PDF779.349 The 85-percent requirement.
TEXT PDF779.350 The section 13(a)(4) exemption does not apply to service establishments.
TEXT PDF779.351 Exemption provided.
TEXT PDF779.352 Requirements for exemption.
TEXT PDF779.353 Basis for classification.
TEXT PDF779.354 Who may qualify as exempt 13(a)(2) or 13(a)(4) establishments.
TEXT PDF779.355 Classification of lumber and building materials sales.
TEXT PDF779.356 Application of exemptions to employees.
TEXT PDF779.357 May qualify as exempt 13(a)(2) establishments; classification of coal sales.
TEXT PDF779.358 May qualify as exempt 13(a)(2) or 13(a)(4) establishments.
TEXT PDF779.359 May qualify as exempt 13(a)(2) establishments.
TEXT PDF779.360 Classification of liquefied-petroleum-gas sales.
TEXT PDF779.361 Classification of other fuel oil sales.
TEXT PDF779.362 May qualify as exempt 13(a)(2) or 13(a)(4) establishments.
TEXT PDF779.363 May qualify as exempt 13(a)(2) or 13(a)(4) establishments.
TEXT PDF779.364 May qualify as exempt 13(a)(2) or 13(a)(4) establishments.
TEXT PDF779.365 May qualify as exempt 13(a)(2) or 13(a)(4) establishments.
TEXT PDF779.366 Recapping or retreading tires for sale.
TEXT PDF779.367 Commercial stationers may qualify as exempt 13(a)(2) establishments.
TEXT PDF779.368 Printing and engraving establishments not recognized as retail.
TEXT PDF779.369 Funeral home establishments may qualify as exempt 13(a)(2) establishments.
TEXT PDF779.370 Cemeteries may qualify as exempt 13(a)(2) establishments.
TEXT PDF779.371 Some automobile, truck, and farm implement establishments may qualify for exemption under section 13(a)(2).
TEXT PDF779.372 Nonmanufacturing establishments with certain exempt employees under section 13(b)(10).
TEXT PDF779.381 Establishments within special exceptions or exemptions.
TEXT PDF779.382 May qualify as exempt 13(a)(2) establishments.
TEXT PDF779.383 ``Hotel'' and ``motel'' exemptions under section 13(b)(8).
TEXT PDF779.384 May qualify as exempt establishments.
TEXT PDF779.385 May qualify as exempt establishments.
TEXT PDF779.386 Restaurants may qualify as exempt 13(a)(2) establishments.
TEXT PDF779.387 ``Restaurant'' exemption under section 13(b) (8).
TEXT PDF779.388 Exemption provided for food or beverage service employees.
TEXT PDF779.400 Purpose of subpart.
TEXT PDF779.401 Statutory provision.
TEXT PDF779.402 ``Executive'' and ``administrative'' employees defined.
TEXT PDF779.403 Administrative and executive employees in covered enterprises employed in other than retail or service establishments.
TEXT PDF779.404 Other section 13(a)(1) employees employed in covered enterprises.
TEXT PDF779.405 Statutory provisions.
TEXT PDF779.406 ``Student-learners''.
TEXT PDF779.407 Learners other than ``student-learners''.
TEXT PDF779.408 ``Full-time students''.
TEXT PDF779.409 Handicapped workers.
TEXT PDF779.410 Statutory provision.
TEXT PDF779.411 Employee of a ``retail or service establishment''.
TEXT PDF779.412 Compensation requirements for overtime pay exemption under section 7(i).
TEXT PDF779.413 Methods of compensation of retail store employees.
TEXT PDF779.414 Types of employment in which this overtime pay exemption may apply.
TEXT PDF779.415 Computing employee's compensation for the representative period.
TEXT PDF779.416 What compensation ``represents commissions.''
TEXT PDF779.417 The ``representative period'' for testing employee's compensation.
TEXT PDF779.418 Grace period for computing portion of compensation representing commissions.
TEXT PDF779.419 Dependence of the section 7(i) overtime pay exemption upon the level of the employee's ``regular rate'' of pay.
TEXT PDF779.420 Recordkeeping requirements.
TEXT PDF779.421 Basic rate for computing overtime compensation of nonexempt employees receiving commissions.
TEXT PDF779.500 Purpose of subpart.
TEXT PDF779.501 Statutory provisions.
TEXT PDF779.502 Statutory provisions; regulations in part 1500 of this title.
TEXT PDF779.503 The retailer and section 12(a).
TEXT PDF779.504 The retailer and section 12(c).
TEXT PDF779.505 ``Oppressive child labor'' defined.
TEXT PDF779.506 Sixteen-year minimum.
TEXT PDF779.507 Fourteen-year minimum.
TEXT PDF779.508 Eighteen-year minimum.
TEXT PDF779.509 Statutory provision.
TEXT PDF779.510 Conditions that must be met for section 13(b)(11) exemption.
TEXT PDF779.511 ``Finding by Secretary.''
TEXT PDF779.512 The recordkeeping regulations.
TEXT PDF779.513 Order and form of records.
TEXT PDF779.514 Period for preserving records.
TEXT PDF779.515 Regulations should be consulted.

