Title 29--Labor



TEXT PDF500.0 Introduction.
TEXT PDF500.1 Purpose and scope.
TEXT PDF500.2 Compliance with State laws and regulations.
TEXT PDF500.3 Effective date of the Act; transition period; repeal of the Farm Labor Contractor Registration Act.
TEXT PDF500.4 Effect of prior judgments and final orders obtained under the Farm Labor Contractor Registration Act.
TEXT PDF500.5 Filing of applications, notices and documents.
TEXT PDF500.6 Accuracy of information, statements and data.
TEXT PDF500.7 Investigation authority of the Secretary.
TEXT PDF500.8 Prohibition on interference with Department of Labor officials.
TEXT PDF500.9 Discrimination prohibited.
TEXT PDF500.10 Waiver of rights prohibited.
TEXT PDF500.20 Definitions.
TEXT PDF500.30 Persons not subject to the Act.
TEXT PDF500.40 Registration in general.
TEXT PDF500.41 Farm labor contractor is responsible for actions of his farm labor contractor employee.
TEXT PDF500.42 Certificate of Registration to be carried and exhibited.
TEXT PDF500.43 Effect of failure to produce certificate.
TEXT PDF500.44 Form of application.
TEXT PDF500.45 Contents of application.
TEXT PDF500.46 Filing an application.
TEXT PDF500.47 Place for filing application.
TEXT PDF500.48 Issuance of certificate.
TEXT PDF500.50 Duration of certificate.
TEXT PDF500.51 Refusal to issue or to renew, or suspension or revocation of certificate.
TEXT PDF500.52 Right to hearing.
TEXT PDF500.53 Nontransfer of certificate.
TEXT PDF500.54 Change of address.
TEXT PDF500.55 Changes to or amendments of certificate authority.
TEXT PDF500.56 Replacement of Certificate of Registration or Farm Labor Contractor Employee Certificate.
TEXT PDF500.60 Farm labor contractors' recruitment, contractual and general obligations.
TEXT PDF500.61 Farm labor contractors must comply with all worker protections and all other statutory provisions.
TEXT PDF500.62 Obligations of a person holding a valid Farm Labor Contractor Employee Certificate of Registration.
TEXT PDF500.70 Scope of worker protections.
TEXT PDF500.71 Utilization of only registered farm labor contractors.
TEXT PDF500.72 Agreements with workers.
TEXT PDF500.73 Required purchase of goods or services solely from any person prohibited.
TEXT PDF500.75 Disclosure of information.
TEXT PDF500.76 Disclosure of information.
TEXT PDF500.77 Accuracy of information furnished.
TEXT PDF500.78 Information in foreign language.
TEXT PDF500.80 Payroll records required.
TEXT PDF500.81 Payment of wages when due.
TEXT PDF500.100 Vehicle safety obligations.
TEXT PDF500.101 Promulgation and adoption of vehicle standards.
TEXT PDF500.102 Applicability of vehicle safety standards.
TEXT PDF500.103 Activities not subject to vehicle safety standards.
TEXT PDF500.104 Department of Labor standards for passenger automobiles and station wagons and transportation of seventy-five miles or less.
TEXT PDF500.105 DOT standards adopted by the Secretary.
TEXT PDF500.120 Insurance policy or liability bond is required for each vehicle used to transport any migrant or seasonal agricultural worker.
TEXT PDF500.121 Coverage and level of insurance required.
TEXT PDF500.122 Adjustments in insurance requirements when workers' compensation coverage is provided under State law.
TEXT PDF500.123 Property damage insurance required.
TEXT PDF500.124 Liability bond in lieu of insurance policy.
TEXT PDF500.125 Qualifications and eligibility of insurance carrier or surety.
TEXT PDF500.126 Duration of insurance or liability bond.
TEXT PDF500.127 Limitations on cancellation of insurance or liability bond of registered farm labor contractors.
TEXT PDF500.128 Cancellation of insurance policy or liability bond not relief from insurance requirements.
TEXT PDF500.130 Application and scope of safety and health requirement.
TEXT PDF500.131 Exclusion from housing safety and health requirement.
TEXT PDF500.132 Applicable Federal standards: ETA and OSHA housing standards.
TEXT PDF500.133 Substantive Federal and State safety and health standards defined.
TEXT PDF500.134 Compliance with State standards.
TEXT PDF500.135 Certificate of housing inspection.
TEXT PDF500.140 General.
TEXT PDF500.141 Concurrent actions.
TEXT PDF500.142 Representation of the Secretary.
TEXT PDF500.143 Civil money penalty assessment.
TEXT PDF500.144 Civil money penalties--payment and collection.
TEXT PDF500.145 Registration determinations.
TEXT PDF500.146 Continuation of matters involving violations of FLCRA.
TEXT PDF500.147 Continuation of matters involving violations of section 106 of MSPA.
TEXT PDF500.155 Authority.
TEXT PDF500.156 Scope of agreements with Federal agencies.
TEXT PDF500.157 Scope of agreements with State agencies.
TEXT PDF500.158 Functions delegatable.
TEXT PDF500.159 Submission of plan.
TEXT PDF500.160 Approved State plans.
TEXT PDF500.161 Audits.
TEXT PDF500.162 Reports.
TEXT PDF500.170 Establishment of registry.
TEXT PDF500.200 Establishment of procedures and rules of practice.
TEXT PDF500.201 Applicability of procedures and rules.
TEXT PDF500.210 Written notice of determination required.
TEXT PDF500.211 Contents of notice.
TEXT PDF500.212 Request for hearing.
TEXT PDF500.215 Change of address.
TEXT PDF500.216 Substituted service.
TEXT PDF500.217 Responsibility of Secretary for service.
TEXT PDF500.219 General.
TEXT PDF500.220 Service of determinations and computation of time.
TEXT PDF500.221 Commencement of proceeding.
TEXT PDF500.222 Designation of record.
TEXT PDF500.223 Caption of proceeding.
TEXT PDF500.224 Referral to Administrative Law Judge.
TEXT PDF500.225 Notice of docketing.
TEXT PDF500.226 Service upon attorneys for the Department of Labor--number of copies.
TEXT PDF500.231 Appearances; representation of the Department of Labor.
TEXT PDF500.232 Consent findings and order.
TEXT PDF500.262 Decision and order of Administrative Law Judge.
TEXT PDF500.263 Authority of the Secretary.
TEXT PDF500.264 Procedures for initiating review.
TEXT PDF500.265 Implementation by the Secretary.
TEXT PDF500.266 Responsibility of the Office of Administrative Law Judges.
TEXT PDF500.267 Filing and service.
TEXT PDF500.268 Final decision of the Secretary.
TEXT PDF500.269 Stay pending decision of the Secretary.
TEXT PDF500.270 Retention of official record.
TEXT PDF500.271 Certification of official record.

