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Press Release

August 6, 2007

Rep. Susan Davis's Statement Against Warrantless Wiretapping

Washington, DCCongresswoman Susan Davis (D-Calif.) released the following statement on passage of Senate legislation (S. 1927) to amend the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA).  The Senate bill passed the House of Representatives by a vote of 227-183.  Davis joined a majority of her Democratic colleagues in voting against S. 1927.

“While Congress has a duty to protect the American people from attacks, we must do so in a manner consistent with the Constitution and the Fourth Amendment.  I believe that S. 1927 went too far by allowing wiretapping without a warrant and giving too much power to the Executive Branch, especially Attorney General Alberto Gonzales.

“The Bush Administration has made it perfectly clear that they do not believe Congress or the Courts should play a role in overseeing national security efforts.  I firmly disagree and strongly urge the Administration to work with Congress on issues vital toward the protection of American citizens.  The people are best served when all branches work for the greater good and not toward political aims.

“The only bright spot in S. 1927 is that it expires in six months.  I am hopeful that my colleagues on the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence and the Judiciary Committee will make the matter of reforming the law a top priority upon returning in September.”