Title 45--Public Welfare



TEXT PDF2516.100 Who may apply for a direct grant from the Corporation?
TEXT PDF2516.110 Who may apply for a subgrant from a Corporation grantee?
TEXT PDF2516.200 How may grant funds be used?
TEXT PDF2516.300 Who may participate in a school-based service-learning program?
TEXT PDF2516.310 May private school students participate?
TEXT PDF2516.320 Is a participant eligible to receive an AmeriCorps educational award?
TEXT PDF2516.400 What must a State or Indian tribe include in an application for a grant?
TEXT PDF2516.410 What must a grantmaking entity, local partnership, or LEA include in an application for a grant?
TEXT PDF2516.420 What must an LEA, local partnership, or qualified organization include in an application for a subgrant?
TEXT PDF2516.500 How does the Corporation review the merits of an application?
TEXT PDF2516.510 What happens if the Corporation rejects a State's application for an allotment grant?
TEXT PDF2516.520 How does a State, Indian tribe, or grantmaking entity review the merits of an application?
TEXT PDF2516.600 How are funds for school-based service-learning programs distributed?
TEXT PDF2516.700 Are matching funds required?
TEXT PDF2516.710 Are there limits on the use of funds?
TEXT PDF2516.720 What is the length of each type of grant?
TEXT PDF2516.730 May an applicant submit more than one application to the Corporation for the same project at the same time?
TEXT PDF2516.800 What are the purposes of an evaluation?
TEXT PDF2516.810 What types of evaluations are grantees and subgrantees required to perform?
TEXT PDF2516.820 What types of internal evaluation activities are required of programs?
TEXT PDF2516.830 What types of activities are required of Corporation grantees to evaluate the effectiveness of their subgrantees?
TEXT PDF2516.840 By what standards will the Corporation evaluate individual Learn and Serve America programs?
TEXT PDF2516.850 What will the Corporation do to evaluate the overall success of the service-learning program?
TEXT PDF2516.860 Will information on individual participants be kept confidential?

