Title 45--Public Welfare



TEXT PDF2400.1 Purposes.
TEXT PDF2400.2 Annual competition.
TEXT PDF2400.3 Eligibility.
TEXT PDF2400.4 Definitions.
TEXT PDF2400.10 Application.
TEXT PDF2400.11 Faculty representatives.
TEXT PDF2400.20 Preparation of application.
TEXT PDF2400.21 Contents of application.
TEXT PDF2400.22 Application deadline.
TEXT PDF2400.30 Selection criteria.
TEXT PDF2400.31 Selection process.
TEXT PDF2400.40 Institutions of graduate study.
TEXT PDF2400.41 Degree programs.
TEXT PDF2400.42 Approval of Plan of Study.
TEXT PDF2400.43 Required courses of graduate study.
TEXT PDF2400.44 Commencement of graduate study.
TEXT PDF2400.45 Special consideration: Junior Fellows' Plan of Study.
TEXT PDF2400.46 Special consideration: second master's degree.
TEXT PDF2400.47 Summer Institute's relationship to fellowship.
TEXT PDF2400.48 Fellows' participation in the Summer Institute.
TEXT PDF2400.49 Contents of the Summer Institute.
TEXT PDF2400.50 Allowances and Summer Institute costs.
TEXT PDF2400.51 Summer Institute accreditation.
TEXT PDF2400.52 Amount of stipend.
TEXT PDF2400.53 Duration of stipend.
TEXT PDF2400.54 Use of stipend.
TEXT PDF2400.55 Certification for stipend.
TEXT PDF2400.56 Payment of stipend.
TEXT PDF2400.57 Termination of stipend.
TEXT PDF2400.58 Repayment of stipend.
TEXT PDF2400.59 Other awards.
TEXT PDF2400.60 Renewal of award.
TEXT PDF2400.61 Postponement of award.
TEXT PDF2400.62 Evidence of master's degree.
TEXT PDF2400.63 Excluded graduate study.
TEXT PDF2400.64 Alterations to Plan of Study.
TEXT PDF2400.65 Teaching obligation.
TEXT PDF2400.66 Completion of fellowship.

