The BEAT Logo and LC Seal


ONIX (Online Information eXchange) is a means of representing book industry product information and is being used by some publishers today to communicate that data electronically.

The Library receives this data directly, including coverage of some retrospective material. Programming developed by a BEAT team member utilizes the data to create Table of Contents (TOC) records that the Library makes available on the Web. Hyper- links are made from this TOC data to the catalog record, and the reverse, thus allowing researchers to move from or to the Library's online catalog where they can make additional searches for related or other material. A catalog record with a related TOC file retrieved in an online search has the hot- link to the TOC displayed on screen. As in the Digital TOC project described below, Library of Congress subject headings from the catalog record are added to the HTML keyword meta tag.

To date the project has created approximately 50,000 ONIX TOC records, and the links to these from the catalog are being made in ongoing fashion.

A fuller description of the ONIX TOC project as well as brief descriptions of the other BEAT TOC initiatives can be found in "Cataloging Electronic Resources at LC"in Volume 9, no. 13 of LC CATALOGING NEWSLINE (the Online Newsletter of the Cataloging Directorate Library of Congress) November 2001.

Notes on Other Table of Contents Projects

In addition to information regarding the ONIX TOC project, there is a cybercast from January 2002 prepared as part of the LC staff Digital- Future-and-You series, containing information relating to all of the TOC initiatives (including E-CIP TOC) referenced in the various TOC project descriptions below. This may be viewed online at its full address: Counter
This page updated on June 20, 2005

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