Title 23--Highways



TEXT PDF661.1 What is the purpose of this regulation?
TEXT PDF661.3 Who must comply with this regulation?
TEXT PDF661.5 What definitions apply to this regulation?
TEXT PDF661.7 What is the Indian Reservation Road Bridge Program (IRRBP)?
TEXT PDF661.9 How will the bridge project be funded/programmed once eligibility has been determined?
TEXT PDF661.11 After a bridge project has been completed what happens with the excess or surplus funding?
TEXT PDF661.13 What restrictions are there on the use of the IRRBP funds?
TEXT PDF661.15 What is the total funding available for the IRR Bridge Program?
TEXT PDF661.17 When will these funds become available?
TEXT PDF661.19 When does an eligible project receive funding?
TEXT PDF661.21 How long will these funds be available?
TEXT PDF661.23 What can these IRR bridge funds be used for?
TEXT PDF661.25 What are the criteria for bridge eligibility?
TEXT PDF661.27 When is a bridge eligible for replacement?
TEXT PDF661.29 When is a bridge eligible for rehabilitation?
TEXT PDF661.31 How does ownership impact project selection?
TEXT PDF661.33 Do IRRBP projects have to be on a transportation improvement program (TIP)?
TEXT PDF661.35 What percent of the funding in any fiscal year is available for use on BIA owned IRR bridges and non-BIA owned IRR bridges?
TEXT PDF661.37 What percent of a specific project's construction costs is covered under this program?
TEXT PDF661.39 When are IRR bridge projects eligible for funding?
TEXT PDF661.41 What does a complete application package consist of?
TEXT PDF661.43 How are the FY 1998 projects to be treated?
TEXT PDF661.45 How is a list of deficient bridges to be generated?
TEXT PDF661.47 In the event of project cost over runs, how would they be funded?
TEXT PDF661.49 Could regular IRR funds be used to fund a bridge project?
TEXT PDF661.51 Could bridge maintenance be performed with these funds?
TEXT PDF661.1 What is the purpose of this regulation?
TEXT PDF661.3 Who must comply with this regulation?
TEXT PDF661.5 What definitions apply to this regulation?
TEXT PDF661.7 What is the IRRBP?
TEXT PDF661.9 What is the total funding available for the IRRBP?
TEXT PDF661.11 When do IRRBP funds become available?
TEXT PDF661.13 How long are these funds available?
TEXT PDF661.15 What are the eligible activities for IRRBP funds?
TEXT PDF661.17 What are the criteria for bridge eligibility?
TEXT PDF661.19 When is a bridge eligible for replacement?
TEXT PDF661.21 When is a bridge eligible for rehabilitation?
TEXT PDF661.23 How will a bridge project be programmed for funding once eligibility has been determined?
TEXT PDF661.25 What does a complete application package for PE consist of and how does the project receive funding?
TEXT PDF661.27 What does a complete application package for construction consist of and how does the project receive funding?
TEXT PDF661.29 How does ownership impact project selection?
TEXT PDF661.31 Do IRRBP projects have to be listed on an approved IRR TIP?
TEXT PDF661.33 What percentage of IRRBP funding is available for PE and construction?
TEXT PDF661.35 What percentage of IRRBP funding is available for use on BIA and Tribally owned IRR bridges, and non-BIA owned IRR bridges?
TEXT PDF661.37 What are the funding limitations on individual IRRBP projects?
TEXT PDF661.39 How are project cost overruns funded?
TEXT PDF661.41 After a bridge project has been completed (either PE or construction) what happens with the excess or surplus funding?
TEXT PDF661.43 Can other sources of funds be used to finance a queued project in advance of receipt of IRRBP funds?
TEXT PDF661.45 What happens when IRRBP funds cannot be obligated by the end of the fiscal year?
TEXT PDF661.47 Can bridge maintenance be performed with IRRBP funds?
TEXT PDF661.49 Can IRRBP funds be spent on Interstate, State Highway, and Toll Road IRR bridges?
TEXT PDF661.51 Can IRRBP funds be used for the approach roadway to a bridge?
TEXT PDF661.53 What standards should be used for bridge design?
TEXT PDF661.55 How are BIA and Tribal owned IRR bridges inspected?
TEXT PDF661.57 How is a list of deficient bridges to be generated?
TEXT PDF661.59 What should be done with a deficient BIA owned IRR bridge if the Indian Tribe does not support the project?
