Cardoza Announces 2008 Congressional Art Competition

WASHINGTON, DC – Rep. Dennis Cardoza, D-Merced, has announced plans for the annual Congressional Art Competition for high school students in the 18th District. The competition provides an opportunity to showcase the talent of creative young artists.   Each member of the House of Representatives is allowed to exhibit one art entry from a student in his or her congressional district. The winning entry from Cardoza’s district will be displayed for one year in the frequently used tunnel space between the U.S. Capitol and the Cannon House Office Building in Washington, D.C.    The impressive annual exhibit represents the combined efforts of Members of Congress, students, and teachers, who encourage their students to enter the competition. The top finishers will be recognized locally. The winner from each Congressional District and one guest is invited to a Capitol Hill reception on June 25th that highlights their accomplishments in conjunction with the hanging of their artwork. The reception traditionally features a celebrity from the entertainment industry.   A professional panel appointed by Cardoza will judge the submissions.   Guidelines For The Competition:   --Participants must be high school students residing in the 18th District --Artwork must be no larger than 30" by 30" framed (framing not required) and two-dimensional --Eligible forms of artwork are paintings, prints, drawings, collages, computer art, mixed media and photography --The artwork must depict the Central Valley of California in some way (people, landscapes, landmarks, etc.) --A release form certifying the originality of the art piece must be signed by teacher and student (forms available at high schools and Cardoza district offices in Stockton, Modesto, and Merced) --Entries must be submitted by Friday, May 2, 2008 to any Cardoza district office     For more information contact Ellen Powell at (209) 946-0347 or ellen.powell@mail.house.gov. ... view more

Cardoza Takes Tough Stand on Fiscal Responsibility

WASHINGTON – This week, Congressman Dennis Cardoza, and his colleagues in the Blue Dog Coalition, have taken a tough stand on fiscal responsibility by insisting that Congress pay for a 1 year Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT) “patch.” Twice already this year the House has passed a responsible AMT relief bill that does not increase the federal debt, but today Congress is poised to pass an AMT relief bill that will increase our debt by $80 billion.   "Sometimes you have to be willing to stand and take on a fight, even against someone who has all the advantages," said Rep. Dennis Cardoza. "We're in a box. The president has a veto. The Senate has a hidebound group of senators complicit with the president in protecting tax cheats. But if [George] Washington looked across the river, saw the Redcoats and turned tail, we wouldn't have the country we have today." AMT relief legislation, which provides tax relief to 23 million American families who would otherwise pay higher taxes under the alternative minimum tax, should be passed without adding to the national debt.  The House has done this twice by closing a loophole to prevent hedge fund managers and other individuals from using offshore tax haven corporations to defer taxes on compensation received for providing investment services.   “Those who opposed responsible AMT relief must now explain why they voted to protect ten-thousand wealthy tax cheats over providing tax relief to 23 million American families,” said Cardoza. “The unpaid for bill that Congress was forced to pass today by President Bush and Republicans in the Senate amounts to an $80 billion tax increase on future generations. All of our grandchildren will pay more in taxes because of today’s fiscal irresponsibility.” ... view more

House Sends President Mortgage Debt Relief Bill

WASHINGTON – Today, Congressman Dennis Cardoza helped pass a key bill to address the mortgage crisis sweeping across the country. The Mortgage Forgiveness Debt Relief Act, HR 3648, passed the House without dissent and is now headed to the President’s desk.    Under current law, debt forgiven following mortgage foreclosure or renegotiation is considered income for tax purposes, resulting in tax liability for individuals and families. This bill provides tax relief to families by excluding debt forgiven under these circumstances from tax liability for the next three years.  It is estimated that two million American families could lose their homes to foreclosure due to rising interest rates in the current housing market crisis.   “Sadly, I represent communities that have been dubbed ‘foreclosure capitol USA’ by the national media because of foreclosure rates around 1 in 27 homes in some places,” said Cardoza. “This bill is one part of an aggressive response to the foreclosure crisis by the federal government. I expect Congress to pass further measures next year that will provide common sense relief to homeowners facing foreclosure.”   San Joaquin, Stanislaus, and Merced Counties in California have been particularly hard hit by the foreclosure crisis. RealtyTrac, which monitors foreclosure rates across the U.S., calculated that foreclosure notices went to 1-in-79 homes in Stanislaus County, 1-in-81 homes in San Joaquin County and 1-in-82 homes in Merced County. The national foreclosure notice rate was 1-in-510 homes and 1-in-224 homes throughout California. On December 1, 2007 Congressman Cardoza sponsored a foreclosure workshop in Stockton which offered free, confidential advice to families facing foreclosure or worried about making their mortgage payments. The event was attended by over 500 families and individuals.  H.R. 3648 has received strong support from the housing and mortgage industries, including the National Association of Realtors, Mortgage Bankers Association and National Association of Homebuilders. ... view more


WASHINGTON – Congressman Dennis Cardoza (CA-18) and Congressman Jerry McNerney (CA-11) reported today that their foreclosure workshop held on Saturday, December 1, at the Stockton Arena provided over 500 people with free, confidential advice in dealing with home foreclosures.    The workshop featured 19 counselors from government agencies such as the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), the California Housing Finance Authority, and the Stockton Housing Department, as well as non-profit organizations including NeighborWorks and Consumer Credit Counseling.  In addition to working with counselors, participants received information packets containing tips for avoiding foreclosure, the mortgage help hotline – 888.995.HOPE, local social service agency contact information, a monthly budgeting worksheet, and a welcome letter from the Congressmen.   “Homeownership is a basic part of the American dream and the mortgage foreclosure crisis sweeping across the country threatens this dream.  Sadly, as all of you already know, our communities in the Valley have been so hard hit that the national media has proclaimed the Central Valley to be ‘Foreclosure Capital USA,’” stated Congressman Cardoza kicking off the workshop. “I am pleased to be sponsoring this workshop with my colleague Congressman McNerney, and I want to thank the Stockton Arena and our counselors for volunteering their time.”   The advisory for the workshop is below.   Who: Congressman Dennis Cardoza Congressman Jerry McNerney State Senator Michael Machado Assemblymember Greg Aghazarian Mayor Ed Chavez   What: Foreclosure workshop – free, confidential counseling for families facing or concerned about facing foreclosure.   When: Saturday, December 1, 2007 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Note: this event is workshop format so those seeking help are encouraged to stop by at any point during the event.   Where: Stockton Arena Conference Room 248 West Fremont St. Stockton, CA     ***Press is welcome to attend the workshop. Given that counselors meeting with families will be discussing sensitive financial data, an appropriate level of respect and privacy is requested.*** ... view more


WASHINGTON – Congressman Jerry McNerney (CA-11) and Congressman Dennis Cardoza (CA-18) today announced that due to the level of interest, their foreclosure workshop this Saturday, December 1, at the Stockton Arena has been extended an additional hour.  Counselors will now be on hand until 1 p.m. and participants are encouraged to drop by anytime between 10 a.m. and 1 p.m.   Counselors will be available from government agencies such as the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), the California Housing Finance Authority, and the Stockton Housing Department, as well as non-profits such as NeighborWorks and Consumer Credit Counseling.  The workshop will provide free, confidential advice to families facing foreclosure or worried about making their mortgage payments.  To make the most of the time with counselors, participants are asked to bring all relevant mortgage and financial paperwork.   Who: Congressman Jerry McNerney Congressman Dennis Cardoza State Senator Michael Machado Assemblymember Greg Aghazarian Mayor Ed Chavez   What: Foreclosure workshop – free, confidential counseling for families facing or concerned about facing foreclosure.   When: Saturday, December 1, 2007 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Note: this event is workshop format so those seeking help are encouraged to stop by at any point during the event.   Where: Stockton Arena Conference Room 248 West Fremont St. Stockton, CA     ***Press is welcome to attend the workshop. Given that counselors meeting with families will be discussing sensitive financial data, an appropriate level of respect and privacy is requested.*** ... view more