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Congressman Dennis Cardoza
18th Congressional District of California

Cardoza Helps Unveil "New Partnership For America's Future"

Plan Addresses Challenges of Middle Class Families

September 22, 2004
CONTACT:  Bret Ladine
(202) 225-6131

WASHINGTON - Rep. Dennis Cardoza, D-Merced, joined other House Democrats on the Capitol steps today to unveil the New Partnership for America's Future. This new agenda was developed to address the needs of today's middle class families, including good jobs, affordable health care, and safe communities.


"The agenda we unveiled is based on six core values: prosperity, national security, fairness, community, opportunity and accountability," Cardoza said.  "From these values, we have developed goals that are backed by sound strategies for legislative action. We are committed to taking the bold steps needed to strengthen the middle class that is the heart of our democracy."


The New Partnership for America's Future:


- promotes prosperity by creating new jobs, enacting middle class tax relief, and rewarding companies that create jobs at home;

- provides security with a strong military, sound diplomatic alliances, new resources for our first responders, and tighter security at our ports;  

- ensures fairness by lowering the cost of health care, ensuring equal opportunity, and protecting Social Security;

- provides opportunity through high-quality early childhood education, vibrant and accountable public schools, and an affordable college education;

- supports community by strengthening law enforcement, promoting clean air standards, expanding affordable housing, and enhancing transportation infrastructure; and

- demands accountability from our government by restoring fiscal responsibility and holding those in power responsible for their actions.


"I think it's the right agenda for the Central Valley, and these values are at the core of my efforts in Congress," Cardoza said.


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