News From…

Congressman Dennis Cardoza
18th Congressional District of California

Cardoza, Radanovich Praise Air National Guard Move Recommendation

129th Rescue Wing Move To Castle Will Help Economy, Raise Soldier Morale

May 5, 2004
CONTACT:  Bret Ladine
(202) 225-6131

WASHINGTON – Congressman Dennis Cardoza, D-Merced, and Congressman George Radanovich, R-Mariposa, hailed the Air National Guard’s decision today to recommend the move of the 129th Rescue Wing (RQW) of the California Air National Guard from Moffett Federal Airfield to Castle Airport in Merced County.

"After numerous meetings, I am encouraged to see that bureaucracy was set aside and the economic and personal needs of these soldiers were heard," Radanovich said.

"This is a great day for the San Joaquin Valley," Cardoza said. "The recommendation by the Air National Guard is the biggest step toward bringing the 129th Rescue Wing to Castle. I’m pleased the Guard concluded that the move to Castle is the correct course of action. The facts clearly demonstrate that Castle is a superior location."

"Independent studies prove that moving the 129th to Castle Airport will improve readiness, increase morale and will be more cost-efficient for taxpayers. Moving the 129th will also give a big boost to the San Joaquin Valley economy," Radanovich continued.

Working against stiff opposition from Bay Area interests, Cardoza and Radanovich have fought for over a year to secure the 129th Rescue Wing, which would bring hundreds of jobs and an economic boost to the Central Valley. The relocation would also save the Air National Guard tens of millions of dollars and help alleviate recruitment problems.

To help promote the move, both Cardoza and Radanovich have met and spoken frequently with top Pentagon officials, rallying dozens of members of Congress in both parties to support their efforts.

"I want to thank all of my colleagues who have made their feelings known to the Air National Guard, especially Congressman Radanovich," Cardoza said. "Other members of the Valley delegation, including Congressmen Pombo, Dooley, and Nunes, have also been helpful. Several additional Republican members of the California delegation and a host of my Blue Dog Democratic collegues provided valuable assistance. They all have been indispensable in this process, and it appears that our efforts have paid off."

Radanovich added, "I want to thank the United Air Force, the Air National Guard, Jerry Lewis, Chairman of the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Defense, Duncan Hunter, Chairman of the House Committee on Armed Services, and California State Senator Jeff Denham for their efforts in making this strategic move a reality."

The 129th RQW is currently headquartered at Moffett Federal Airfield in the Bay Area, but many of those who serve in the unit live in the San Joaquin Valley area due to the high cost of living near Moffett. The commute time to Moffett is a drain on morale and seriously hinders the unit’s readiness when called into action.



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