News From…

Congressman Dennis Cardoza
18th Congressional District of California

Cardoza Hails Passage Of CALFED Legislation

Valley Lawmaker Opposes Efforts To Weaken Bill

July 9, 2004
CONTACT:  Bret Ladine
(202) 225-6131

WASHINGTON – Rep. Dennis Cardoza, D-Merced, voted today for the Water Supply, Reliability, And Environmental Improvement Act, a bill by Rep. Ken Calvert, R-Corona, that would accelerate the creation of additional water storage in the Central Valley.  Cardoza was an original co-sponsor of the bill.


“Those of us who have pushed for additional surface storage have finally been heard,” said Cardoza.  “I’m proud of the way in which bipartisan agreement was reached.  Water storage projects are critical to California’s future and they are prominent components of this measure.”


The legislation aims to keep CALFED, and surface storage projects in particular, moving forward expeditiously by allowing new storage projects to proceed once they are determined to be feasible by the Secretary of the Interior, unless Congress objects.  Cardoza helped lead the fight on the floor of the House to defeat an effort that would have removed this provision from the bill.


In addition, the legislation establishes a process to increase water supply for Valley farmers while improving water quality in the Delta.


“The measure we passed today is a monumental achievement because it brought together parties that, in the past, have been unable to agree,” Cardoza added.  “These stakeholders have worked diligently for months to develop some creative opportunities for additional conveyance.  They have also addressed some of the extremely tough water quality problems in the Delta and issues faced by my constituents on the eastern side of San Joaquin County.  These provisions are critical and must remain a part of the final CALFED bill.”


Cardoza supports Senator Dianne Feinstein’s bill, S. 1097, which is the Senate version of the CALFED legislation.


“I believe that any remaining concerns will be addressed in the conference committee,” Cardoza said.


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