News From…

Congressman Dennis Cardoza
18th Congressional District of California

Cardoza Announces Showing of Congressional Art Competition Entries


Tidewater Art Gallery in Stockton to Display Entries on May 17th and 18th

April 25, 2008
CONTACT:  Jamie McInerney
(202) 225-6131

WASHINGTON – Today, Rep. Dennis Cardoza announced details about where and when this year’s Congressional Art Competition entries will be on display for the public.  On Saturday May 17th and Sunday May 18th the Tidewater Gallery, at 223 E. Weber Ave. in Stockton, will showcase the art competition entries featuring about 25 high school artists from throughout the 18th Congressional District.  There will be a reception on Sunday May 18 at 2 PM.
The competition provides an opportunity to showcase the talent of creative young artists from the 18th District.  The winning entry is displayed for one year in the frequently used tunnel space between the U.S. Capitol and the Cannon House Office Building in Washington, D.C. 
The impressive annual exhibit represents the combined efforts of Members of Congress, students, and teachers, who encourage their students to enter the competition. The winner from each Congressional District and one guest are invited to a Capitol Hill reception on June 25th that highlights their accomplishments in conjunction with the hanging of their artwork. The reception traditionally features a celebrity from the entertainment industry. Roundtrip airfare to Washington, DC will be provided for the Art Competition winner and two guests.
The deadline for submitting entries to any of Rep. Cardoza’s district offices is May 2nd. More information can be found here: or by contacting Ellen Powell at (209) 946-0361 or


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