Title 32--National Defense



TEXT PDF728.1 Mission of Navy Medical Department facilities.
TEXT PDF728.2 Definitions.
TEXT PDF728.3 General restrictions and priorities.
TEXT PDF728.4 Policies.
TEXT PDF728.11 Eligible beneficiaries.
TEXT PDF728.12 Extent of care.
TEXT PDF728.13 Application for care.
TEXT PDF728.14 Pay patients.
TEXT PDF728.21 Navy and Marine Corps reservists.
TEXT PDF728.22 Members of other reserve components of the uniformed services.
TEXT PDF728.23 Reserve Officers' Training Corps (ROTC).
TEXT PDF728.24 Navy and Marine Corps Officer Candidate Programs.
TEXT PDF728.25 Army and Air Force National Guard personnel.
TEXT PDF728.31 Eligible beneficiaries and health benefits authorized.
TEXT PDF728.32 Application for care.
TEXT PDF728.33 Nonavailability statement (DD 1251).
TEXT PDF728.34 Care beyond the capabilities of a naval MTF.
TEXT PDF728.35 Coordination of benefits--third party payers.
TEXT PDF728.36 Pay patients.
TEXT PDF728.41 General provisions.
TEXT PDF728.43 Members of other foreign military services and their dependents.
TEXT PDF728.44 Members of security assistance training programs, foreign military sales, and their ITO authorized dependents.
TEXT PDF728.45 Civilian components (employees of foreign military services) and their dependents.
TEXT PDF728.46 Charges and collection.
TEXT PDF728.51 General provisions--the ``Economy Act.''
TEXT PDF728.52 Veterans Administration beneficiaries (VAB).
TEXT PDF728.53 Department of Labor, Office of Workers' Compensation Programs (OWCP) beneficiaries.
TEXT PDF728.54 U.S. Public Health Service (USPHS), other than members of the uniformed services.
TEXT PDF728.55 Department of Justice beneficiaries.
TEXT PDF728.56 Treasury Department beneficiaries.
TEXT PDF728.57 Department of State and associated agencies.
TEXT PDF728.58 Federal Aviation Agency (FAA) beneficiaries.
TEXT PDF728.59 Peace Corps beneficiaries.
TEXT PDF728.60 Job Corps and Volunteers in Service to America (VISTA) beneficiaries.
TEXT PDF728.61 Medicare beneficiaries.
TEXT PDF728.71 Ex-service maternity care.
TEXT PDF728.72 Applicants for enrollment in the Senior Reserve Officers' Training Program.
TEXT PDF728.73 Applicants for enlistment or reenlistment in the Armed Forces, and applicants for enlistment in the reserve components.
TEXT PDF728.74 Applicants for appointment in the regular Navy or Marine Corps and reserve components, including members of the reserve components who apply for active duty.
TEXT PDF728.75 Applicants for cadetship at service academies and applicants for the Uniformed Services University of Health Sciences (USUHS).
TEXT PDF728.76 Naval Home residents.
TEXT PDF728.77 Secretarial designees.
TEXT PDF728.78 American Red Cross representatives and their dependents.
TEXT PDF728.79 Employees of Federal contractors and subcontractors.
TEXT PDF728.80 U.S. Government employees.
TEXT PDF728.81 Other civilians.
TEXT PDF728.82 Individuals whose military records are being considered for correction.
TEXT PDF728.83 Persons in military custody and nonmilitary Federal prisoners.
TEXT PDF728.91 General.
TEXT PDF728.92 Policy.
TEXT PDF728.93 Chart of adjuncts.
TEXT PDF728.101 General.
TEXT PDF728.102 Care from other than Federal sources.
TEXT PDF728.111 General.
TEXT PDF728.112 Responsibilities.
TEXT PDF728.113 Categories of pay patients.

