Complete List: Barney's White House ABC's

Americans - the people the President serves
Barney - the President's Scottish Terrier who loves to learn
Children - the future of our country
Dreams - the President hopes you will dream big dreams
Education - getting an education is a good choice you can make
First Lady - Laura Bush, the President's wife and a former public school librarian
George W. - the President's first name and middle initial
Honor - showing respect to others and the nation
India - the President's cat who loves history
July Fourth - Independence Day, the country's birthday
Keeping your word - a good trait to have
Lynne Cheney - the Vice President's wife.
Marine One - the President's helicopter. "Marine One" is the call sign used when the President is on board one of the marine helicopters.
Number 43 - President George W. Bush is the 43rd President of the United States.
Oval Office - the President's office in the West Wing
President Bush - President George W. Bush took the oath of office on January 20, 2001.
Quality - striving to do your best in everything you do
Reading - if you learn to read, you can do much more
Spotty - the President's dog whose "dream job" is to be a White House tour guide
Texas - the President's home state. Ofelia, the longhorn cow, lives on the president and First Lady's ranch in Crawford, Texas.
United States - the country the President serves
Vice President - Richard B. Cheney, the Vice President of the United States
White House - the President's home and office. The White House is also called the People's House.
X-extra - doing more than is required at school, work, and home
You - You can make a difference
Zest - being excited about learning

Barney's White House ABC's
a-b-c  |  d-e-f  |  g-h-i  |  j-k-l  |  m-n-o  |  p-q-r  |  s-t-u  |  v-w-x  |  y-z  |  complete list