NOAA Satellite and Information Service
National Oceanographic Data Center


Casts added since WOD01
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DatasetNumber of casts Composite file with data updates sorted by dataset
.O. observed level data     .S. standard level data
OSD - Ocean Station Data [Bottle, low resolution CTD/XCTD, plankton data]137,395   whatsnew.O.OSDw5.gz   whatsnew.S.OSDw5.gz
CTD - High-resolution Conductivity-Temperature-Depth/XCTD data132,010   whatsnew.O.CTDw5.gz   whatsnew.S.CTDw5.gz
MBT - Mechanical/Digital/Micro
Bathythermograph data
45,729   whatsnew.O.MBTw5.gz   whatsnew.S.MBTw5.gz
XBT - Expendable Bathythermograph data186,809   whatsnew.O.XBTw5.gz   whatsnew.S.XBTw5.gz
SUR - Surface-only data4,435 cruises   whatsnew.O.SURw5.gz   not interpolated
MRB - Moored buoy data147,435   whatsnew.O.MRBw5.gz   whatsnew.S.MRBw5.gz
PFL - Profiling float data146,351   whatsnew.O.PFLw5.gz   whatsnew.S.PFLw5.gz
DRB - Drifting buoy data58,015   whatsnew.O.DRBw5.gz   whatsnew.S.DRBw5.gz
UOR - Undulating Oceanographic Recorder data9,054   whatsnew.O.UORw5.gz   whatsnew.S.UORw5.gz
GLD - Glider data338   whatsnew.O.GLDw5.gz   whatsnew.S.GLDw5.gz
Casts removed since the release of WOD01
  More information about downloading and reading the data files
Dataset Listing of the removed Unique Cast Numbers
OSD - Ocean Station Data [Bottle, low resolution CTD/XCTD, plankton data]   removed.OSD
CTD - High-resolution Conductivity-Temperature-Depth/XCTD data   removed.CTD
MBT - Mechanical/Digital/Micro
Bathythermograph data
XBT - Expendable Bathythermograph data   removed.XBT
MRB - Moored buoy data   removed.MRB
DRB - Drifting buoy data   removed.DRB
PFL - Profiling float data   removed.PFL
Casts with major updates since the release of WOD01
  More information about downloading and reading the data files
A major update means a change to position, date/time, depth, and/or measured variables. These updates do not include the addition to casts of measured variables which were not available as part of WOD01.
Dataset Composite file with data updates sorted by dataset
.O. observed level data     .S. standard level data
OSD - Ocean Station Data [Bottle, low resolution CTD/XCTD, plankton data]   whatschanged.O.OSDw5.gz   whatschanged.S.OSDw5.gz
CTD - High-resolution Conductivity-Temperature-Depth/XCTD data   whatschanged.O.CTDw5.gz   whatschanged.S.CTDw5.gz
MBT - Mechanical/Digital/Micro
Bathythermograph data
  whatschanged.O.MBTw5.gz   whatschanged.S.MBTw5.gz
XBT - Expendable Bathythermograph data   whatschanged.O.XBTw5.gz   whatschanged.S.XBTw5.gz
MRB - Moored buoy data   whatschanged.O.MRBw5.gz   whatschanged.S.MRBw5.gz
PFL - Profiling float data   whatschanged.O.PFLw5.gz   whatschanged.S.PFLw5.gz

  Last modified:    Wed, 27-Feb-2008 18:42 UTC
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