Title 26--Internal Revenue



TEXT PDF1.501(a)-1 Exemption from taxation.
TEXT PDF1.501(c)(2)-1 Corporations organized to hold title to property for exempt organizations.
TEXT PDF1.501(c)(3)-1 Organizations organized and operated for religious, charitable, scientific, testing for public safety, literary, or educational purposes, or for the prevention of cruelty to children or animals.
TEXT PDF1.501(c)(4)-1 Civic organizations and local associations of employees.
TEXT PDF1.501(c)(5)-1 Labor, agricultural, and horticultural organizations.
TEXT PDF1.501(c)(6)-1 Business leagues, chambers of commerce, real estate boards, and boards of trade.
TEXT PDF1.501(c)(7)-1 Social clubs.
TEXT PDF1.501(c)(8)-1 Fraternal beneficiary societies.
TEXT PDF1.501(c)(9)-1 Voluntary employees' beneficiary associations, in general.
TEXT PDF1.501(c)(9)-2 Membership in a voluntary employees' beneficiary association; employees; voluntary association of employees.
TEXT PDF1.501(c)(9)-3 Voluntary employees' beneficiary associations; life, sick, accident, or other benefits.
TEXT PDF1.501(c)(9)-4 Voluntary employees' beneficiary associations; inurement.
TEXT PDF1.501(c)(9)-5 Voluntary employees' beneficiary associations; recordkeeping requirements.
TEXT PDF1.501(c)(9)-6 Voluntary employees' beneficiary associations; benefits includible in gross income.
TEXT PDF1.501(c)(9)-7 Voluntary employees' beneficiary associations; section 3(4) of ERISA.
TEXT PDF1.501(c)(9)-8 Voluntary employees' beneficiary associations; effective date.
TEXT PDF1.501(c)(10)-1 Certain fraternal beneficiary societies.
TEXT PDF1.501(c)(12)-1 Local benevolent life insurance associations, mutual irrigation and telephone companies, and like organizations.
TEXT PDF1.501(c)(13)-1 Cemetery companies and crematoria.
TEXT PDF1.501(c)(14)-1 Credit unions and mutual insurance funds.
TEXT PDF1.501(c)(15)-1 Mutual insurance companies or associations.
TEXT PDF1.501(c)(16)-1 Corporations organized to finance crop operations.
TEXT PDF1.501(c)(17)-1 Supplemental unemployment benefit trusts.
TEXT PDF1.501(c)(17)-2 General rules.
TEXT PDF1.501(c)(17)-3 Relation to other sections of the Code.
TEXT PDF1.501(c)(18)-1 Certain funded pension trusts.
TEXT PDF1.501(c)(19)-1 War veterans organizations.
TEXT PDF1.501(c)(21)-1 Black lung trusts--certain terms.
TEXT PDF1.501(c)(21)-2 Same--trust instrument.
TEXT PDF1.501(d)-1 Religious and apostolic associations or corporations.
TEXT PDF1.501(e)-1 Cooperative hospital service organizations.
TEXT PDF1.501(h)-1 Application of the expenditure test to expenditures to influence legislation; introduction.
TEXT PDF1.501(h)-2 Electing the expenditure test.
TEXT PDF1.501(h)-3 Lobbying or grass roots expenditures normally in excess of ceiling amount.
TEXT PDF1.501(k)-1 Communist-controlled organizations.
TEXT PDF1.502-1 Feeder organizations.
TEXT PDF1.503(a)-1 Denial of exemption to certain organizations engaged in prohibited transactions.
TEXT PDF1.503(b)-1 Prohibited transactions.
TEXT PDF1.503(c)-1 Future status of organizations denied exemption.
TEXT PDF1.503(d)-1 Cross references.
TEXT PDF1.503(e)-1 Special rules.
TEXT PDF1.503(e)-2 Requirements.
TEXT PDF1.503(e)-3 Effective dates.
TEXT PDF1.503(e)-4 Disallowance of charitable deductions for certain gifts made before January 1, 1970.
TEXT PDF1.503(f)-1 Loans by employers who are prohibited from pledging assets.
TEXT PDF1.504-1 Attempts to influence legislation; certain organizations formerly described in section 501(c)(3) denied exemption.
TEXT PDF1.504-2 Certain transfers made to avoid section 504(a).
TEXT PDF1.505(c)-1T Questions and answers relating to the notification requirement for recognition of exemption under paragraphs (9), (17) and (20) of Section 501(c) (temporary).
TEXT PDF1.507-1 General rule.
TEXT PDF1.507-2 Special rules; transfer to, or operation as, public charity.
TEXT PDF1.507-3 Special rules; transferee foundations.
TEXT PDF1.507-4 Imposition of tax.
TEXT PDF1.507-5 Aggregate tax benefit; in general.
TEXT PDF1.507-6 Substantial contributor defined.
TEXT PDF1.507-7 Value of assets.
TEXT PDF1.507-8 Liability in case of transfers.
TEXT PDF1.507-9 Abatement of taxes.
TEXT PDF1.508-1 Notices.
TEXT PDF1.508-2 Disallowance of certain charitable, etc., deductions.
TEXT PDF1.508-3 Governing instruments.
TEXT PDF1.508-4 Effective date.
TEXT PDF1.509(a)-1 Definition of private foundation.
TEXT PDF1.509(a)-2 Exclusion for certain organizations described in section 170(b)(1)(A).
TEXT PDF1.509(a)-3 Broadly, publicly supported organizations.
TEXT PDF1.509(a)-4 Supporting organizations.
TEXT PDF1.509(a)-5 Special rules of attribution.
TEXT PDF1.509(a)-6 Classification under section 509(a).
TEXT PDF1.509(a)-7 Reliance by grantors and contributors to section 509(a) (1), (2), and (3) organizations.
TEXT PDF1.509(b)-1 Continuation of private foundation status.
TEXT PDF1.509(c)-1 Status of organization after termination of private foundation status.
TEXT PDF1.509(d)-1 Definition of support
TEXT PDF1.509(e)-1 Definition of gross investment income.
TEXT PDF1.511-1 Imposition and rates of tax.
TEXT PDF1.511-2 Organizations subject to tax.
TEXT PDF1.511-3 Provisions generally applicable to the tax on unrelated business income.
TEXT PDF1.511-4 Minimum tax for tax preferences.
TEXT PDF1.512(a)-1 Definition.
TEXT PDF1.512(a)-2 Definition applicable to taxable years beginning before December 13, 1967.
TEXT PDF1.512(a)-4 Special rules applicable to war veterans organizations.
TEXT PDF1.512(a)-5T Questions and answers relating to the unrelated business taxable income of organizations described in paragraphs (9), (17) or (20) of Section 501(c) (temporary).
TEXT PDF1.512(b)-1 Modifications.
TEXT PDF1.512(c)-1 Special rules applicable to partnerships; in general.
TEXT PDF1.513-1 Definition of unrelated trade or business.
TEXT PDF1.513-2 Definition of unrelated trade or business applicable to taxable years beginning before December 13, 1967.
TEXT PDF1.513-3 Qualified convention and trade show activity.
TEXT PDF1.513-5 Certain bingo games not unrelated trade or business.
TEXT PDF1.513-6 Certain hospital services not unrelated trade or business.
TEXT PDF1.513-7 Travel and tour activities of tax exempt organizations.
TEXT PDF1.514(a)-1 Unrelated debt-financed income and deductions.
TEXT PDF1.514(a)-2 Business lease rents and deductions for taxable years beginning before January 1, 1970.
TEXT PDF1.514(b)-1 Definition of debt-financed property.
TEXT PDF1.514(c)-1 Acquisition indebtedness.
TEXT PDF1.514(c)-2 Permitted allocations under section 514(c)(9)(E).
TEXT PDF1.514(d)-1 Basis of debt-financed property acquired in corporate liquidation.
TEXT PDF1.514(e)-1 Allocation rules.
TEXT PDF1.514(f)-1 Definition of business lease.
TEXT PDF1.514(g)-1 Business lease indebtedness.
TEXT PDF1.521-1 Farmers' cooperative marketing and purchasing associations; requirements for exemption under section 521.
TEXT PDF1.522-1 Tax treatment of farmers' cooperative marketing and purchasing associations exempt under section 521.
TEXT PDF1.522-2 Manner of taxation of cooperative associations subject to section 522.
TEXT PDF1.522-3 Patronage dividends, rebates, or refunds; treatment as to cooperative associations entitled to tax treatment under section 522.
TEXT PDF1.522-4 Taxable years affected.
TEXT PDF1.527-1 Political organizations; generally.
TEXT PDF1.527-2 Definitions.
TEXT PDF1.527-3 Exempt function income.
TEXT PDF1.527-4 Special rules for computation of political organization taxable income.
TEXT PDF1.527-5 Activities resulting in gross income to an individual or political organization.
TEXT PDF1.527-6 Inclusion of certain amounts in the gross income of an exempt organization which is not a political organization.
TEXT PDF1.527-7 Newsletter funds.
TEXT PDF1.527-8 Effective date; filing requirements; and miscellaneous provisions.
TEXT PDF1.527-9 Special rule for principal campaign committees.
TEXT PDF1.528-1 Homeowners associations.
TEXT PDF1.528-2 Organized and operated to provide for the acquisition, construction, management, maintenance and care of association property.
TEXT PDF1.528-3 Association property.
TEXT PDF1.528-4 Substantiality test.
TEXT PDF1.528-5 Source of income test.
TEXT PDF1.528-6 Expenditure test.
TEXT PDF1.528-7 Inurement.
TEXT PDF1.528-8 Election to be treated as a homeowners association.
TEXT PDF1.528-9 Exempt function income.
TEXT PDF1.528-10 Special rules for computation of homeowners association taxable income and tax.
TEXT PDF1.531-1 Imposition of tax.
TEXT PDF1.532-1 Corporations subject to accumulated earnings tax.
TEXT PDF1.533-1 Evidence of purpose to avoid income tax.
TEXT PDF1.533-2 Statement required.
TEXT PDF1.534-1 Burden of proof as to unreasonable accumulations generally.
TEXT PDF1.534-2 Burden of proof as to unreasonable accumulations in cases before the Tax Court.
TEXT PDF1.534-3 Jeopardy assessments in Tax Court cases.
TEXT PDF1.535-1 Definition.
TEXT PDF1.535-2 Adjustments to taxable income.
TEXT PDF1.535-3 Accumulated earnings credit.
TEXT PDF1.536-1 Short taxable years.
TEXT PDF1.537-1 Reasonable needs of the business.
TEXT PDF1.537-2 Grounds for accumulation of earnings and profits.
TEXT PDF1.537-3 Business of the corporation.
TEXT PDF1.541-1 Imposition of tax.
TEXT PDF1.542-1 General rule.
TEXT PDF1.542-2 Gross income requirement.
TEXT PDF1.542-3 Stock ownership requirement.
TEXT PDF1.542-4 Corporations filing consolidated returns.
TEXT PDF1.543-1 Personal holding company income.
TEXT PDF1.543-2 Limitation on gross income and personal holding company income in transactions involving stocks, securities, and commodities.
TEXT PDF1.544-1 Constructive ownership.
TEXT PDF1.544-2 Constructive ownership by reason of indirect ownership.
TEXT PDF1.544-3 Constructive ownership by reason of family and partnership ownership.
TEXT PDF1.544-4 Options.
TEXT PDF1.544-5 Convertible securities.
TEXT PDF1.544-6 Constructive ownership as actual ownership.
TEXT PDF1.544-7 Option rule in lieu of family and partnership rule.
TEXT PDF1.545-1 Definition.
TEXT PDF1.545-2 Adjustments to taxable income.
TEXT PDF1.545-3 Special adjustment to taxable income.
TEXT PDF1.547-1 General rule.
TEXT PDF1.547-2 Requirements for deficiency dividends.
TEXT PDF1.547-3 Claim for credit or refund.
TEXT PDF1.547-4 Effect on dividends paid deduction.
TEXT PDF1.547-5 Deduction denied in case of fraud or wilful failure to file timely return.
TEXT PDF1.547-6 Suspension of statute of limitations and stay of collection.
TEXT PDF1.547-7 Effective date.
TEXT PDF1.551-1 General rule.
TEXT PDF1.551-2 Amount included in gross income.
TEXT PDF1.551-3 Deduction for obligations of the United States and its instrumentalities.
TEXT PDF1.551-4 Information in return.
TEXT PDF1.551-5 Effect on capital account of foreign personal holding company and basis of stock in hands of shareholders.
TEXT PDF1.552-1 Definition of foreign personal holding company.
TEXT PDF1.552-2 Gross income requirement.
TEXT PDF1.552-3 Stock ownership requirement.
TEXT PDF1.552-4 Certain excluded banks.
TEXT PDF1.552-5 United States shareholder of excluded bank.
TEXT PDF1.553-1 Foreign personal holding company income.
TEXT PDF1.554-1 Stock ownership.
TEXT PDF1.555-1 General rule.
TEXT PDF1.555-2 Additions to gross income.
TEXT PDF1.556-1 Definition.
TEXT PDF1.556-2 Adjustments to taxable income.
TEXT PDF1.556-3 Illustration of computation of undistributed foreign personal holding company income.
TEXT PDF1.561-1 Deduction for dividends paid.
TEXT PDF1.561-2 When dividends are considered paid.
TEXT PDF1.562-1 Dividends for which the dividends paid deduction is allowable.
TEXT PDF1.562-2 Preferential dividends.
TEXT PDF1.562-3 Distributions by a member of an affiliated group.
TEXT PDF1.563-1 Accumulated earnings tax.
TEXT PDF1.563-2 Personal holding company tax.
TEXT PDF1.563-3 Dividends considered as paid on last day of taxable year.
TEXT PDF1.564-1 Dividend carryover.
TEXT PDF1.565-1 General rule.
TEXT PDF1.565-2 Limitations.
TEXT PDF1.565-3 Effect of consent.
TEXT PDF1.565-4 Consent dividends and other distributions.
TEXT PDF1.565-5 Nonresident aliens and foreign corporations.
TEXT PDF1.565-6 Definitions.
TEXT PDF1.581-1 Banks.
TEXT PDF1.581-2 Mutual savings banks, building and loan associations, and cooperative banks.
TEXT PDF1.581-3 Definition of bank prior to September 28, 1962.
TEXT PDF1.582-1 Bad debts, losses, and gains with respect to securities held by financial institutions.
TEXT PDF1.584-1 Common trust funds.
TEXT PDF1.584-2 Income of participants in common trust fund.
TEXT PDF1.584-3 Computation of common trust fund income.
TEXT PDF1.584-4 Admission and withdrawal of participants in the common trust fund.
TEXT PDF1.584-5 Returns of banks with respect to common trust funds.
TEXT PDF1.584-6 Net operating loss deduction.
TEXT PDF1.585-1 Reserve for losses on loans of banks.
TEXT PDF1.585-2 Addition to reserve.
TEXT PDF1.585-3 Special rules.
TEXT PDF1.585-4 Reorganizations and asset acquisitions.
TEXT PDF1.585-5 Denial of bad debt reserves for large banks.
TEXT PDF1.585-6 Recapture method of changing from the reserve method of section 585.
TEXT PDF1.585-7 Elective cut-off method of changing from the reserve method of section 585.
TEXT PDF1.585-8 Rules for making and revoking elections under 1.585-6 and 1.585-7.
TEXT PDF1.586-1 Reserve for losses on loans of small business investment companies, etc.
TEXT PDF1.586-2 Addition to reserve.
TEXT PDF1.591-1 Deduction for dividends paid on deposits.
TEXT PDF1.592-1 Repayment of certain loans by mutual savings banks, building and loan associations, and cooperative banks.
TEXT PDF1.593-1 Additions to reserve for bad debts.
TEXT PDF1.593-2 Additions to reserve for bad debts where surplus, reserves, and undivided profits equal or exceed 12 percent of deposits or withdrawable accounts.
TEXT PDF1.593-3 Taxable years affected.
TEXT PDF1.593-4 Organizations to which section 593 applies.
TEXT PDF1.593-5 Addition to reserves for bad debts.
TEXT PDF1.593-6 Pre-1970 addition to reserve for losses on qualifying real property loans.
TEXT PDF1.593-6A Post-1969 addition to reserve for losses on qualifying real property loans.
TEXT PDF1.593-7 Establishment and treatment of reserves for bad debts.
TEXT PDF1.593-8 Allocation of pre-1952 surplus to opening balance of reserve for losses on qualifying real property loans.
TEXT PDF1.593-10 Certain distributions to shareholders by a domestic building and loan association.
TEXT PDF1.593-11 Qualifying real property loan and nonqualifying loan defined.
TEXT PDF1.594-1 Mutual savings banks conducting life insurance business.
TEXT PDF1.595-1 Treatment of foreclosed property by certain creditors.
TEXT PDF1.596-1 Limitation on dividends received deduction.
TEXT PDF1.597-1 Definitions.
TEXT PDF1.597-2 Taxation of Federal financial assistance.
TEXT PDF1.597-3 Other rules.
TEXT PDF1.597-4 Bridge Banks and Agency Control.
TEXT PDF1.597-5 Taxable Transfers.
TEXT PDF1.597-6 Limitation on collection of income tax.
TEXT PDF1.597-7 Effective date.
TEXT PDF1.597-8 Transitional rules for Federal financial assistance.
TEXT PDF1.601-1 Special deduction for bank affiliates.
TEXT PDF1.611-0 Regulatory authority.
TEXT PDF1.611-1 Allowance of deduction for depletion.
TEXT PDF1.611-2 Rules applicable to mines, oil and gas wells, and other natural deposits.
TEXT PDF1.611-3 Rules applicable to timber.
TEXT PDF1.611-4 Depletion as a factor in computing earnings and profits for dividend purposes.
TEXT PDF1.611-5 Depreciation of improvements.
TEXT PDF1.612-1 Basis for allowance of cost depletion.
TEXT PDF1.612-2 Allowable capital additions in case of mines.
TEXT PDF1.612-3 Depletion; treatment of bonus and advanced royalty.
TEXT PDF1.612-4 Charges to capital and to expense in case of oil and gas wells.
TEXT PDF1.612-5 Charges to capital and to expense in case of geothermal wells.
TEXT PDF1.613-1 Percentage depletion; general rule.
TEXT PDF1.613-2 Percentage depletion rates.
TEXT PDF1.613-3 Gross income from the property.
TEXT PDF1.613-4 Gross income from the property in the case of minerals other than oil and gas.
TEXT PDF1.613-5 Taxable income from the property.
TEXT PDF1.613-6 Statement to be attached to return when depletion is claimed on percentage basis.
TEXT PDF1.613-7 Application of percentage depletion rates provided in section 613(b) to certain taxable years ending in 1954.
TEXT PDF1.613A-0 Limitations on percentage depletion in the case of oil and gas wells; table of contents.
TEXT PDF1.613A-1 Post-1974 limitations on percentage depletion in case of oil and gas wells; general rule.
TEXT PDF1.613A-2 Exemption for certain domestic gas wells.
TEXT PDF1.613A-3 Exemption for independent producers and royalty owners.
TEXT PDF1.613A-4 Limitations on application of 1.613A-3 exemption.
TEXT PDF1.613A-5 Election under section 613A(c)(4).
TEXT PDF1.613A-6 Recordkeeping requirements.
TEXT PDF1.613A-7 Definitions.
TEXT PDF1.614-0 Introduction.
TEXT PDF1.614-1 Definition of property.
TEXT PDF1.614-2 Election to aggregate separate operating mineral interests under section 614(b) prior to its amendment by Revenue Act of 1964.
TEXT PDF1.614-3 Rules relating to separate operating mineral interests in the case of mines.
TEXT PDF1.614-4 Treatment under the Internal Revenue Code of 1939 with respect to separate operating mineral interests for taxable years beginning before January 1, 1964, in the case of oil and gas wells.
TEXT PDF1.614-5 Special rules as to aggregating nonoperating mineral interests.
TEXT PDF1.614-6 Rules applicable to basis, holding period, and abandonment losses where mineral interests have been aggregated or combined.
TEXT PDF1.614-7 Extension of time for performing certain acts.
TEXT PDF1.614-8 Elections with respect to separate operating mineral interests for taxable years beginning after December 31, 1963, in the case of oil and gas wells.
TEXT PDF1.615-1 Pre-1970 exploration expenditures.
TEXT PDF1.615-2 Deduction of pre-1970 exploration expenditures in the year paid or incurred.
TEXT PDF1.615-3 Election to defer pre-1970 exploration expenditures.
TEXT PDF1.615-4 Limitation of amount deductible.
TEXT PDF1.615-5 Time for making election with respect to returns due on or before May 2, 1960.
TEXT PDF1.615-6 Election to deduct under section 615.
TEXT PDF1.615-7 Effect of transfer of mineral property.
TEXT PDF1.615-8 Termination of section 615.
TEXT PDF1.615-9 Notification under Tax Reform Act of 1969.
TEXT PDF1.616-1 Development expenditures.
TEXT PDF1.616-2 Election to defer.
TEXT PDF1.616-3 Time for making election with respect to returns due on or before May 2, 1960.
TEXT PDF1.617-1 Exploration expenditures.
TEXT PDF1.617-2 Limitation on amount deductible.
TEXT PDF1.617-3 Recapture of exploration expenditures.
TEXT PDF1.617-4 Treatment of gain from disposition of certain mining property.
TEXT PDF1.621-1 Payments to encourage exploration, development, and mining for defense purposes.
TEXT PDF1.631-1 Election to consider cutting as sale or exchange.
TEXT PDF1.631-2 Gain or loss upon the disposal of timber under cutting contract.
TEXT PDF1.631-3 Gain or loss upon the disposal of coal or domestic iron ore with a retained economic interest.
TEXT PDF1.632-1 Tax on sale of oil or gas properties.
TEXT PDF1.636-1 Treatment of production payments as loans.
TEXT PDF1.636-2 Production payments retained in leasing transactions.
TEXT PDF1.636-3 Definitions.
TEXT PDF1.636-4 Effective dates of section 636.
TEXT PDF1.638-1 Continental Shelf areas.
TEXT PDF1.638-2 Effective date.

