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November 2, 2007
Lawmakers Greet FCC's Web-Data Plans, But Still Want Law

Published in The Wall Street Journal


WASHINGTON, D.C. – House Democrats have welcomed proposals by Federal Communications Commission Chairman Kevin Martin to improve the agency's broadband Internet data-collection methods, but said legislation is still needed.

This week, Dow Jones Newswires reported that Martin has proposed to the other FCC panel members increasing the data collected to measure high-speed Internet deployment. His proposals also include expanding the definition of what speeds of service constitute broadband Internet.

Responding to these plans, Reps. Mike Doyle, D-Pa., and Charlie Gonzalez, D-Texas, said they were pleased that Martin had put forward the proposals, but both said they would continue to push for legislation to direct the FCC to enhance its broadband-data collection.

"It sounds like Chairman Martin's proposal would help us get better data, but I think that legislation will still be needed," said Doyle, in a written answer to questions submitted by Dow Jones Newswires.

Both Doyle and Gonzalez are members of the House Commerce Committee, which has oversight over the FCC.

Two bills - one in the House and the other in the Senate - would instruct the FCC to substantially increase its data-gathering techniques, including working with state authorities to coordinate their efforts.

Martin's proposal, on the other hand, would move from the FCC's current approach of determining that if one residence in a Zip Code has a broadband connection, then that Zip Code is deemed to be serviced, to asking providers how many customers in a particular Zip Code have service.

In time, the FCC would move to measuring by nine-digit Zip Codes, which are smaller geographic areas.

"I appreciate they're going to make that effort - whether it adequately addresses what we're trying to do is another matter," said Gonzalez, in an interview. "I think legislation is a good thing; it addresses the commission to do certain things that are legislatively mandated."

There is widespread support on Capitol Hill for some sort of new laws to address the notion that authorities don't have a sufficient understanding of where broadband service is, or to what kinds of service people are subscribing.

Both the Senate bill in July, and the House bill last week, were passed out of committee unanimously. Neither has yet been scheduled for a vote on the floors of either chamber, but aides say they are hopeful that both bills will be debated on the main floor.

For one member of the House Commerce Committee, however, Martin's proposals are long overdue.

"The saying is: a day late and a dollar short," said Rep. Lois Capps, D-Calif. "As they come up with their proposal, they're falling short of the comprehensive national strategy that we need and that we should have had for a long time. They should look at our legislation and go from there."

A spokeswoman for the FCC said the agency always welcomes insight from members of Congress.


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