Congresswoman Lois Capps  
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December 13, 2007  
Congresswoman Capps' Speech on Consumer Product Safety

Made Before the Committee on Energy and Commerce


I would like to thank Chairman Dingell, Chairman Rush, and the committee staff for their hard work on these important bills. 

I look forward to our business today, in what Speaker Pelosi has named the “children’s Congress,” to increase the safety of our children.

As a mother and grandmother, I rely on information provided by both the private sector and the government in determining what products are safe for my family.

The Consumer Product Safety Modernization Act makes this job easier for parents across the country, and ensures that the Consumer Product Safety Commission has the tools it needs to help us protect our children.

This bill addresses the breakdowns that led to the recall of over 25 million toys this year. It mandates the pre-market testing of toys, bans industry-sponsored travel, and restores the CPSC to a five-member Commission.

I would also like to speak about the Cameron Gulbransen Kids and Cars Safety Act.

I wish that a tragedy were not the impetus for the bill that we will pass today, but I am glad that my colleague, Ms. Schakowsky, has championed this bill on behalf of all children.

A single child’s death is one too many. I look forward to the implementation of this bill’s common sense solutions, including the creation of a rear visibility performance standard.

The health and safety of our children is a responsibility that we all share. Thank you again to our Chairmen, and I yield the balance of my time.

Pictured above: (center) Congresswoman Capps meets with Central Coast firefighters to discuss emergency preparedness.



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