Congresswoman Lois Capps  
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May 10, 2007  

Congresswoman Capps' Statement on Providing for the Redeployment of United States Armed Forces and Defense Contractors from Iraq, HR 2237


I rise in strong support of this bill and of our troops.

The tragedy in Iraq has gone on far too long.

This legislation would bring our involvement there to an end.

I have listened now for more than four years as the Administration and its supporters up here have come forward with one reason after another for:

- why we have to invade,
- why we have to stay
- and what will happen if we “fail.”

They’ve never made sense to me.

Their arguments have been based either on misinformation or fear.

The Bush Administration has stumbled and bumbled, dissembled and distorted on Iraq so much that no one – no one – believes a word it says.

Last night, NBC News quoted a Republican Congressman telling the President that “word about the war and its progress cannot come from the White House or even you, Mr. President. There is no longer any credibility.”

That is the reality.

So I would urge my colleagues, as they listen to this debate and hear from the Republican leadership and White House why the McGovern bill or the Supplemental Appropriations bill are so wrong, to remember this history.

Madam Speaker, this Administration and the Republican leadership in Congress have presided over perhaps the biggest foreign policy and national security blunder in our nation’s history.

They’ve ignored, shouted down and attempted to intimidate anyone who has dared disagree.

After four years we are left with thousands of brave Americans killed or seriously injured, an untold number of Iraqis dead, and the country in chaos.

Most tragically, the cost for all these mistakes has been borne by the men and women who wear the uniform, and their families.

Our troops have done everything – everything – that has been asked of them.

But they have been let down by an Administration that dishonors their tremendous sacrifice with its incompetence and arrogance.

Let us please, finally, make a change in Iraq.

Let us end the war and bring our troops home.

I urge my colleagues to support this bill and to support our troops.

Pictured above: (center) Congresswoman Capps meets with Central Coast firefighters to discuss emergency preparedness.



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