Congresswoman Lois Capps  
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May 14, 2008  
One Minute Statement of Rep. Lois Capps

Madame Speaker, this past weekend we celebrated Mothers Day.

I was fortunate enough to celebrate with my children and grandchildren.

But sadly, many women never get the chance to celebrate this day with their family.

Throughout the world, a woman dies every minute in childbirth.

I think most of our Congressional Colleagues would be shocked to learn that this problem isn’t faced by women in developing nations alone.

The United States ranks 41st in the world, and lower than all other industrialized nations, when it comes to maternal mortality.

Let us use this opportunity, while the holiday is fresh in our minds, to renew our commitment to improving maternal health both at home and abroad.

I urge my colleagues to cosponsor HRes1022, a resolution calling attention to this problem, and thank the 117 who already have.

Thank you.


Pictured above: (center) Congresswoman Capps meets with Central Coast firefighters to discuss emergency preparedness.



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