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@denniston the former is a wash, so the latter i suppose. also, ease of api, quality of metrics, features like drip, general feeling, etc.
@kcm they distributed my personal info to a clearinghouse a few years ago, and wouldn't apologize or do anything to fix it... so never again
Annual FSF, EFF, CC donation done. What's left for the year? (eep, almost 5PM...) is rechargeable but a glorified pedometer. is more advanced but requires an ongoing sub
@jmason ah, well i guess that decides it then.
mailchimp vs vertical response - has anyone evaluated both of those recently?
(popen'ing lpr [filename] works ok, but is there something w/ more control over resizing/borders?)
i must be missing something. isn't there an easy way send an image to a printer from python in osx? am i searching wrong?
@joshu lxml w/ pyquery should give you what you want.
@meghantosh the low in West LA is tonight is gonna be 41F, lower than the mission (!)
need to be in LA this weekend. anyone want a ticket for nortec collective @ the independent on friday? ping me
@greenghoulie ha! checking out the fb pic right now. pretty neat.
surprised by how 95%+ of the challenges are so obvious. did 1% (67), franken gets 2:1 of those... http://senaterecount.startr...
@ajturner not doing anything too fancy, just idle power and average load w/ kill a watt
@mrdonut you don't have any kWh measurements :(
thought the youtube favorites limit was removed but turns it was just upped from 500 to 650. now it feels like they're just toying with me.
@kiasuchick here's my current spreadsheet w/ costs calculated from my last month's power bill:
embarking on a month-long project to measure power consumption of all my electrical/electronic devices - only need to do about 1 a day.
@Hybernaut no, definitely an ntfs-3g issue - HFS+ transfers are 30MB/s+ over USB
interesting, write speed of ntfs-3g on my linux nas (to usb) is a respectable 16MB/s but is an (embarrassingly slow) 400-600KB/s on os x


Evan Williams rabble kellan Steve Jenson Blaine Cook Chris Wetherell Eric Case veen Buzz Andersen danah boyd Jason Cosper Matt Jones BenJ Edward Ho Gordon tedr Mr Messina Daniel Jeff Bonforte Michael Sharon Michael Buffington GregElin Sanford B lane becker Glenda Derek Powazek heather joshua schachter Jaime Macias Cameron Marlow Jennifer Wally Punsapy Stewart Butterfield Caterina Courtney P Thor Muller
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