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Circular Letter No. 655

July 16, 2007

TO: Printing and Publishing Officials of the Federal Government

SUBJECT: Rider Orders for United States Statutes At Large (2006)

This is to inform all departments and agencies that the Government Printing Office has established August 17, 2007, as the ABSOLUTE deadline for the receipt of orders to ride the printing of the 2006 United States Statutes At Large, Volume 120 (which will comprise three parts forming a set). Please use the following estimated rider rate when preparing your requisitions:

Casebound Set................$146.00

The requisition (Standard Form 1) should be made out for United States Statutes At Large 2006, Vol. 120, riding jacket 49-194, and should be forwarded to:

U.S. Government Printing Office
Agency Publishing Services
Requisition Section, Stop CSA
Washington, DC 20401

Mailing charges, if incurred, will be added to your account. Please direct questions concerning this letter to Ann Mason or Joyce Ashford, Office of Congressional Publishing Services, on (202) 512-0224.


Director, Customer Services

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