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For Immediate Release
April 29, 2008
Capps Celebrates Final Passage of Bill to Preserve Piedras Blancas Light Station

Legislation Would Designate Historic Light Station as an Outstanding Natural Area, Qualifying Station for Enhanced Protection and Additional Federal Resources


WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congresswoman Lois Capps today celebrated the House’s final passage of S. 2739, the Consolidated Natural Resources Act of 2008 which includes her bill H.R. 276, the Piedras Blancas Historic Light Station Outstanding Natural Area Act.  Capps’ legislation to preserve the Piedras Blancas Light Station was initially approved by the House last year as a stand alone measure.  The President is expected to sign the bill into law soon:

“Madame Speaker, I rise in strong support of S. 2739, the Consolidated Natural Resources Act of 2008.  This bipartisan legislation consists of 61 measures that previously passed the House earlier in the 110th Congress.  Among the bill’s provisions is Section 201, which incorporates H.R. 276, the Piedras Blancas Historic Light Station Outstanding Natural Area Act of 2007, a bill I sponsored and was approved by the House on March 5, 2007, by voice vote. 

“First, I want to thank the chairman of the Natural Resources Committee, Mr. Rahall, and chairman of the Subcommittee on National Parks, Forests and Public Lands, Mr. Grijalva, as well as the ranking members of the full Committee and Subcommittee for expediting the consideration of this legislation and for bringing S. 2739 before us today.  I also want to thank Senator Bingaman, the chairman of the Energy and Natural Resources Committee, as well as Senator Feinstein and Senator Boxer for their support of the Consolidated Natural Resources Act.

“Section 201 of S. 2739 would designate the Piedras Blancas Historic Light Station – located in my congressional district – as an Outstanding Natural Area within the BLM’s National Landscape Conservation System.

“The Piedras Blancas Light Station is located on an 18 acre-parcel of BLM administered land along the Pacific Coast in San Luis Obispo County.  The property is adjacent to Pacific Coast Highway and the Hearst Castle State Historic Monument, and it looks over a pristine coastal area that includes the southern portion of the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary and California Coastal National Monument.  It is also nationally recognized as an important monitoring point for migrating whales, and is used by the U.S. Geological Survey, the National Marine Fisheries Service and a number of universities and colleges for marine wildlife and plant research. 

“The Light Station and the surrounding area are also important for tourism.  For example, the national historic Light House – built in 1879 – is a main destination focal point on the Central Coast, and the peninsula is very popular for viewing sea otters, elephant seals, and sea lions from shore.  The elephant seal colony at Piedras Blancas attracts an estimated 400,000 visitors annually.

“In 2001, BLM assumed ownership and management of the Light Station from the U.S. Coast Guard.  Since then, BLM, state and local agencies, community stakeholders and conservation groups have developed a very successful partnership to preserve the Light Station.

“Some of these partners include: the Piedras Blancas Light Station Association; California State Parks; San Luis Obispo County; the cities of Cambria and San Simeon; the California Coastal Conservancy and Coastal Commission; NOAA; and the Hearst Corporation.

“As a result of their hard work, the site was re-opened to public tours in 2003 – for the first time in 128 years!  These partners continue to work together on a series of environmental education, historical restoration and resource protection programs.  And I’m confidant they will each support and showcase this national designation if enacted.

“Madame Speaker, I also want to acknowledge the second and third-graders at Grover Heights Elementary school in my congressional district for their support of this Light Station.  In 2006, these students began the “Pennies for Piedras” campaign to raise money toward restoration of the lighthouse.  By the end of the school year, the students had raised $1337.30 in pennies to repair Piedras Blancas.  I’m happy to report the students at Grover Heights continue this wonderful effort to protect and enhance one of the Central Coast’s crown jewels.

“As you know, my legislation tracks the successful model of designating the Oregon Coast’s Yaquina Head as an Outstanding Natural Area, which was signed into law in 1980.  Yaquina Head was later included in the National Landscape Conservation System.

“Like Yaquina Head, the addition of the Piedras Blancas Light Station to the NLCS would be an important step in protecting and preserving this valuable natural and historic resource.  It will also focus attention on the restoration of the Light Station and surrounding area, specifically the three on-site National Register properties.  And, it will serve as a means to increase public awareness of the Light Station’s scientific, cultural and educational values.

“Specifically, Section 201 stresses long-term conservation of the Light Station by requiring timely completion of a management plan.  The management plan would be developed through a public process and include guidelines for restoration of the National Register of Historic Places buildings, including the Light House; public access; ecological and cultural resource management; and, fostering scientific study and research opportunities. 

“Madame Speaker, the Piedras Blancas Light Station is a wonderful resource.  It has the potential to serve as a model for future resource management, and therefore would be an appropriate addition to the BLM’s National Landscape Conservation System. 

“Again, I would like to thank the Committee on Natural Resources for supporting this bill, which among other things, will designate the Piedras Blancas Historic Light Station as an Outstanding Natural Area, and urge its immediate passage."


Pictured above: (center) Congresswoman Capps meets with Central Coast firefighters to discuss emergency preparedness.

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