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RT @klhappysurfer @MCHammer And, this one is awesome!!
Gotta love this !!!.....20 yrs later.. ...a new (third) generation feeling it !!!
Countdown to President Obama...Weekly Update
@CathrynMarie Mental Scars...scars from new flesh wounds...painfully re-opened..torn open... is there a balm that can heal the void of hope?
@CathrynMarie ..You can't wait til' the water runs over and out of a boiling pot to decide to turn down the heat. Physical damage vs Mental
myspace music party .....a
@altepper If you don't know it's me..then you're not a fallen angel as your profile claims !!!
back from CES in SF @dancejam worried about Oakland, headed to the Crunchies.... then to "The Town" .
Tweeple..Thanks for all the love on beating the bug !!! 99% gone !!! appreciate it !
@jewelfigueras it's hard to comprehend the magnitude of the heat when you don't live in the flames.
@jewelfigueras Unfortunately in many cases this is the only recourse to begin to affect change,bring attention, shed light, hear the voices.
@jewelfigueras The violence is symbolism, the same reason you hit the wall when your mad at somebody else but you hurt yourself..EXPRESSION
@carolevans_skin This is not the forum, however you will be educated on what I mean by "cultural:..conditions, communities, access (lack)..
Here's a blog post from December 2007...
@carolevans_skin Because of the cultural disconnect, America doesn't understand from a ground level these "Riots" are in "your" city soon..
RT @blast24 Update on Oakland Riots.... heartbreaking...


Jack Dorsey Biz Stone noah crystal Tony Stubblebine Adam Rugel Evan Williams sara Sarah Milstein Greg Kidd Dunstan Krissy Bush Alissa Philip Kaplan Rael Dornfest Lars Jason Goldman Chris Wetherell jo Eric Case Jason Shellen Jerry Michalski DocRob Peter Berg Noah Chris Sacca Scott Fegette Matt Galligan Jerry Richardson danah boyd Pete Hopkins Mary Hodder Yarrow Kae Bucans neha Xeni Jardin Wayne Sutton
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